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Games to grind, drink and listen to music? Games to grind, drink and listen to music?

I'm just looking for a game where I can grind without being super focused on it. Ideally something where I can notice benefits of grinding, though. I kinda wanna just drink whiskey and listen to my favorite albums while I watch my party/character get stronger.

I love JRPGs but a lot of them seem balanced around less grinding these days. I really liked grinding in the last dungeon of Digital Devil Saga because I kept getting new skills. But, Persona 5 and Persona 3 Reload I don't like as much because you just kill one boss repeatedly and reach the level cap in less than an hour.

Anyone have a good recommendation? I have access to any modern platform.

Which MMORPG should I start with? Which MMORPG should I start with?

Since I'm tired of the usual F2P shooters and etc. and being a fantasy lover, I would like to try starting an MMORPG.

I see around the internet that many people recommend Guild Wars 2 but... maybe you will hate me... but the graphics don't convince me very much (but if you tell me that the graphics are not noticeable and the game is beautiful I could start from that).

What advice do you have? I would like it to be F2P if possible, then if I like the game a lot I could get the expansions (if there are any, I don't know how they work)

Baldur’s Gate 3 or Elden Ring? Baldur’s Gate 3 or Elden Ring?

I have a Steam gift card and I’m considering one of these two games.

I’m not really a fan of the Soulsborne games - I’ve tried a few of them in the past but stopped after a few hours because some of the mechanics like lack of direction, respawning enemies, lack of story etc are just annoying to me. Although I do hear Elden Ring is more beginner friendly with checkpoint placement and whatnot so I may still consider it.

As far as Baldurs Gate is concerned - I don’t really have a ton of experience with turn based RPGs and I’ve never played D&D. I played Divinity Original Sin 2 for a bit but didn’t really get too into it. Something about the mechanics I found a little tedious. But again, like ER, I hear that BG3 is much more accessible to newcomers to the genre.

Some of my recent favourite games for reference: Last of Us 2, Shadow of the Colossus remake, Cyberpunk, Control, Ghost of Tsushima, Persona 5 Royal, FFVII Rebirth, Death Stranding

Mass Effect or Persona 5? Mass Effect or Persona 5?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Persona 5 (not Royal) are both on sale and I can only get one.

Mass Effect's clear advantage is the inclusion of 3 games, but Persona 5 seems to already be a very strong game on it's own.

But on the other hand, Mass Effect's disadvantage is age and not all games being top top tier, whilst Persona 5 is of course not the Royal version.

What would you take? Feel free to ask me any questions too.

[PS4/PS5] Relatively grindy RPG you can play forever where co-op is encouraged? [PS4/PS5] Relatively grindy RPG you can play forever where co-op is encouraged?

I want a relatively grindy (not to the point of being chore-like to get 0.00001% stronger) RPG or MMO to play for a looong time. However, I want multiplayer to be encouraged in a sense that I want to build a certain character to fight bosses alongside other random people, and the boss fights are infinitely harder when done solo.

I'm also kind of picky in a sense that I don't want stuff like PoE or Diablo 4 (?) because the seasonal resets sort of triggers my anxiety, because, well I just don't like having an obsolete character every update.Anyway, I've also played Nioh 2 and Monster Hunter World, and I absolutely loved those games, but I feel like those are still single-player oriented (besides sieges), and the rush I feel playing them is different from the one I'm craving now.

I've also tried Warframe twice, but it was unfortunately during difficult times where I quit because I didn't get anything, but maybe third time's the charm?

What game should I buy, Elden ring or Subnautica What game should I buy, Elden ring or Subnautica
[Xbox Series X]

So I just want to buy a game because others have been boring me lately, I’m looking for a good adventure game (which I’ve heard Elden Ring is amazing) and a good survival game (which I’ve heard Subnautica is a good one) and I’ve been wondering which I should get, since I want both. Getting both isnt an option, so I was wondering which I should get that also has good gameplay of the other.

Should I buy Elden Ring Should I buy Elden Ring

So I’ve been seeing a lot of gameplay on this game and it looks pretty breathtaking and interesting and I’ve been wanting to play it for quite a bit now. The problem is: I know there’s gonna be suffering involved and I’m not very confident that I’ll be able to complete the game if I get it since it’s known for being pretty difficult.

I have barely any experience with soulsbourne games. I played dark souls 3 in 2020. I don’t remember too much aside from killing the first boss on my first try and then getting stuck in the high walls because of the fat guy, realize he’s optional, then dying a bunch at the second boss until eventually I just moved on to other games, though I might come back to it later

Anyways, would Elden ring be good in this situation or would it be too hard?

Dragon Age: Origins, Pillars of Eternity, or Baldur's Gate? Dragon Age: Origins, Pillars of Eternity, or Baldur's Gate?

With the recent success of BG3 and the even more recent announcements of Avowed and Dragon Age: Veilguard it seems there's a decent amount of established and detailed fantasy worlds to get immersed in. I typically like to play game series from the beginning. I recently did this with the Souls series and it worked out great so I'm hoping to recreate that here with one of these three games. I know BG1 and 2 aren't directly connected to BG3, but neither were Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, and I still found value in it.

Some info if it might help inform your recommendation. I have actually never played a dedicated CRPG. My fantasy exploits have been limited to MMOs like Guild Wars 2, ESO, WoW, and games like Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma. Unique and original aspects of fantasy worlds are a big draw for me like Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes or the unique history and cool design of the Elder Dragons in Guild Wars 2.

I've become a little tired of the Elder Scrolls universe and where ESO has taken the storytelling so I'm looking for another meaty fantasy world to sink my teeth into. I'm also not a huge fan of the MCU-style storytelling in a lot of games these days. Well-written dialogue, interesting secrets, and a strong plot are something I hope I can find paired with an engaging combat system. Unfortunately, the games with my favorite combat (Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter) have almost no story to speak of.

Any insight is welcome. Thanks!

[PC/PS5] Games with good stealth in which you can play as a Shinobi/Ninja? [PC/PS5] Games with good stealth in which you can play as a Shinobi/Ninja?

Ghost of Tsushima is a brilliant game and I absolutely love it, but the stealth in that game is quite...unsatisfactory. Same story with Sekiro; amazing combat but subpar stealth.

And there's no way Ubisoft is getting a single penny from me because I'm not "comfortable with not owning their games". Especially if they're $150. So AC Shadows is also not an option. (Though I must admit the stealth in the gameplay showcase was chef's kiss.)

So, any games that would check those boxes?

PC Gamer - Steam's Next Fest City Building games list PC Gamer - Steam's Next Fest City Building games list

Hello all!

So this is an article from PC Gamer about city builders on Steam's Next Fest ( PC Gamer Article ) that you can try out by downloading their demo and seeing if this is what you want or like. Maybe you will find something that is to your liking and that will scratch your city building itch.

Also I am a dev from one of those games on the list, so I do have an interest here but this is a big list and since I love city builder genre I thought that I can share this info here and hopefully make a city building fans happy.

Hopefully you will try them all out, enjoy the games and find what you are looking for.

To People Who Like to Use Their Brain To People Who Like to Use Their Brain

What is your favorite puzzle/detective/crime solving games, that actually challenges you to think. I have heard of the Obra Dinn but are there other games too?

I have recently thought of buying the sherlock holmes games but I have no idea if they are challenging or just provide you with a cinematic expierience to enjoy while you are walking through the world.

Thats why I wanna know if there are any games that give you these kinds of experiences/satisfactions.

What’s a good starter platformer What’s a good starter platformer

Need some advice about Platformers

So I am terrible at them I love difficult games I’ve platinumed all the from soft soulsborne sekiro etc games but even something like hollow knight which I was absolutely loving till the more difficult platforming sections came up put me off playing it all together. I tried Celeste and that was just a wash I couldn’t get more than a couple hours in lol.

I’d love some recommendations and suggestions for some good like intro to the genre 2D 3D platformers.

Should I buy Infamous Second Son? Should I buy Infamous Second Son?

I found a used copy of Infamous Second Son for 10€ and I was wondering if the game was good. I watched a small part of a gameplay, the graphics look really good and the protagonist seems ok but my biggest concern is the antagonist, she gives me "stereotipically bad and annoying american cop with zero personality" vibes, is she really like that or she's actually an interesting villain? Is the plot engaging or boring? The only other Sucker Punch game I played is Ghost of Tsushima and even if the story was in my opinion predictable it was still enjoyable. Are the karma moments meaningful of just "actual saint" Vs "Satan because why not"? And most importantly, how are the gameplay, combat and the various open world activities? I watched a walkthrough of the first Infamous and I liked Cole's various powers, but I heard online that Delsin's abilities feel a lot more limited and with less options. Thoughts?

Chill game for an anxious bean fps lover Chill game for an anxious bean fps lover

Okay so I've always been struggling to find games I can actually relax in instead of enjoying trying to break the games in a cat way or just try to optimize them. I found an Oasis in focusing on people and their company instead of focusing on the games themselves, but that isn't always possible.

I've started my video games experience back in the day with battlefield play4free and plasma burst after dipping my toes in pawn game and TDP3/TDP4.

My most beloved game ever was the stalker series which I still hold close to my heart, but before long I found myself playing a.v.a. then CSGO and nowadays valorant, which if you play without good company can be quite draining and stressful.

I've tried smurfing in that game and just being chill, but honestly with possibly more than 20000 hours in fps games (8000+ in ava, 6000+ in CS GO, and idk how much in valo + non comp games like stalker or Battlefield), it can be stressful to have your skills fail on you in simple things if you don't don't play on "higher" ranks from time to time for a while.

I've enjoyed a lot of escape from tarkov YET ANOTHER FRICKING STRESSFUL GAME! As it was a little bit of multiplayer stalker for me I guess? But also honestly looter shooters are a bit cool. I can be a total menace in that game.

I've played a bunch of league, I'm highly resistant to toxic communities and it can be fun to troll people like that a bit, but after a longer while of being able to enjoy being ignorant I started learning it better which in case made me worry about my own performance since neither in valo nor league I'm able to enjoy playing anything other than comp games since people really don't take them seriously, troll and sbmm can be horrible.

I do enjoy Minecraft a lot, especially modded, but game just gets a little bit lonely imo after a bit. I think I'm looking for something more coop ish?

Back in the day I used to play sas4 and enjoyed it a lot as it was pretty simple but had a lot of replay potential with being able to open cases you bring back from missions to find better gear.

That's exactly how I found drg, and I've really enjoyed the game and honestly I'm getting slowly ready to go back to it again, but it can be just a little bit butt clenching at times. But that's the kind of games in looking for I guess? Something more rpg you can earn stuff in? Like literally stalker but coop I guess? But that also sounds like it could be a bit stressful :)

I also enjoy battlebit, hunt, and probably more games I'm forgetting about. Honestly at some point Instead of playing any games all together I found a series of books called warrior cats which allowed me to enter a community where the main fun was roleplaying (often making or joining a clan or you could call it an imaginary world aka AU) with other people while getting to know them a bit, which would most of the time end up in lots of time you're waiting for someone for like 10 or 15 min, before replying to them yourself for another 15. This in turn with how the community was highly artistic often requiring people to draw or write stories made for really comfy and relaxing evenings, sadly I'm 24 and not 16/18 where people in that community are 9-18 honestly 18+ being very rare. I'm in different furry communities but it's not the same vibe really and I feel a little detached tbf.

If you've read all of this, thank you from the bottom of my heart honestly even if you don't recommend me anything. For those who have some kind of an idea. Doctor, what do you prescribe? Teehee if you got the reference :p

Spoiler-free footage of Outer Wilds?? Spoiler-free footage of Outer Wilds??

Hi I'm trying to decide if I should buy "Outer Wilds" . Around 60% of the time first person games make me so motion sick they are unplayable. So I usually watch a stream for about 5 minutes to be able to tell if it's going to make me sick. I've been hearing great things about this game, but I can't find enough footage to to make a decision because of spoilers. I really don't want the game spoiled but I don't have the budget to spend money on games I can't play.

Is is there a spoiler free footage of "Outer Wilds" available anywhere?? Preferably several minutes of just straight gameplay

Hellblade 1 worth $2.99 on Steam? Hellblade 1 worth $2.99 on Steam?

As the title says, it is currently on sale on Steam for that price, but I am still kind of indecisive about buying it because I've read it gets boring after a while and it is just a walking sim basically, which doesn't completely bother me as I've also read all the psychosis and such is what's important and that has caught my attention to play it for myself.
Either way, something makes me unsure and idk what it is, SIB it for that price or just watch a walkthrough on YouTube lol

What shuld i expect from Assasins creed Vallhala?? What shuld i expect from Assasins creed Vallhala??
[Xbox One]

I wanted to try assasins screed for a long time and just recently i have agreed for a trade in wich im getting AS valhalla.Valhalla is my first ever assasins creed game and i dont have an clear idea as of what the game is.Alot of people have been saying that Vallhala isn't really an AS game(stealth game) but rather an rpg,and that it is very long. The missions as far as i know are boring,the story makes 0 sence and the game is very repetitive.

SIB Saints Row The Third? SIB Saints Row The Third?


after playing Cyberpunk, I'm looking for something fun that's a bit less RPG-esque or perhaps a bit less serious. I've started to have that GTA itch, but I've played all 3D games already. That's when I thought about Saints Row 3, and I'm thinking of buying it. As I said, I'm looking for something GTA-esque with an interactive open world with lots of side activities and loads of havoc and explosions. On the other hand, one of the reasons I didn't like SR4 after trying it was that it was so out of touch with reality and I wasn't a fan of the supernatural themes. I want humour and absurdity (that's also why SR3 is a candidate) but I also want the game to have a solid story (since I suppose it's a mission-based game) and gameplay so that it includes more entertainment than being quirky and wacky for the sake of being quirky and wacky if you get what I mean. :)

So, based on that, do you think I'll like Saints Row The Third or do you have some other recommendation that I'd probably be more keen on?

Games that don’t require 100% of your brain so you can watch YouTube or listen to a podcast Games that don’t require 100% of your brain so you can watch YouTube or listen to a podcast

Looking for games I can play with YouTube on a second monitor or a podcast playing for when I’m lazy and/or tired and just want to chill whilst still satisfying my attention deficit brain. So games that don’t need fast thinking, don’t rely on audio, have little to no cutscenes and reading, and generally don’t require full focus and attention.

Some I already love for this are Factorio, modded Minecraft, Cities: Skylines, Peggle, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. (I don’t care for Stardew Valley.)

Should be single-player, on Steam, and preferably doesn’t depend much on audio. Thanks for any suggestions!

Just quit drinking, need a game to fill the void Just quit drinking, need a game to fill the void

Hey everyone,

I'm really struggling right now and could use some help. I recently quit drinking, and it's left this huge, gaping void in my life. Everything feels unfun and thorny without it, and I'm desperately looking for something to fill the emptiness.

Gaming has always been my go-to, but lately, even that doesn't feel the same. I need something to truly immerse myself in, to bring some joy and sense of achievement back into my life. I need games that can offer a deep escape, something more than just a way to pass the time.

I own all consoles except PS5 and open to any genre, as long as it can really pull me in and help me through this tough period. What games have helped you through hard times? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Should I buy Astral Chain for 25 usd? Should I buy Astral Chain for 25 usd?

I can get this game for 25 with some discounts I got. I had this game on my wishlist for a while, now with the sales going on I am considering using the discount towards this game. Question is, there are more games on sale that I could get for 25 such as Xeno 3 and others. I really like RPGs but i just finished BOTW which took me about 150 hrs and I am not sure if I want to play another extensive game atm. Ive heard AC is quite close to Nier and I loved that game. Should I buy this game or use the discount towards another game that is on sale and more worth the $. Thx

Mobile games with controller support? Mobile games with controller support?

I've been playing minecraft pocket edition with my controller (xbox series s) connected via Bluetooth every since I found out you could, & I've really enjoyed the analogue feel of it. I'm basically playing on a budget switch.

However, I don't know of any other mobile games that offer support for controller. Im pretty sure XBOX has a remote play feature but I don't know how that works.

If it helps, I'm into most games except FPS, & some of my favourites are:

•Minecraft •Baldurs Gate III •Sea of Thieves •Deep Rock Galactic

Thank you :)