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Twitter suspends Jordan Peterson's account after comments about Elliot Page

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Jesus Christ the cookies in that site are outrageous


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Yooo for real. I remember seeing Juno as a teen and this comment made me think, they played a pregnant high schooler and I'm older than them? Howww?

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u/SunnySaigon avatar

Algorithms writing articles, I checked his wiki after reading that

u/CuddlyLiveWires avatar

A mistake like that is far more likely a human error. Pressing 2 instead of 3, or even misreading.

AI is pretty good at maths...

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This part of the tweet is just as fucking ridiculous:

"Remember when pride was a sin?"

Fucking rich, coming from a man with that kind of ego.


I remember when I was in catholic school, a bishop taught us that the 7 deadly sins are technically not sins, since they're not actions in themselves. It's perfectly natural to feel anger; it only becomes a sin if you assault or murder someone. Likewise, pride can either lead to defying your disabilities, weaknesses, and becoming a better man, or becoming an asshole who would never admit his mistakes.

That's actually a pretty sound interpretation, too bad this kind of nuanced reasoning is not mainstream amongst Christians.

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The dude literally sells statues of his own head


Wait really?

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The best rebuttal for anyone that tries to quote this man non ironically [is his own words, from his own mouth, from his own book] (

Why have you done this to me

u/Christ_votes_dem avatar

[Jordan peterson calls into the Majority Report] (

u/SuperBeetle76 avatar

Holy shit thank you for that.


"She's black, by the way" LMAO

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u/HoneyCrumbs avatar

Literally why would anyone write that down. Or publish it. Or read it out loud??

u/Kudos2Yousguys avatar

Also the fact that he's describing a dream he had, for fuck's sake, I can't think of anything more tedious than listening to some narcissist go on about their fucking dreams.

Last night I dreamt I was cleaning up after an explosive shit while Dr McCoy from Star Trek was in the bathroom telling me about a proxy war China and the USA were having in Ghana.

u/TheArmchairSkeptic avatar

DeForest Kelley or Karl Urban?

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Just the writing down part is the biggest signal for me. What’s wrong with this guy. Why does he think we need to hear every thought that comes into his head.

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What the actual fuck

u/honey_lips avatar

Well now I know why he's such a loon. Dude really needs some intense trauma based therapy.

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what? It's a pretty standard sounding grandma pubes brush dream like we've all had countless times right? Right??

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u/dirtielaundry avatar

In case you didn't want to open Twitter, here's his quote. It's kind of've been warned.

Freud would have a field day with that one.

Freud; fuck this I'm out.

u/Romboteryx avatar

“Too fucking easy”

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Oedipus would like a word

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u/YetAnotherGilder2184 avatar

Comment rewritten. Leave reddit for a site that doesn't resent its users.

u/dirtielaundry avatar

"yes, Grandma, it's soft."

u/IWillFindYouAlex avatar

I wanted to say something snarky about that being taken out of context, but him dreaming about his Grandma stroking his face with a large paintbrush made of her pubes is so much more disgusting than anything I could imagine.

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Somehow even that synopsis is extremely forgiving and doesn't do justice to how fucked the actual dream is, let alone why he felt compelled to include it in a book.

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u/DeadWishUpon avatar

Why does he need to share this?

u/nate6259 avatar

Apparently he's in a competition with Lena Dunham for who can write the most disturbing shit that we all have no idea why they ever decided to tell everyone in a book.

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u/caughtatcustoms69 avatar

Do not click on that

u/Genetic_Nudist_AMA avatar

I really should have heeded this warning.

u/Christ_votes_dem avatar

let the grandma with dementia caress your face with her matt of pubes

dont fight it

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As a dumbass who doesn't know shit about fuck, can someone please explain what the hell is going on with this asshole?


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Why would he tell anyone that?! And then put it in an audiobook...

That's like me publishing an autobiography and writing a chapter about how one time when I wiped my ass I accidentally got a little bit of poo on my finger and smelled it

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I'm dying

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If he was an Ancient Roman I suspect this means he is vying for monarchical power

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Oh ffs. Im never looking at granny again.


So you wanna be blindfolded when stroked by the thick, soft brush? Kinky ...

You tried to warn us, and yet here I am, wishing i didn't know how to read right about now.

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u/codystockton avatar

Grandma, your pube brush is so soft on my face.

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u/blaugrana2020 avatar

I remember when he tried to claim that the Bible was the first book and the dumbasses in the Joe Rogan comment section ate it up.

Edit: a bunch of people are asking if he was referring to Gutenberg Bible so I’ll just link the exact video I was referring to.

u/Thosepassionfruits avatar

Motherfuckers have never heard of The Epic of Gilgamesh??

Gilgamesh and Enkidu at Uruk!

Darmok and Jalad at Tangara!

u/A_Fainting_Goat avatar

Shaka, when the walls fell!

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Captain's Log

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u/MC_Fap_Commander avatar

Or maybe a little thing callled "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis?"

u/darkxarc avatar

Is it possible to learn this story?

u/Thattransgamergirl12 avatar

Not from a Jedi

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I heard he had abilities that some would call unnatural.

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Yes. It's a short pamphlet designed for reading by the common working class person of the time - mostly labourers, farmers. Not exactly a big ask as far as research goes lmao

It's not Das Kapital.

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“Where sniff are the cultural sniff marxists Jordan?”

u/breadcreature avatar

"Pleashe, just name me one"

Peterson sputtering uselessly


I heard that.

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u/aaronblue342 avatar

He didnt even read the whole manifesto, he was confused on points addressed past the first few pages.

u/spinto1 avatar

It's not exactly a hard thing to get through. It can be boring, but it's not difficult to grasp. I guess he just lived an incredibly sheltered life and never had to deal with anybody below his class or hear about their socioeconomic concerns and strife.

What an uneventful life to lead.

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u/Lyoss avatar

As it turns out, the glizzy gobbling racoon is significantly more intelligent than the king of the room cleaning lobsters

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u/knave-arrant avatar

That’s not winning an argument. My 12 year old nephew can and will do the same thing in an argument. When you debate this way you don’t “win” because you’re not following the rules of the game. It’s just that chodes who follow him will believe he won, just like Trumps followers even when he says nothing of substance.

u/TwoBionicknees avatar

The problem with debates is you aren't winning against your opponent, or fighting your opponent directly, you win if the audience believes what you said more than the other person and that's why all these debate bro tactics work. Confuse and frustrate the audience and make the other person seem really aggressive by asking so many pointed questions. It's crazy, it's why the entire field is something I have no interest in. You watch a video with a Shapiro or anyone else and all it generally has is two morons duking it out with shitty debate bro tactics in front of a targeted audience of people who already want to hear what you're saying which lets you win and the audience reinforce often shitty beliefs.


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u/Ballistica avatar

Ask historians covered this once upon a time and it really reflects the same on science:

Unless you are experienced and knowledgeable in a field, you have no ability to understand the data within the context of the greater body of evidence. The scientific consensus so to speak.

Plenty of people here know reddit are intelligent enough to read and understand a single paper, enough to find one that supports their belief, but they lack the expertise to put that in context of the wider field.

I see it all the time in genetics and I have seen it so much with anti-vaxxers its started really pissing me off.

Nothing they say is a lie, they aren't bending the truth, they are simply finding a single piece of evidence that suits their narrative and treating that as if I reflects the entire consensus or somehow undoes it. It's not lying it's just dishonest, even if they don't know it.

One of my own papers goes against the the current understanding of my particular area of expertise. I would be an absolute fool to think my papers some how invalidates the consensus. It's just one more data point amongst the rest. It's not always going to agree, but what it does do is further our understanding. Maybe the consensus is wrong, maybe my work is flawed, or more likely, both are right and what I saw only reflects certain conditions that are currently undiscovered.

I have yet to read a single paper that states in the discussion "we are right everyone else is wrong".

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Yeah, but remember, they're not really trying to win the argument with the other person.

They're trying to win it in the eyes of the viewers - it's rhetoric. Much easier, and much more open to manipulation.

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Who would know more about criminal physicians than the man who "recalls waking up from coma confused tethered and 'surrounded by people speaking a foreign language'" because no doctor in north america was 'brave' enough to provide him this treatment for benzo addiction/withdrawal. Imagine thinking people can't make their own health decisions when you've literally flown across the world to get a dangerous procedure no sane doctor was willing to attempt.

u/SmarkieMark avatar

Like Rush Limbaugh railing against drug addicts right after railing a bunch of Oxy.

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I don't understand why he did that. There are plenty of doctors in America (edit: and even MORE here in Canada) who will give you a slow taper to wean yourself off benzos, even if you were getting them illegally. He could have flown to L.A. there's dozens of such doctors there. It takes a few years but when you stretch it out like that it's really not that hard.


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Has to walk naked down the street with an aluminum canoe on his head because nobody else is doing it.

That's fucking bullshit, I did that in 2008 and all I got was my canoe stolen and several thousands in bail money lost.

EDIT: It was a Grumman canoe, too, for anyone who was wondering.

80 lbs of cold sex appeal

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I thought you were joking until you specified the canoe and now I'm not sure what to believe.

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Yeah he told Joe Rogan he only eats beef - nothing else. And if he eats even one other thing he can’t sleep for a month. He is highly unstable

Can he have, like, potatoes on the side or some chimichurri sauce on top? Is chicken fried steak ok or is there too much starch? Why do I think there's even a chance he's this internally consistent?

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u/JoJoJet- avatar

Has to walk naked down the street with an aluminum canoe on his head because nobody else is doing it

Did this actually happen or is it just beautiful hyperbole. Sorry, I don't wanna Google "Jordan Peterson naked"

u/Christopherfromtheuk avatar

Fwiw, I googled Jordan Peterson canoe And then Jordan Peterson kayak

But nothing obvious came up in the results.

Not to say it didn't happen, but I don't think it did.

Edit: so I bit the bullet and googled the same phrases, inserting the word "naked".

To my relief, nothing came up still, although it did produce some batshit stuff about his daughter. Not a rabbit hole I'm going down...

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u/mothrider avatar

It wasn't to feel special, he was addicted and wasn't willing to go through the withdrawal symptoms so he looked for an easier way out.

He had previously attempted (stupidly) stopping abruptly, as well as dosage reductions but couldn't handle the symptoms at all. He claims (as a trained psychologist) that he wasn't aware of the withdrawal symptoms.

He then accused western doctors of not having the "guts" to do a stupid procedure that almost killed him just because he didn't want to experience discomfort.

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u/Impressive-Potato avatar

It wasn't driven by logic. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else so no one can tell him anything contrary to what he thinks. He claims to have read 300 books on climate change and that it's not real, he claims eating an all beef and water diet cured him of his ailments. He has to be dr. Know it all

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u/theholyraptor avatar

100%. Look at all the free advertisement already.

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Just signed with DailyWire. It is pretty sus.

Whoa, wait, he did?! Then that actually makes perfect sense because their big push right now is some documentary about the dangers of transitioning or something to that effect.

It actually makes perfect sense that he'd pull some shit like that.

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u/iforgotmymittens avatar

Probably on the benzos again.

u/Piano_Fingerbanger avatar

Peterson isn't allowed to tweet again until he cleans his room.

u/indoninja avatar

Or pets a cat.

to be fair, if everybody pet a cat before they said/did/posted/tweeted anything the world would probably be a lot better off.

Depends on the cat...

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Or fucks a lobster

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Why are people like him so obsessed with what other people do with their bits?

he is a Christian fundamentalist who hides behind psychobabble rants.

This. He’s well educated and very eloquent. This allows his dbaggery to sound really smart to people who don’t critically think about his message.


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Join with me in watching this brilliant imitation once more.

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Would you say he’s an uneducated, frightened man’s idea of a brilliant, confident man?

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A sophist.

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I'll admit he had me fooled for a few months. Why is it that every outspoken libertarian quickly turns out to be a bigoted, selfish asshole?

You’re almost there

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Well as other have said... and I'll try to say it in less hostile terms...

It's that core libertarian beliefs are almost always born out of a desire to serve one's self interest, not a grander political theory on how a realistic society could work.

So it's mostly half baked excuses on why society should be set up to support their personal wants.

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I think your question is the answer.

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I used to be a libertarian, and then I discovered that them being right wing demagogues isn’t a trick but an implicit trait.


I’m glad you saw the truth! Yeah, I was raised libertarian, and it’s all hat and no cattle so to speak. They cherry-pick Liberties too

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u/MichaelScottWeiland avatar

Everyone’s a libertarian until their living room is on fire

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u/firemage22 avatar

libertarian quickly turns out to be a bigoted, selfish asshole?

Because that's the entire point of libertarians?

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u/skasticks avatar

Because Libertarianism only favors selfish, bigoted assholes. It comes with the territory 🤷🏻‍♂️

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u/Michael_G_Bordin avatar

He appeals to guys who feel like little boys needing big papa to come in and tell them everything is going to be all right. I've never seen anyone get sucked into his shit that wasn't going through some severe crisis of masculinity. It's fucking fascinating.

I guess, thanks, Dad, for instilling in me a sense of what it means to be a man; a masculinity that involves self-reflection, humility, and rejection of authority.


Your dad was punk as fuck.

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He isn't even eloquent. Maybe he once was but he is all mush brain now.

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I saw his debate/discussion with Matt Dillahunty. Literally the only thing I’ve ever seen with him. I don’t get how anyone doesn’t see him as a dishonest, bad faith moron.

Like 6 or 7 years ago, when I first heard of him, he wasn't even close to the same person he is now. I am strongly anti-religious, yet he did a 15-part lecture about biblical stories from most major religions and how they might have applied to the people of the time when these stories came to prominence. It was very interesting and was a joy to listen to. He wasn't preaching, evangelizing or acting like a geriatric edgelord.

For a year or two, I was genuinely a fan of listening to him tell stories. He had a genuine talent for oration. Then he had a "debate" with Sam Harris. Anyone who has heard this trainwreck knows why it is in quotes. It seems like that was a pretty sharp turning point where he started to become more and more of a cartoon version of himself. Almost like he was slowly absorbing Ben Shapiro.

My guess is that a lot of people who aren't prone to question their thoughts or challenge their own beliefs just stayed along for the ride as Jordan descended into whatever you would call him now.

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u/gaymuslimsocialist avatar

While I’m not a fan of his recent stunts, I wonder if Christian fundamentalist is a fair description. Isn’t his whole point to move beyond a literal understanding of the Bible? Additionally he actively engages with practitioners of different faiths such as Muslim scholars, he practices kundalini yoga, etc.

I kinda hate these kinda “intellectuals”. They use all these big words to make them seem smart but when you actually read between the lines there’s just a lot of bigotry and bad logic.

u/tanzmeister avatar


They're called frauds

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It is so clearly a bit to cater to people who want to want to act like rationalists/anti-religious but also hate any social progress and have contempt for women, sexual minorities and non-white people. “Race realism” is in this same ideological camp

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u/Wayward_Angel avatar

As always, the Alt-Right Playbook has the perfect summary of this:

u/EbonBehelit avatar

That whole series is basically as close to required viewing as Youtube videos on politics can get. It's incredible just how often at least one video is relevant to what the GOP are doing.

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Remember, conservatives value certainty above almost all else, which means that if they meet a person, and they can't be certain of their sex, they don't know how to interact with them

This is why there are people who get really mad at those who are more androgynous looking. I've had people ask me "Are you a boy or a girl" because the level of respect I will receive is based on my answer.

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It's always about sex and genitalia. Far out, move onto something else.

"I'm uncomfortable with your sexuality / sexual identity."

"Okay then, don't participate. Also, I don't want you to. Also, why even bring it up?"

Conversation over.

u/tomdarch avatar

It's not quite that cut and dried. Elliot Page expects other people to treat him with basic human decency and respect.

Some people are not up to that high level of moral challenge.

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Cake icon Edited

Do you know what the best part of this is? His tweet to Page was that they got an elective medical procedure done by a crooked doctor.

THIS MOTHER FUCKER? He went to Russia to be put into a drug induced coma to...[[checks notes]]...get a questionable elective procedure to help him get over a benzo addiction.


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u/Neuchacho avatar

I'm pretty sure it couldn't legally be done in the US.

edit: nope. Lots of detox centers appear to offer it here for alcohol addiction. But it looks like people are mostly going out of country for harder stuff. Seems a bit grey in who you can find to actually take on the liability to do it, but legally it seems OK.

Something similar is offered called rapid detox under sedation. Keeps you asleep but not in a coma so to speak.. They do it for opiate dependence not sure about benzo cause there is a seizure risk there.

I had a friend detox from alcohol awhile back and while he said they never totally sedated him.. said he basically only woke up to eat and was heavily drugged.

Benzo is a different ball game cause they are drugs used in many other detox processes

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Don't be fooled, alcohol is every bit as dangerous as benzos and opiates. In fact, alcohol withdrawals are potentially lethal, along with benzos because of the possibility of seizures.

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Benzos and alcohol are the only 2 drugs that can kill you from withdrawals.

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u/jtapostate avatar

While his wife was undergoing treatment for cancer

Everyone leaves this out.

Wife has life threatening cancer. He leans into drugs. Goes to Russia and is put into a coma.

Meanwhile his wife is scared shitless, alone and undergoing harsh chemo and he is lying in state in a dug induced coma for weeks

He admits all this and says his wife's cancer increased his drug dependence

Can't make this shit up.

No wonder he is worried about the modern male. Fuck I get scared when I read this shit

Too bad she wasn't with a real man. Someone should give Elliot her number


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u/Aedalas avatar

Wow, what a wild article

Speaking of, what the fuck is with the article here about him being a fuckwad to Elliot Page? Halfway through it switches to his fucking resume, why would anybody report on him being an intolerant asshat then immediately start sucking him off?

Fuck JP and whoever the fuck wrote this article too.


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not just a "crooked" doctor, he straight up called the doctor a criminal. That's some fucking libel.


Dude is Canadian, acting like they just overturned Roe v. Wade.

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He referred to trans surgery as 'butchery' within a week of this, too.

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u/Juswantedtono avatar

Of course, in his lectures he says that the only way to overcome addiction is to have a spiritual transformation and convert to Christianity. But when he gets an addiction, he opts for a medically-induced coma instead.

u/TheOtherBookstoreCat avatar

Be fair: his religious charts are really hard to follow. Like there’s arrows and dragons and stuff. I’d go coma too.

Usually "men good, women bad, LGBTQ Satan," gets you pretty far through his nonsense

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For someone who alleges intelligence and wisdom he’s displaying a disappointing ineptitude at the basics of common courtesy.

His grandmother should have read him better stories

u/Rusty_The_Taxman avatar

Speaking of which... Have you heard him describe his sex dream involving his own grandmother from his recent book? It's pretty uh... Enlightening.

u/Cpt_Lazlo avatar

I'd rather not and I'm upset you even told me it exists out there

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Was I too subtle? 😂

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Hol up. What???

“I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.”

― Jordan B. Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

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Yeah my first thought was this dude is a fucking psychologist? Big yikes..

u/ttcanuck avatar

As a psychologist in Ontario, please don't remind me. I don't know why our regulatory body hasn't come down on us. We're not supposed to engage in public behaviors that bring the profession into disrepute and this feels like a criminally obvious example.

This reminds me; how full of shit is Peterson claiming that he didn't know Benzos were addictive and shouldn't be prescribed for a prolonged period of time?

Because I have absolutely no professional knowledge in this area and I knew that about Benzos. How the fuck is Mr. Self-responsibility claiming he walked into this addiction not knowing that he was taking dangerous medication for far too long?

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u/nomad80 avatar

THIS MOTHER FUCKER? He went to Russia to be put into a drug induced coma to...[[checks notes]]...get a questionable elective procedure to help him get over a benzo addiction.

seems ripe for a "this u?" tweet

Too late for that, I guess.

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I don’t know what Mr. Peterson’s fascination is with the LGBTQ+ community, but he sure talks about it a lot. Often, with his foot in his mouth.


Culture wars fuel his finances.

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He did. It's pretty obvious he did not come back a well man.

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He still tried the all meat diet, and you have to be a shonen manga protagonist to survive that unscathed.

You're missing a crucial factor. It's an all meat and salt water diet


Ah yes, my mistake.

He was doing the “British sailor lost at sea” diet.

Very well known for its restorative properties.

u/lucidludic avatar

Excellent diet for a slim yet curvy figure, or to use the lingo, a scurvy figure.

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u/Versificator avatar

only low-t beta males don't want to get scurvy and rickets

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I swear my kidneys hurt just reading that

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"My name is Jor D. Anpeterson and I'm gonna be the king of the incels!"

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He called out a swimsuit model, got thrashed for it, said he was deleting Twitter, and then five seconds later he tweets this garbage. Biggest fucking clown in Canada.

There's plenty of competition for that title, especially with the convoy returning to Ottawa this weekend.

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It’s just another example of how he twists the colloquial/cultural, scientific, historical and biblical definitions of the same word (in this case “pride”) to suit his argument/agenda. He does this so consistently it’s almost become his only way to reach his conclusions.

Like all fascist pseudo intellectuals, he claims to highly value objectivity, but dodges objective meaning to his language on such a constant basis that he means whatever supporters want him to believe. Because it's not what he's saying that matters.

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u/Strawberry-Whorecake avatar

I’m confused about what point he was trying to make. That Elliot Page is prideful? That mastectomy is a sin? I probably shouldn’t think too hard about it. This guy is high af.

"Pride is a sin" is a very trite and common shot you hear from evangelical Christians in the southern and midwest take at the LGBT folks. They like to willfully misunderstand what people mean when they say they're proud to be LGBT (not to mention the societal things involved with that). It's arguing in bad faith with what amounts to verbal shitposts.

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I’d say cry about it, but he’s way ahead of me.

u/angiosperms- avatar

he once asserted that being transgender is a "contagion" and is comparable to "satanic ritual abuse."

How do people like this not only exist, but receive so much praise, in 2022. It ain't the fucking middle ages dude


I watched ONE video on YouTube about the altright pipeline and was recommended Jordan Peterson trash for weeks and weeks. We're all fucked honestly.

i watched a video about doing pushups one time and for weeks i was getting the most profoundly misogynistic bullshit recommendations. like, i had no idea this terrible nonsense was even allowed on youtube.

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u/VerisimilarPLS avatar

I kept getting Jordan Peterson ads today on Reddit. No clue why - I despise the guy's views and never click on/look at anything related to the guy (except this thread just now). Ended up reporting them for hate speech just to get them out of my face.

The algorithms are fucked, and they are directing people to these lunatics.

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The extreme right stuff that flies on Youtube untouched is infuriating. While in contrast, things like a documentary filmed on-location in Ukraine about anti-fascist street hooligans forming up to fight Russians gets slapped with an age restriction and demonetized literally the minute it is uploaded.

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Because we made the internet accessible to everyone. Everyone has a voice and their opinion as strange as it is will statistically find an audience.

But I ask some form of this question almost every day now.

How are we arguing over the same exact shit for so long, some of it had been decided upon and they’re just opening it back up.

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u/Gonnafingeryourmom avatar

You mean the guy who got famous for being transphobic, got banned on social media for being transphobic

u/Policeman333 avatar

Yup, that guy.

The same guy that got famous for saying a Bill to protect trans rights would lead to mass incarceration of Canadians and free speech would be dead in Canada if passed.

Well that Bill got passed.

r/ArrestedCanadaBillC16 is a great subreddit that is keeping a tally of the mass arrests taking place as a result of that Bill.

They just made a 5 year anniversary post showing all the heinous crackdowns on free speech as a result of the bill Jordan Peterson warned us about as well.

I’m sure all the redditors that flooded the front page posts who were totally only concerned about “free speech” and totally not transphobes feel validated now and won't have to resort to mental gymnastics to justify their bad takes.

That sub... LOLOL.

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“Clean your room.”

Meanwhile, in his room.

Wow it's like looking at asmongold in the future.

hairline is too good

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I just adore this photo


Where does this photo come from? For someone so obsessed with image, I’m shocked he allowed it to happen

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Is this the guy that came under fire for saying the big woman on sports illustrated wasn’t attractive?

Yeah, he made a whole big show of quitting twitter after that one. Apparently it didn't take.

It lasted like, two days. If that.

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u/nonlawyer avatar

magazine lady no give boner 😡

society bad 😡

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u/Ritz527 avatar

Yes. He tried to frame it as his rebellion against society. Fucking hilarious.

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