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Hope he had fun doing "the programming" and "coding stuff" :D

r/facepalm - Hope he had fun doing "the programming" and "coding stuff" :D
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u/Sablesweetheart avatar

After hours trading dropped it to $106 by 8PM EST time.

Tomorrow will probably be a dumpster fire as well.


u/PullFires avatar

Short-sellers finally getting their money back

u/jminer1 avatar

Fuck, Ray Charles could have seen this coming as soon as he started shitting on his customers. I really need to look into margin trading.


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Yeah, for a while I wondered if he had some kind of “Hudsucker Proxy” thing going on. Now I just think he’s a baby filling his sandbox with shit.

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It totally blows my mind. Elno is kowtowing to coal rollers that are anti-anything progressive. I'm so here for it when he's voted off the board of Tesla. 🍿

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He'll blame leftists because they tricked him into being maga or some shit.

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If you haven’t noticed, they would eat their own face off if they felt it would help them “own” the liberals.

And his staff. It’s almost like you run a better business if you’re empathetic, treat your employees with respect and not limit yourself to the fraction of the workforce that is forced to put up with your “my way or the highway” excluding bullshit.

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No you don't, unless you want to get rekt.

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I knew it! When i shorted the stock 10 years ago I kept telling them, any day now!

-Short seller who shorts every big company then pretended he called it when a single one starts losing value

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"Up next on Fox News! Millennials are killing the electric vehicle industry!"

Damn woke liberal elite wall street

Oh, the irony.

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u/UnkleRinkus avatar

Thats about 124 billion dollars of his net worth that he has torched, in addition to the 44 billion he's torching that he invested in Twitter. Nice work, Elon, you're an investing genius.

The typical wealthy version of a mid-life crisis wasn't good enough for him.

Instead of building a giant dick rocket and going into space with a bunch of celebrities, he decided setting his net worth on fire would be more fun, I guess.

He and Kanye drinkin the same water

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In Kanye's defense (I can't believe I used that phrase), he has shown signs of legitimate mental instability. I'm in no way condoning or excusing his actions, but the dude is literally unhinged.

Elon is just an insecure, narcissistic blowhard. He literally has no "outs" for the garbage human being he is/was/is further becoming

Edit: thank you kind stranger for the award, I'll do my best to pay it forward

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All that space-money blown on Earth Twitter. I could be on Mars rn working at Space Twitter.


This fall in Tesla stock price was inevitable no matter what Musk done. It was massively overvalued.

u/It_came_from_below avatar

Bingo, though he definitely made it worse and quicker

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He’s one of us.


One of us

His reddit recap must be dope


probably soooo many bananas. ALL of the bananas.

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Gooble gobble gooble gobble

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I posted this question already but does he hold shares on a margin account? Isn't a margin call when you don't have enough free cash to cover your debt? Why would he borrow money to pay for shares of a company that he is majority shareholder in? Might be the wrong sub but I'm genuinely curious and don't like musk myself but borrowing money for shares in a company you own to me screams that he doesn't actually have billions in cash, and does margin debt count as an asset when calculating net worth?

He used some of his tesla shares as collateral for his Twitter loan. If Tesla drops too far his Tesla shares are no longer worth enough to satisfy the loan for Twitter. So basically he would need to provide something of value to make up the difference. If he doesn't have something else if enough value, the bank can call in his loan and take his shares. Will they do that? Unlikely but they could.

u/LandosMustache avatar

The biggest issue is that it isn't just ONE bank. It's several competing banks, holding tens of billions (I've seen $100B, but don't have a source for that figure).

So each bank has to play the Prisoners' Dilemma against all the other banks. If the value of Musk's Tesla stock dips below their reserve amount, all the banks are legally allowed to sell it all immediately.

Musk is also allowed to make the argument "don't sell, the value will go back up for X and Y reasons."

The problem is, even if one or two or three banks buy his explanation...if a SINGLE bank chooses to liquidate the shares it's holding as collateral...the stock value will tumble even further, meaning that the remaining banks will recoup less. There's a HUGE first mover advantage here, and HUGE bag to be left holding.

Considering how Tesla's backorder log has dried up, the recent Consumer Reports which named it one of the least reliable companies around, and the absolute shit show that's apparently Tesla's Service Department...not to mention that Musk himself is an absentee CEO who's currently busy setting another company on fire...there isn't much argument for a stock price rebound.

So you have many banks, each nervously eyeing each other, wondering who's going to jump ship first. The minute that one does, they all will.


… and the major auto corporations have competing, arguably better products out and more coming. Bad times for Tesla coming.

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I work insurance claims for a major carrier. Tesla sells their own insurance. I can never get through to someone on the phone for them. So all of their service is shit. 😂

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Anything over like 5 billion is definitely plenty to be hire-millionaires-to-polish-your-shoes rich for life anyway.


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Yep. This is how I know these people are built different. I have trouble sitting on my meager savings before I start feeling like a dragon hoarding wealth and want to give it away to friends and family.

I absolutely could not be a billionaire.

I couldn’t. Even when I dream about winning the lottery, all I think about is how I would make sure my friends and family were taken care of and donate to help animals and kids. I’d even buy medical debt and forgive it all. I couldn’t imagine not doing good with the money. All I need is a house, a few extra toys like an RV, and enough money to travel a lot.

u/jas98mac avatar

It’s almost like you’d have to be a complete dickhead to become a billionaire.

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“I am Batman”

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u/merlinrising avatar

Elon fans be like " its all part of his plan"

6D chess...

We’re on at least 24D chess by now.

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I'm sitting here seeing if I can short the stock when a new public facing CEO is announced. Can we get sub $50$

u/jambr380 avatar

Just be careful. Tesla was at like $16/share pre-pandemic. People went insanely crazy over it the past couple of years. Not saying you can't get a good deal, but it's definitely a volatile stock

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dutch's plan is more believable 🤣

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u/KaisarDragon avatar
• • Edited

There was another post that summed this up. I'm paraphrasing:

He said stuff about electric cars. I didn't know anything about them. People called him a genius.

He said stuff about rockets. I didn't know anything about rockets. People called him a genius.

He said stuff about software. I know about software. Elon is a fucking moron and now I don't trust his cars and rockets.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone that found the original. It was from Rod Hilton on Mastodon.

u/BoulderCreature avatar
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For me it was when he said he would design and build a submarine to save some kids in a ocean cave. The kids needed immediate rescue and his idea was to start a potentially years long project to build some ridiculous machine that most likely wouldn’t even work. Cherry on top was when the rescue diver that actually saved them called Musks idea out for being stupid and Musk retaliated by calling him a pedophile

Edit:sounds like I misremembered some details, but I gotta go to work so I’ll just leave this as is with the edit

Reminds me when that poor Spanish kid fell into a hole in the ground, and he said he could rescue him by bringing the tunneling machine from the Boring Company, and people started dog pilling on him for making such a stupid suggestion.

u/Praescribo avatar

I think I know who Trump got the idea to nuke hurricanes from

Thankfully elon can’t run for President

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u/gilestowler avatar

I think he did actually have a submarine. But they told him it wouldn't work - it was a tight space with corners in it and something rigid, even something as short as his submarine, was never going to work. He showed up there and made a nuisance of himself trying to get them to use his submarine. They kept telling him "no, look, that's mental. Trust us, this is kind of our area of expertise," then when one of them called it a PR stunt, Musk said that he'd make a video to prove that it would work, calling the diver "pedo guy." As far as I know, he never made the video. Just a bit of attention seeking with his oh-so-edgy name calling.

The thing is, there's still people out there who are saying "well, why else would that old man be living there if he's not a pedo? eh? EH?" ignoring the fact that if the man has a decent pension he can live a very good life somewhere like Thailand and if he likes diving - which he clearly does - then Thailand is a great place to be.

u/marsnz avatar

It got worse. He dropped 50k on a private investigator to try and dig up dirt on the guy leading the rescue. All because his feelings got hurt. What an absolute thundercunt

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The whole “pedo” thing stinks of projection.

u/jminer1 avatar

There's a email where he thanks Epstein for meeting Gislane, soo.. He wasn't a stranger to those people.

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The whole pedo thing is wild considering Elons dad had 2 children with his step-daughter, elons sister that he grew up with, of which elons dad raised (groomed) since she was 4

Edit- merf

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Not to mention the whole oddly suggested idea that Paul Pelosi was attacked by a “gay lover” in spite of the attacker confessing and producing a political manifesto.

u/notinferno avatar

conservatives are always projecting


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Thing is, the diver sued Musk and Musk piled his money into lawyers which the diver had no chance of matching and won the case. Absolutely outrageous

u/gilestowler avatar

And I'm sure I read somewhere that the lawyer Musk hired for that case is now working at Twitter...

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u/LordsMail avatar

Part of the issue is it was a submersible, but there were sections of the journey that were above water. So divers would have had to go in and carry it across those parts and there's already divers in now so why bother with the sub.

Plus they had to sedate the kids, and the submarine wasn't about to administer sedatives midway through the exit.

So yes, he did indeed already have a sub and brought it to be used and then became a whiny baby with a soiled diaper when they didn't go with his plan and let him become a big hero. He's a fucking clown who throws tantrums when he's not having his ego stroked.

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u/starmartyr avatar

He actually had the "submarine" built. It was effectively a sealed tube with oxygen tanks attached meant to be pulled by divers. The kids were rescued by divers who equipped them with scuba masks and pulled them out of the cave. It turns out that his tube wouldn't have worked as there is no way it would fit through the narrow twisting cave. He then threw a tantrum when his attempt to use children in crisis as a publicity stunt didn't work.

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u/EmpRupus avatar

For me, when he and Zuck did a "public debate" on dangers of AI.

And they were both talking about "skynet becoming sentient and enslaving humanity" like a 1990s Hollywood movie, and completely avoid the real dangers of AI including job-replacement, mass surveillance, drones in police and military work, identity-theft and poorly trained data sets increasing racism.

I sniffed out that his "target audience" was not someone like me who actually does coding, but rather non-tech people who think flamethrowers, light-sabers and flying cars are "cool".

u/zherok avatar

completely avoid the real dangers of AI including job-replacement, mass surveillance, drones in police and military work, identity-theft and poorly trained data sets increasing racism.

These are all things that don't affect him personally or that he stands to benefit from, so no surprise there. It's the same thing with how to address transportation issues; the obvious solution is to provide more mass transit options and make places more locally accessible, instead of building so many parking lots so we can each own a car.

That would involve having to be around other people though, so he pushes a solution that involves not only everyone owning their own car, but building single car width tunnels deep into the earth and then transporting the cars separately with high speed platforms. You can almost feel his disdain for trains and buses.

building single car width tunnels deep into the earth and then transporting the cars separately with high speed platforms

Wait I think he might actually be on to something here - what if we just linked all the cars together, one in front of the other in a row like a convoy - and then we can have one really powerful car in front and it could be the only car that's actually on and it's just pulling all the other cars along in a type of procession - we could put metal rails down in the tunnels to keep the car line in a single row - we might be able to even power the entire contraption with some type of hot water vapor that fuels a sort of engine

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It’s the same thing Elizabeth Holmes did. When she originally went to the dean of the school of medicine (a woman) she was told her idea was physically impossible, so she went to the dean of the school of engineering (a man) who was amazed. All along the way she cultivated people who were “smart” but had no idea about medicine. She fired anyone who told her idea was shit. All these people are just fucking narcissists and capitalism rewards sociopathic narcissism.

except she ended up in jail for a decade. so that's not a reward

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His fanboys are mega cringe. I know one. When they're not figuratively blowing him... They are denialists

u/AnorhiDemarche avatar

I knew an elon muck fanboy that told me star wars was his religion.

19 years old. Good kid, very easily manipulated.

Aren’t trump followers the same?

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Can’t one be into coding and think flamethrowers, lightsabers and flying cars are cool?

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Lightsabers are cool.

So are flying cars and flamethrowers! Doesn't mean I should be trusted with any of the above

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but rather non-tech people who think flamethrowers, light-sabers and flying cars are "cool".

Are you saying they're not? If so, I must call your integrity into question.

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During the trial he accused the cave diver (Vernon Unsworth) of being like Epstein. Even though, Musk is the one with know Epstein affiliations.

"In his deposition, Musk also mentioned Jeffrey Epstein — who by that time had committed suicide while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges — as a motivation to inform reporters about what he had supposedly learned about Unsworth. It’s since been reported that Musk had been to several events with Epstein following the financier's 2008 guilty plea for soliciting prostitution from an underage girl, and visited his house “several years ago.” Musk said in a statement to Vanity Fair earlier this year that “Epstein is obviously a creep.”

“I am told this information,” Musk said in his deposition. “I don’t know if it is true. But what if we have another Jeffrey Epstein on our hands? And what if he uses whatever celebrity he gains from the cave rescue to shield his bad deed? That would be terrible.”

u/notinferno avatar

what a projecting grub

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"Your idea literally would not work in this problem"


I don't even... Is this guy living in 4th grade playground mentality?

u/FirstFarmOnTheLeft avatar

He’s a narcissist, anyone who’s dated one can easily recognize it in responses exactly like that. They lash out instantly with the most nonsensical responses; just anything they think is a sick burn will do.

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For me it was when he would rather get arrested then let his employees take time off for COVID. Boy did I lose a lot of karma from that post, but man does it feel good to be right.

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Elon should know, his dad birthed a child with his step daughter.

This is true. And also, he dad said he likes Elon the least among all his children.

u/Arild11 avatar

Considering who said it, that actually improves my view on Elon.

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Yep, the "submarine" and even worse "paedophile" incident confirmed it for me. However, I was already very much on the doubting side given how brainwashed and cult-like his acolytes had become. They were like awful noisy god-bothering missionaries for their saviour. My thinking was there's something very very suss if they need to be this fucking noisy, and this aggressively dismissive of any questioning of their emerald idol.

Besides which it was already being made clear that his supposed genius was the Emperor's new clothes built on the actual expertise of others.


Yep. Build a sub for a place that barely one person can get through when these kids had days to live. Challenging people, the best dive recuse people in the world, thinking he knows better from watching on telly.

He’s a fucking egotistical maniac.

I just watched Thai cave rescue on Netflix last night. Professional cave divers could barely squeeze through some of the openings to get to the stranded soccer team. There is a 0% chance that any type of submarine could have gotten through. Elon Musk is an idiot.

For me it was when he talked about mars for years, then turned around and spent double on twitter than it is costing nasa for the Artemis mission to the damn moon.

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u/Moelock33 avatar

We already have mini-subs.

He would just invest into a mom and pop company and pump money into it, the same way he made all his success.

Investing his dad's mineral company money

I have no problem with him offering solutions. But his mask dropped when he was told his idea wouldn’t work. His insanely fragile ego couldn’t handle it, so he attacked the rescuers. Pathetic man child, he will not get my money

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As an engineer, it was hyperloop that clued me in. Let’s put people into a pipe hundreds of miles long, run a vacuum, then hurtle people through it at an enormous rate of speed. If any leakage occurs anywhere in the network, the vacuum will be compromised and the passengers will be vaporized. Also somehow these systems will be straight enough to avoid excessive inertial forces from horizontal and vertical curvature at these speeds, because topography doesn’t exist in places like California. It’s so incredibly stupid and the 1 mile prototype is all I can foresee ever happening. There are endless YouTube videos of scientists and engineers ripping it apart. What a dumb idea. The fact that it ever made it past the brainstorming white board says enough about Elon


So you missed the actual reason for Hyperloop... It stopped a new rail line being put in which would have hurt the sales of Tesla in one of their biggest markets.


I hadn’t heard that the entire enterprise was a political scheme to stop a rail line. But let’s entertain that then. Option 1: campaign funding for politicians who will oppose the rail to win your support Option 2: sink untold millions into a useless design that will never work in a practical setting OK, option 2 still sounds pretty dumb


The thing you're not getting is that Elon never cared how the taxpayer money was spent, the whole point was for there to be no train so more people would be forced to buy his cars.

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Option 1: campaign funding for politicians who will oppose the rail to win your support Option 2: sink untold millions into a useless design that will never work in a practical setting OK, option 2 still sounds pretty dumb

Yes, option 2 is dumb, which is why it's the most believable one for Elon to have chosen. Based on a large number of things, I think it's pretty safe to say that Elon is kind of dumb. Oh he's educated, and he's great at spewing out bullshit with confidence and that's worked out well for him for several years, but he's dumber than a box of rocks.

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u/Gastredner avatar

Ah, but, you see, it is not Elon who's sinking those millions. He "open-sourced" the idea and it is other people wasting their money and precious lifetime on this utter crock of shite!

u/unique_passive avatar

Why choose between one option when both guarantees the failure of your competition? Option two has literally been the strategy of the automotive industry for decades. It’s why we spend ludicrous sums of money adding extra lanes to highways when additional bussing and trains are cheaper and more effective at reducing congestion

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u/zherok avatar
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It's worse than a subway, because they avoid transporting lots of people all at once in favor of individual sleds to carry your own personal car. This is massively inefficient. Worse, he's suggested the solution to bandwidth problems, ie, when tunnels get too full, is to simply build more of them, vertically.

You can imagine the cost of digging downward into the ground is already a big expense, but the thought of digging each successive tunnel further down is amazingly dumb. Can you picture some half dozen tunnels stacked vertically all so they can transport individual cars at high speeds on what is effectively a personal train? It's a monumental waste of resources that could be more easily solved with more train cars, more horizontal lanes, and skipping the car as much as possible.

He sounds like he's designing products exclusively for the mega rich, given the tesla semi that seems accurate.

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If you optimise the world long enough, all you're left with are trains, and crabs.

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Well, it did work in futurama. So, it is only logical that it will work in our world too

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I was going to say- people might not know stuff about electric cars, but he's done blatantly stupid stuff for a while like the hyperloop.


And don’t forget about the propulsion. A fucking turbine in a near vacuum.


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u/Kempeth avatar

When Musk "built" the first Tesla he promised we would have completely self driving cars within a handful of years.

When Musk "built" their first rockets he promised we would have people on Mars within ten years.

When Musk started his Hyperloop he promised we would all be traveling like that within years.

When Musk bought Twitter he promised it would be a bastion of free speech.

See a fucking pattern yet?


You are a bit short in the unkeep promises and straight up lies he has told here have fun looking throught his promises

this has just become my most favourited bookmark, thank you! 😊

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u/Metalmind123 avatar

Eh, he's a fucking moron.

But luckily, he's not the one actually engineering the rockets. He's just the one who overworks the talented engineers that actually design the rockets, while a competent person handles the day-to-day operations.

He's full of shit, but at least the rocket tech is pretty damn legit.

Because he's not the one who actually makes it.

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Musk is increasingly making Avenue 5 look like a fictionalised biopic

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He bought Tesla and pretended he made electric cars He bought a rocket and pretended he could fly us to mars. He bought a platform for us to see, what a genius boy he could be. So let’s tie him to a battery and shoot his ass to the stars.

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u/medalla96 avatar

That looks like one of those Tour de France king of the mountain elevation illustration but is not. Is Musk bringing down the house.

u/evensplit6839 avatar

Death on the descent of the Col du Twitter.

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In my opinion, Tesla has several problems:

  1. The CEO has disappeared to Twitter and is damaging the Tesla brand by tweeting his extreme personal opinons.

  2. Their cars have been essentially the same for over a decade.

  3. They've consistently lied about new product timelines and the car's self-driving abilites

  4. The Cybertruck is nowhere to be seen and, if released, will be quite different from the prototype

  5. The hype around the Tesla semi is going to seriously dampen once the range and hauling figures are released.

The only thing worth a damn is starlink. Really good for us rural peeps

u/GonePh1shing avatar

As someone that works in the satellite internet industry, Starlink is a steaming pile of shit as well. It's also clearly being sold at well below cost to get people in, but eventually they'll either have to dramatically raise their prices or face bankruptcy. So, enjoy it while you can, because there's a very good chance you'll have to go back to whatever you were on before in the not so distant future.

u/jesuzchrist avatar

Elon said himself that Starlink won't be sustainable without Starship launching much larger gen 2 satellites capable of servicing many more customers.

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When your choices are 3 to 5 mb dsl for 65$ a month or whatever the fuck hughesnet does for 20 tons of gold bouillon a month . I'll enjoy the 30-100 mb down speeds for as long as possible.

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6. Their QC is abhorrent given what they charge 7. Their interior feels like a base model Hyundai 8. They fight their customers on warranty claims 9. Their service costs are astronomical and their service options are severely limited.

I’m sure there’s more, but this is what my brother-in-law has told me after the honeymoon period ended in his model Y and he’s had a lot of issues with it.

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6. It’s taken advantage of a massive bubble and obviously now comes crashing down

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Wtf is his end game? He's destroying his job for what was previously his hobby. They say never make your hobby your job. The guy has taken a long walk off a short plank


The motherfucker will still have a lot of money after Tesla bankrupts. The only ones who will pay for his stupidity are his employees

don't forget all the Tesla owners who will end up without parts in a few years, or shoddy copies that have a greater risk of failure. He has fucked everyone involved, without lube and with a cactus


Without parts? These cars won't even drive without the entire server infrastructure in the background. You can't even unlock your car without Tesla approving it.

u/Christabel1991 avatar

Wait, for real? My building's parking garage doesn't have cell reception, does that mean Tesla owners won't be able to unlock their car if they park there?

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shoddy copies that have a greater risk of failure

Have you seen Tesla's build quality? It think it would be difficult to make the copies shoddier than OEM even if you tried.


Relax. Car manufacturers will fight over the bones and rotten remains just to get the technology and people. Somebody will take it, just to get any advantage over the rest of the market.

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u/grrrrreat avatar

Probably run for president with desantis

There's a Facepalm. Natural Born Citizen Clause.

u/WCRugger avatar

Careful. He has himself down as both the founder of Tesla and Twitter. Despite not being either. He'll be trying to rewrite his early life soon enough.


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Republicans care about power, and don't apply rules to themselves.

Who is going to stop them? The Supreme Court? The people who put Trump in jail?

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If that's Musks end game he is really fucked.

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u/Rai_guy avatar

Idk, ask Kanye why rich people decide to self-destruct

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Damn. Shits so cheap even I could afford it now.

I won't.

But I could.

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Tesla was never a “tech” company and always a car company. If you bought Tesla at 65 times earnings then you deserve to lose your money, dumbass..

u/Ok-Map4381 avatar
• • Edited

This needs to be higher. People are talking like Twitter sank the tesla stock when that ridiculous valuation was going to fall eventually no matter what. It was had a market cap higher than the next 10 auto makers combined. That was never going to last.

u/TacticalBeanpole avatar

This can't be said enough. Even before all of the Twitter bullshit, people into cars saw this coming. Tesla bros were getting annoying, and then a few years ago, all the major manufacturers started chipping away at Teslas throne. Everywhere you looked, somebody was doing electric cars better. Ford/Chevy/Rivian beat the cyber truck to market. Nissan/Chevy/Hyundai are making electric cars more affordable for the masses. Porsche/Audi are making luxury electric cars that actually have luxury interiors. Sportscars? The Plaid launched and was hilariously under-braked, making it unsafe on the track compared to Porsche, and hopefully soon, Hyundai, who both actually have factory race teams and understand racing. Everybody who was into cars and wasn't a Tesla fan boi saw the writing on the wall for that stock. They just couldn't predict the catalyst for the sell off.

Is agree I'm not into cars but the Tesla's I've been in felt cheap. They were just weird.


For me, the weirdest thing about Tesla is that giant tablet in the middle. Seems no designer ever sat in that car. And no human-factor engineer ever saw it.

I like my old-fashioned car with all the buttons, levers and wheels inside. Because playing a mini-game of setting car accessories in a tablet is dangerous.

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My sister does the background checks for tesla's manufacturing plants. According to her you should never buy a tesla because they are so desperate for bodies they will hire anyone

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u/Rubber__Chicken avatar

I always thought that Tesla was more like a government incentive and regulatory credit company...

Certainly didn’t hurt.. in the end it was always a car company.

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That kitchen sink stunt wasn’t such a great idea

u/dvddesign avatar

No, it was great. I’m still letting it sink in.

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I live in GrĂźnheide, Germany, the site of the Gigafactory. I've lived here for nearly 6 years.

It's an unbelievably beautiful little village surrounded by thick lush forest and clean freah lakes, about 30 ride from Berlin. Google pictures of it and you will see what I mean.

I can see the lights of the Gigafactory from my home at night, which is about 2 km from my house. I walk through the forests near it every week.

Initially, I was in favour of Tesla. East Germany needs jobs. The world needs decarbonisation.

What I've seen is a local ecosystem damaged, soon to be utterly destroyed.

  • The water table is damaged and within 5 years our lakes could be gone. Drained by Tesla's need for water.

  • The protected forests, which were assured to be protected are all in danger, subject to the need for parking spaces.

  • Without the woods, we will lose the rabbits, the foxes, the wild boar, the birds, the mushrooms and all the other local nature, an ecosystem that the community depends on.

  • The locals can no longer afford to live in their own homes. Rents in a country famous for stability have multiplied by 2x and 3x times in the surrounding area. Tesla executives can afford it of course, so the population slowly changes. It is predicted that the brain drain increases 3-5x as more young adults leave for Berlin, where the price to rent is almost the same.

  • The factory struggles to hire their quota because pay and work conditions are so unbelievably bad. Germany has a large and world-famous auto engineering recruitment pool and they will mostly not work there because Volkswagen and BMW (operating nearby) pay much better and workers are unionised.

  • Local transport links have been wrecked. The local train station which serves the locality is to be knocked down and moved 2km closer to the factory to serve the workers.

On the upside we did get a new kebab shop, which opens late and is quite tasty.

In summary, this once natural spot of heaven is soon to be obliterated, thanks to Elon. Literally paving paradise to put up a parking lot.

I will laugh and open a beer on the day that Elon loses control of it all.

u/dont_ban_me_bruh avatar

Man, it's been so long since I had kebab...


I highly recommend the local kebabs. If you’re in the area, i would treat you. A little chilli sauce, a little crumbled goats cheese. Perfect.

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That's shocking! How could this happen?


Misplaced trust.

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It happens all the time, nothing new with Tesla or other corporations. A coal power plant was built in my mom's town and people hoped they would get jobs, what they got was lungs full of coal and destroyed forests.

Cherry on the cake was the fact that most of the power generated was being transported to big cities nearby and the surrounding areas still had powercuts as they were not covered by the power plant.

They built some roads, other transport infra and donated to schools and provided few jobs.

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u/firewire_9000 avatar

Damn, that’s fucked up, at least you have tasty kebabs.


Every cloud…

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This reminds me of the clip when Elon is claiming there is so much water it would never be a problem.


I was actually there listening to the press conference when that happened. Believe me, however cringe that appeared on video, it was so so much more potent in real life.

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Lose ALL your credibility, your goodwill, your popularity amongst sane people, and a huge part of your fortune….just to own the libs!

Elon: The Owner of all libs!

Don’t forget that the libs are (were) Tesla’s customer base

u/dotsonjb14 avatar

Which is the funniest part of this. Did he think conservatives were buying his car in droves?

u/jminer1 avatar

He needs conservatives to use his website so he tried hippie punching.

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• • Edited

He not getting any more banks to fund his lib owning schemes. Can only rent or lease them now.

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It's almost as if buying a bird website so you could alienate the wealthy liberals that buy your fancy electric cars is a dumb move.

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Elon: how do I compile this code

also Elon: I will be in charge of software development

u/bootes_droid avatar

Lmao at the bagholders in this thread doing mental gymnastics to convince themselves this dumpster fire isn't actually a dumpster fire.

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Don't worry boys, this is just because of the global recession everyone is going through now. It totally has nothing to do with the fact that Tesla is waaay over-valued, or that Elon is a pathological liar who made several failed promises, or that the stuff he does on Twitter shows how much of a moron he is. It's just the global recession, trust me.

- Some Muskrat fan boi.

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Musk is one twit I would love to see lose it all.

Is he a contender for next years' Upper Class Twit Contest?

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u/outfromtheshadow avatar

It was good advice almost 10 years ago. Now, not so much.

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When he named his kid AExXylophone 98-7b6yx is when I knew.

u/Tamorcet avatar

For me, it was his treatment of his employees during the pandemic that opened my eyes to the buffoon he truly was.

It took me way too long to realize this.

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Does this mean in 5-10 years when they re-boot Back to the Future that Doc Brown will have made the time machine out of a Tesla? Kinda smells the same

u/clotheslinehsv1 avatar

Wonder how old you have to be to get that DeLorean reference? (I’m definitely old enough)

u/USSMarauder avatar

Put it this way

Growing up in the 80s, I thought the DeLorean was a fictional car created for the BTTF franchise.

I never saw one on the street, there were no DeLorean dealerships, and of course this being before the internet there wasn't an easy way to look it up.

Dude down the street from me has a delorean.

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Oh no!


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I guess I'm not buying a Tesla...

u/PENISFIRE avatar

Lol same, I was eyeing the cyber truck, but thankfully there will be other options

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Bigger problem for Tesla… a lot more competition from other car makers, at lower price points.

Also, really don’t think that 90% of his customer base agrees with his prosecute/Fauci pronoun fever dream 🤡

Just let it sink in

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"Owning the libs" when the libs buy your cars.
Nailed it. Truly genius.

Still massively overpriced. Market cap is a bad joke.


I feel like he just stopped taking his meds for like a year or so… I actually remember respecting this guy and his ideas.

No offense, but I think you just weren’t looking at him hard enough. He’s been a thin-skinned crybaby online forever, and the hyperloop promotion happened a decade ago. The guy has always been an idiot, his cons are just now catching up with him.

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No shit. Like what happens to people? Went from putting people on Mars to trolling on Twitter. What a fall from grace.


To be fair he didn't want to just put people on mars, he wanted to colonize mars as a replacement for earth for when it croaks. Which is way dumber than all this Twitter nonsense which is, of course, incredibly fucking stupid.


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Blind followers don´t question the decision of their leader.

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Where did Elon "margin" his Tesla shares..? Or are you saying the Twitter acquisition debt is secured by Elon's Tesla shares and if Twitter can't repay the debt Elon will have to sell more stock to satisfy the lenders?

u/nazerall avatar

Pretty sure he put up TSLA stock as collateral for his Twitter loans.

As TSLA loses value, his collateral isn't worth as much, so they'll force him to sell TSLA.

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u/S86RDU avatar

He can’t make money unless he is screwing others. He doesn’t know how to make an honest living


So so so sad. Wipes tears with Tsla puts.

Twitter was Elon's iceberg, taking Tesla with it.

The takeaway that board members, shareholders and investors should be realizing is that, if they don't have verbiage in their contracts with CEOs, that forbids them from making a public ass of themselves and tanking their stock values, they need to get it in their contracts right away!

As in, they should have made Elon walk the plank at Tesla, long about 6 months to a year ago!

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I am just wondering what will become of Tesla now that much larger manufactures have competing models. I saw a new electric Ford Mustang on I69 in Fishers Indiana yesterday. It reminded me about first seeing a Tesla.

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u/ynnubyzzuf avatar

he sold so many shares, did the dumbest shit possible, will buy back all the shares, go radio silent, double money glitch.

If only market manipulation was like illegal or something. The most obvious fuckery ever.

I don’t care if this fascist Nazi’s stock hits $1.00 I will never buy his stock or purchase any of his items. Don’t like fascist Nazi sympathizers!

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To be fair, TSLA has been overvalued for awhile now.


Thunderf00t has been roasting Musk forever. Pretty much breaking down scientifically why musk is full of shit.

His breakdown of the Tesla semi is brutal.