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You can snatch someone’s body for a day. You can snatch someone’s body for a day.
Utility Power

It’s basically like becoming a jinn. To activate it, just look your victim in the eyes (in person) and channel your ability. While in possession, you’ll have complete control over their body for the next 24 hours. You feel, talk, and move just like they do. You’ll even be given some info about them so you won’t look that suspicious.

After the 24 hours are up, you will be immediately expelled from their body and launched onto the ground, immobilizing you for 5 seconds. Your ability has a cooldown of 12 hours once you cancel the possession or the time runs out. Oh, and if you die while possessing someone, you will be put back in your original body and will have a 24 hour cooldown instead.

How will you use this power?

You're really good at your hobbies. You're really good at your hobbies.

Without too much effort you can be considered incredibly good at the things you like to do.

For reading you have incredible reading comprehension, can read well above average speeds, can infer the meanings of words without needing to google them, and never struggle to find something new to read.

For videogames, you are skilled regardless of the game you play. Able to easily hit the top or second best rank for that game, able to always get good times in racing games, build beautiful things in minecraft, ect. Stardew players never need to stress about messing up any one individual day ect.

artistic and creative hobbies basically never run out of inspiration and creativity, you are quick and precise.

I need to clarify this doesnt make you the best for whatever thing you like. It makes you well above average in skill and provides some bonuses so you dont struggle or get burnt out or lose your rhythm ect. You will be able to consistently improve if you put in the effort however and wont hit a skill ceiling. So if you put in the effort you can be the best. But its not gonna be overnight.

Control things you understand Control things you understand
Oddly Specific

Any laws of the universe that you understand, you can control. The more you understand them, the better refined your control becomes, and can control said laws in larger areas.

Understanding that light can functions as a particle or wave means you can control a few photons to be in either state. Understanding the entire reasoning behind this could mean you can control all light coming from the sun, just as an example.

Understanding that gravity is influenced by the highs field could let you increase the weight of an object by a fraction of a percent, but knowing how mass affects the highs field in its entirety would mean you could make thens multiple times heavier.

Those are just examples, but hopefully the point got across. I also can't guarantee those examples are accurate, I'm pretty dumb.

Your power is limited only by your understanding and must apply to how things function. It'd be easier to manipulate machines as you'd only have to know how and why it functions. At a certain point you'd have to know the laws of the universe, especially if you want to make a compute run faster but you're limited by electrical conductivity.

Your brain is a parasitic creature. You are your brain. Your brain is a parasitic creature. You are your brain.

Your brain can grow little legs, get out of your head, and move around. You can remotely control your body when your brain is outside.

You can dig into a defenseless person's head and take over their body, killing them in the process. You are free to go back to your own body as long as it's kept alive.

Your brain-form has the strength and mobility of a small dog. You can eat and drink in your brain-state to keep yourself alive.

What do you do as a little brain-goblin? 🧠

You can create a 10cm diameter portal between any two surfaces You can create a 10cm diameter portal between any two surfaces
Utility Power

The portals must both be attached to a surface, and they will remain attached to that surface unless the surface breaks (and then the portal will immediately break.)

The portals creation and opening moves at light speed, so if you wanted to create a portal between your position and the moon's surface it would take about 2 seconds to open (twice the distance between the Earth and Moon). However when they are opened the travel time through the portal becomes 0.

You must know of the surface's existence to put a portal there.

You have an app on your phone that gives you real time information on your body You have an app on your phone that gives you real time information on your body
Defensive Power

Primarily information you cannot feel yourself naturally.

You can view your metabolism, libido levels, information on diseases and medicines you consumed, how many calories and minerals you have eaten that day, how many are still in your body, your general fitness. If you’re eating too much or too little. Whether your hunger is really hunger or just withdrawal/ketosis/a sickness.

The app can suggest changes you can make in your lifestyle to achieve better health, but it is context sensitive so will only suggest things you can realistically do or things you would be comfortable with. Such as diets, workouts, etc.

You can use a search function that pops up in your view, to find what anyone has ever done, said, or thought. You can use a search function that pops up in your view, to find what anyone has ever done, said, or thought.
Utility Power

You basically have the ultimate snooping tool.

You want to find out who has ever masturbated while thinking about you?

You can now. But the results might be disturbing if you find out some family member was thinking about you.

You want to find any missing person in the world? Or wanted criminals?

You can find every single person that has ever gone missing now. You'll be drowning in reward money from tipping off law enforcement.

You want to find out who stole your SNES game out of your bookbag back in elementary school?

That mystery is now solved.

You want to find out if a politician is secretly racist?

Now you can search for any time they ever said the n word without rapping along to a song.

You can upload yourself onto to a computer You can upload yourself onto to a computer

You have the ability to upload yourself, to any computer that has a terminal.

If you type sudo upload into the terminal, and enter the administrator password, yoir physical body will disappear and your consiousness will move onto the computer. You can also undo this by entering sudo download, and you will appear in front of the computer.

You appear in a blank, empty space, where you experience time as normal. You have a keyboard, mouse, speakers, display, etc, where you can access all of the computer's normal functions. You also gain the ability to create anything in your virtual space at will, however anything more complicated than a simple solid object must have its behaviour manually programmed by you.

You can also control any peripherals that are attached to the computer. For example you can control a speaker attached to the computer by creating a virtual microphone and speaking into it to communicate with a person outside the computer.

You are immortal when uploaded to the computer, but if the computer is turned off you lose the ability to do anything except leave the computer until the computer is turned on again or the drive you're installed on is put in a different computer and turned on.

Basic human only shapeshifting Basic human only shapeshifting

As it says in the title. You can into any human you can imagine so long as it fits within maximum capabilities of a human.

Could you use this to overthrow the world or become uber rich or something? Sure.

But could you also use this to just have the body you want. Yes. Yes you could. Non-cis people rejoice.

I mean you can also be the fastest person alive, the stongest, the most intelligent ect. But like thats for losers who care about min maxing. We out here lookin good instead.

Universe-hopping that works via one-way wormhole Universe-hopping that works via one-way wormhole
Utility Power

includes multidimensional(like 2d, 5d, mixed-dimensional(where one part is, for example, 3d and other part is 2d, includes connected universes), 1.585..d, fractal-dimensional, 3d but paint style(yes, this also counts), etc), time travel and teleportation. All without any abnormal distortions on your body(or anybody/anything) while entering/staying in the wormhole/exiting, time included.


• Wormhole space (i base it off film "Interstellar", where wormholes have their own "wormhole space"):

Since it can be anything, why don't have it look any way you want it look right now? You can make it look like level "hub" from backrooms, your home, etc including different dimensionals. And yes you can bring in anyone/anything for however long, that's why i mentioned it. And yes everything will stay there even if you close it. Also everything there will be invulnerable by default, will not wear down and will not age until you want it otherwise.

• Wormhole itself:

Since it's one-way only, then why not make it look like black hole on enter and white hole on exit. Including expected black/white hole light distortion effect.


• if the universe you're going in will be anything but 3d, then it will transform you to "fit in(adhere to rules of)" that universe while your mind will stay the same upon entering/exiting that universe, depends on what n-dimensional you enter if it's m-dimensional(mixed-dimensional). But it will not delete your abilities no matter what(even if verse says so, it will only block them), for obvious reasons.

It will not teleport you into a literally dead universe, for obvious reasons.

• only what you brought in with you or want to bring in/out will be brought in/out upon entering. If it doesn't meet the requirements, it will either:

Be thrown away with non-dangerous force somewhere if it can't move out. Refuse entirely to enter, and move out if it can right now.

• as to not have any time paradoxes at all, we will assume, that every single possible action that could happen in more-than-observable universe, no matter if it's ww2 happening, a random thought in your head, or just atoms colliding, will create 2 universes(depends on chance1):

One where it happens One where it not happens

This check will happen every insert the smallest timeframe existing in the universe

If there're ≥2 universes are connected in any way, it will count in 2n, where n is amount of universes. (1)

If there's ≥2 events happening at insert the smallest timeframe existing in the universe, then it will count in 2m, where m is amount of events. (2)

If (1) and (2) are happening at the same time, then it will count in 2n•m, where n is amount of events and m is amount of universes.

1 — i mean by that, that it will not count mutually exclusive events as separate. For example, a bit being 1 and 0 simultaneously without it being a qubit, or an electron being both + and - simultaneously. But if seemingly exclusive events have absolutely any chance to not be mutually exclusive no matter how long of a chain of events should('ve) happen(ed) right now(/at the moment), then it will count them both.

With that assumption, you coming in a copy of your universe 1 year ago and kill you of that universe will not create any paradox.

• You can choose, if you want to a specific verse or to randomly selected one, and yes it will save/work via Minecraft seed system (but instead of random seed it will have number ierarchy, of your choice ofc, and updating in real time if you change it), with a name of your choice, that defaults to "new verse", description and choosable tags. Also all abilities are saveable, so if you acquire flight ability, for example, in universe 1 you get to keep it outside of universe 1 to use it in universe 2 (but will be blocked of usage if universe 2 wants for you to delete it, otherwise you get to use it however and whenever you want).

TLDR: maximum possibilities so you don't have any inconvenience or don't break anything.

Extra: wanted to add, that in the wormhole it adhere to rules you desire, but defaults to: any damage/debuffs/buffs(including roundabout debuffs/buffs) negated and/or healed immediately, no aging, no damaging, your form defaults to unchanged(original one)/base(unchanged but not original)/your choice(any form)


• so since it doubles not only as teleportation, but also as pocket dimension, that means you can close the wormholes inside of the pocket dimension and have the best custom "personal space" ever.

• and because i want to it to be trainable (so that it's not that overpowered from start, but don't worry, it climbs up fast):

Tier 1(base)) you can only use it for alt universes like alt history, alt future and alt present. Max ∆time=±100000 years. Full open/close time: 30 sec → 25 sec → 20 sec → 15 sec → 10 sec → 5 sec (base, or lvl 0 to lvl 5, all gradually). Only you can pass it. Special summoning technique and tools required. Requires 1 month for each lvl, or 5 months to master. (Uni-hop--)

Tier 2) adding teleportation with max teleport distance of "to the moon and back" km, time travel with max ∆time=±10000 years, and now all living beings (or life forms, name however you want it to be named), including from all alt-verses, can pass through. ∆time for alt universes is removed. Full open/close time: 5 sec → 4 sec → 3 sec → 2 sec → 1 sec (lvl 0 to lvl 5, gradually). Requires 10 months of base training and 2.5 month additional for each lvl. (Uni-hop-)

Tier 3) now you can open wormholes "at the speed of light", create pocket dimensions, enter all kinds of n-dimensionals, as long as it's your home universe. Now anything from any verse can pass through, including non-life. Tools no longer needed(but still usable) and technique is greatly simplified. Teleport and time travel limitations are removed. Requires 2 years of base training and 2 years to master.(Uni-hop base version)

Tier 4(or 3.5)) now you can open exotic-dimensionals, for example fractal-dimensional, (√-1)d, 1.585..d, π-dimensional, mixed-dimensionals and all it takes is "a flick of the wrist" in all senses and means and/or "with the help of the mind". Requires only half a year of base training and 4 months to master it because there's not so much new. (Uni-hop exotic- and mixed- dimensionals DLC. Not uni-hop+, well, not yet)

Tier 5) now you can (finally) open wormholes to any fictional words not including canon-divergence, alternative timestamps and fanfiction worlds. Requires 1.5 years of intensive training and only half a year to master it(because once you know how to do it, it's easy to replicate and simplify). (Uni-hop+)

Tier 6(or 5.5))now no limitations on fictional words. Requires only 4 months of training because it's just removing limitations. (Uni-hop+±)

Final tier (or extra)) now you can open absolutely any world in different styles, for example 8-bit style, painted style, or anime-style. Requires whopping 3 years base and a year to improve it to have: mixed styles (for example 8-bit and anime fully mixed together), combo-styles(not fully mixed, but comboing), 2 or more styles in 1 verse(one for one planet and another for other planets for example) and more. (That's uni-hop++)

Phew, what a long post, i normally don't write this long. You can write your ideas for what use it for, mine is: teleport to any fictional world("Ori and the blind forest" game world if you care where I want exactly, cuz i like Ori so much), gain some abilities, if possible and get friends to travel multiverses with, then go into the spider-verse. And yes, you can bring in yo homies.

You CAN either see 1min into the future 24/7 or 1 Day every 30 days. You CAN either see 1min into the future 24/7 or 1 Day every 30 days.

You can either see 1min into the future as often as you want (not stackable) or see one day into the future every 30 days (the moment you choose to activate it, the 30 day cooldown begins.

The stuff you see will je projected into your head like a very clear memory. You can cleary remember every detail of what you saw.

The future is not fixed, it just Shows the Events that happen if you didnt look into the future ergo couldnt change anything.

You can turn the 1 minute view on and off. Once you looked 1 min into the future you can look again once the Minute is over

You immediately know the biggest insecurities and specific details of any person who is being hateful online You immediately know the biggest insecurities and specific details of any person who is being hateful online
Defensive Power

For example if someone is being extremely outwardly racist on a forum you immediately gain knowledge of their deceased mother who died in 2018, their debilitating anxiety regarding their future and exactly what caused it. Give any troll a mental breakdown at will.