Obama Administration

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They brag about leaving PRIOR to the election, but then they lie and stay and break my heart....like these Hollywood washed-ups... Liberal Logic, Shit Happens, Truth Hurts, Democrats, Liberal, Dont Tread On Me, Hypocrisy, Liberals
They brag about leaving PRIOR to the election, but then they lie and stay and break my heart....like these Hollywood washed-ups...
* Clinton Foundation, Crooked Hillary, Ben Garrison, Cartoonist
an image of a woman that is looking at the camera and has a quote on it
an old man wearing a sailor's hat and holding a pipe in his mouth
an image of a man and another man flexing their muscles for the russian language
From a Russian magazine cover.
two men standing next to each other in front of an american flag with the caption if i had a city it would look like detroit
a man holding a book in his hand with a quote from james woods on it
* Bring It On, Thing 1, Pray For America
an image of a man in uniform with the caption for 20 years the constitution has been misinderstood my executive orders will straighten all that out
two hands reaching out to each other with a thought bubble above them that says, no thanks i'm a liberal