Life advice

Discover practical life advice to help you navigate through the challenges of everyday life. Learn tips and techniques to make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life.
30 Valuable Life Lessons From People Over 40 Who Feel Happy About Their Lives | Bored Panda Nice, Motivation, Inspiration, People, Glow, Lessons Learned In Life, Advice For Life, Lessons Learned, Important Life Lessons

Even though our society generally views being young as a virtue, we have to admit—being young isn't easy. Yes, twentysomethings might not yet have wrinkles, age-related health issues or loads of problems and people to take care of, this period of life has its own distinct challenges. These years tend to be pretty chaotic. You are forced to figure out your career, future plans, find a job, get a college degree, learn to build relationships, and you have to do all these things while not having…

Thoughts, Inspiration, People, Unsolicited Advice, Relationship Advice, Good Advice, You Really, Just Do It, Advice

Ah, life advice! It’s that wonderful thing that we just looove handing out (but hate listening to). Among all the pleasures in life, handing out life advice to a friend or even a complete stranger on the internet has got to rank among the top 100, for sure. And there’s hardly anything better than giving someone advice that we ourselves should be following but aren’t, am I right, dear Pandas?
