I love food

Indulge in a variety of mouthwatering dishes and discover new recipes to satisfy your love for food. Explore top ideas to create flavorful meals and treats that will leave you wanting more.
Tart, Chocolates, Chocolate Cakes, Desserts, Dessert, Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake, Best Chocolate Cake, Icing Recipe, Chocolate Icing Recipes

Due to my time constraints, DH decided to make the birthday cake (his first ever) for our son. We picked a recipe from Cuisine at Home magazine. Wow, he did a great job after throwing away the first batch when he figured out there was a difference between the capital T and the lower case t! It was so moist and had a strong rich chocolate flavor - just like the old-timey diner or grandma's favorite type chocolate cakes. We all loved it! Also, this recipe has no eggs, for all those who are…

Ashley K