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Romesh Ranganathan on Iggy Azalea

r/standupshots - Romesh Ranganathan on Iggy Azalea
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u/Radidactyl avatar
u/Epicjay avatar

Wow that was incredibly bad

Not any worse than the shit she's putting out now.

I liked her on no mediocre but other than that yeah

u/TheCheeseSquad avatar

She's not putting anything out rn tho. It's been like 2 years

u/arlekin21 avatar

She put out an album this summer and it’s ok

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It’s heavily auto-tuned and still somehow out of key.

Good lord.

Can we give her to New Zealand or something? I don’t want to be Australian anymore.

u/starkiller_bass avatar

She couldn’t afford the good stuff, that must be like the MS Paint of autotune software.

u/BraxForAll avatar

How dare you put down MS Paint like that?!

Auto Tune lets you pick the key. It's possible to choose the wrong one.

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u/lukenog avatar

Whoever was the audio engineer on that deserves to get fired. He set the autotune to pitch correct to the wrong key.

Can we give her to New Zealand or something?

We don’t want her!


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u/TrekkiMonstr avatar

Fuck off, why would we want her either? Give her to Canada.

u/DEADB33F avatar

The Aussies would have to take Bieber in exchange.

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Eww, now I know that exists. Thanks a lot!


Ah fuck, you got me curious now

Edit: #dont do it, save yourselves


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Im on it

Well, the asshole in me is glad someone else was subjected to that shit. May that memory forever haunt your dreams!


For once I'm going to heed the advice in the comments. Someone tell me what it is please.

u/forlornhope22 avatar

It's a music video. The music is not good.

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u/lipidsly avatar


How was this not a hit

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Jesus. Even with auto-tune she still sounds like garbage.

u/BluLemonade avatar

This is like a scientific marvel. How do you even pull that off?

TI writes her music. That's how. How does no one know this?

u/BluLemonade avatar

Probably because it's 2018 and no one really gives a fuck about her. But my point was how could she possibly sound that bad when she's using a vocal filter who's main purpose is to put you on key

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u/viperex avatar

My god, that video has all the lens flares

u/ADogNamedCynicism avatar

They were trying to distract you from how bad the song is.

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What is that music video production?

Only watched the first 15 seconds but it’s so heavily auto-tuned it actually kinda sounds like Britney, but garbage.

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Good lord

u/1ncorrect avatar

Thanks I hate it

Amazing. Her production team managed to distill the essence of the absolute worst parts of 2000s pop into a single song.

how do you manage to sound out of tune with autotune?

that's almost impressive in the wrong way

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In video form.

He also has a dedicated subreddit too - r/RomeshRanganathan/

That dude is 10/10. His timing and delivery were on point and that joke was great.

u/tangus avatar

The head bobbing made it.

u/andsoitgoes42 avatar

I fucking lost it. So perfect.

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u/ich_habe_keine_kase avatar

It's because he's a tree wizard.


Can't believe that song exists! What a stroke of luck.

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u/wilalva11 avatar

Thank you for posting video form, that's so much better, really added that extra umph

edit: spelling

Reading it was rough. The premise is good but it did NOT read well. Video was night and day. Well done.

u/Writerguy995 avatar

Yeah, this. It’s a mess to read. It comes across as an angry editorial.

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u/reddhead4 avatar

I read it exactly as he said it, but maybe that's just me ?

u/wilalva11 avatar

It depends on the person, the cadence which I read it as was much different and much less funny

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u/EsseVideri avatar

I think it's because I perform too. I knew the big pause would be when he performed the white waiter bit to bring the audience in.

it read much smoother to me with that context

u/reddhead4 avatar

Maybe it was the body language for me. Idk. Maybe I could predict where the joke was going. Idk.

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The joke is good on its own but the video is 1000 times better. I agree with everyone else his timing is great


Appears on a lot of Panel Shows, come to r/panelshow, and if you see one you can't get, try :)

Romesh is one of my favorites. Most of the time he appears to be angry, he's pretending. Took me a little bit to catch because I'm slow. He's great. And he responded to me on Facebook, so that's also awesome. :)


Much better, thank you!

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also, the Hilltop Hoods manage to rap just fine as aussies. I quite like Skip-Hop, it's like perky rap.


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yeah I live here but they're all I know by name :P I'm a filthy casual, all I know is what I hear on Rage on saturday mornings (for any non-Aussies, rage is a music countdown show on tv in Australia, they show pop and also indie stuff)

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Hilltop kind of have a bit of a monopoly on Aussie Hip Hop AFAIK. Here's a pretty decent tune though:

u/bobcatsalsa avatar

They're the giants of the scene for sure, but there are plenty of others - Bliss and Eso, Illy, the Thundamentals, Horrorshow, Drapht, 360 for a while.

u/organyc avatar

funkoars, briggs, thundamentals, baker boy, urthboy, vents, muph & plutonic, downsyde, bias b, MC layla, dialectrix, pegz, hyjack & torcha if you want more that haven't been mentioned. aussie hip hop is good, but it's different.

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u/greengiant89 avatar

Try bliss n eso


Hilltop hoods is legit solid, i’d Put them in my top fifteen, maybe top ten for hip hop if i really had to narrow it down to specifics. Their wordplay is great, they make rhymes that only work with their accents, and they have grown as artists steadily over their career to the point each album has a distinct feel, instead of how a lot of musician’s albums end up feeling like half the songs are leftovers from their last album. Right proper lads.

Professor Elemental raps just fine for a Victorian era inventor.

I'm more of a Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer fan, but the prof's good too :)

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We got Chillinit, 360, Wombat, Mr Shadow, Dr Flea/Alex Jones, Complete, Flowz Dillione, Huskii.. decent scene down here just no recognition.

u/QuantumDisruption avatar

Thanks for the list gonna check them out

Start with chill X Wombat underrated

u/kaaIeb avatar

So good

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u/Agranosh avatar

Hilltop Hoods are amazing.

u/MoSqueezin avatar

Shit is dope, I kinda like The Herd as well

The herd are by far the best Aussie hip hop act. 77% and The King Is Dead are both phenomenal pieces of political commentary

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u/nicholt avatar

But does anyone outside of Australia really listen to them? It's like Australia's version of UK grime. Both really popular in the their respective countries, but unknown outside of them.

Definitely, I prefer Australian hiphop over American any day.

My point was more, 'hey, if you don't like Iggy Azalea, check out other skip-hop artists instead' Or even if you like Iggy, IDGAF. Worth 3min on YouTube to check out :)

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Seth Sentry too


I love hip-hop and I’ve been getting into more international acts recently. I’m gonna have to check these guys out.

*Edit: We should make a sub showcasing hip-hop from where you’re from. Like the UN of rap.

u/CraigJSmith-Himself avatar

Check out Jack Parow from South Africa in that case.

As a Dutchman afrikaans is super confusing to me. I can kinda understand him but not really.

He still has some great stuff though.

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u/InfiniteXXV avatar

They're one of my favorites from the early 2000s. I wonder what happened to them.

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LOL, great group but they're also sporting them "ebonic inflections".

u/sythyy avatar

Sad thing is she would never have reached her level of fame without that fake accent..

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u/genericlurker369 avatar

Hilltop Hoods, all up in this bitch!

Didn't know they were Australian.

I used to listen to a couple of their songs when I was in High School ('Nosebleed' and 'Hard Road'). At the time I didn't put together that if you like a couple songs from an artist, then you might like more of their work.

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u/DingleBerryJerry905 avatar

Damn, this adds clarity to the line where J Cole is talking about Iggy winning an award while he tries to crack a smile...


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u/ottawapainters avatar

Saw him live recently and he showed a clip of himself at the awards during the song, was pretty dope.

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u/Bahamut_Ali avatar

Its pretty weird when non Americans refer to the south as the south to other non Americans.

The reputation of the American south is far reaching. It's south of everything now.

u/Bahamut_Ali avatar

Its just that if you asked me to point to wales on a map I probably couldn't and if you pointed to wales on a map and asked me what country that was i would probably say "ANGLAN". That would probably my answer if you did the same for Scotland and parts of France.


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u/KDY_ISD avatar

You missed a great opportunity here to say if someone asked you to point out Wales on a map you'd point at the ocean

u/Bahamut_Ali avatar

Awwwwwww fuck.

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u/TheBrownWelsh avatar


u/Bahamut_Ali avatar

Nooooo. I'm just kidding I love you.

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How the fuck can you not be able to point to Scotland? The top half of the big island... it's not that difficult. Their weird little fucking counties are indecipherable, but Scotland?

Surely you're exaggerating.

u/King_Of_Regret avatar

When you look at a map, it all just says UK. No one sees it divided into the little subcategories. Itd be liking asking a random person in wales to point to the greater cincinatti metropolitan region.

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Dude there are states I can't point to on a map. It'd take me 5 tries to find Vermont and that's not even one of the square ones.

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It's clear what he means from the context. No-one thinks he's talking about fucking guildford.

Saying 'the South' without that context would be taken as southern England.

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u/ennuinerdog avatar

You think that's South? I'm from Australia get rekt m8.

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"Can't rap with an Australian accent" is the dumbest shit I ever heard. Tell that to Die Antwoord rapping with their nonsensical South African accents.

Also, rapping/ singing has its own vocal shit going on. Check out every other English singer, almost right away the English accent drops away.

david gray babylon is an instance where the singer keeps there accent.

Americans also drop their accent. Canadians/Americans/Brits/Aussies all share so much music they sound like each other when they sing.

Not excusing Iggy though, that's entirely on purpose.

u/Clayh5 avatar

See to me singing (generally) just sounds like an American accent


Let me blow your mind by introducing you to The Proclaimers.

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u/lipidsly avatar

Cotton eyed joe was written and performed by norwegians

u/DukeofGebuladi avatar

I coulda sworn those guys are swedish?

u/lipidsly avatar

Also probably that

Point stands, they sound like american ruralites

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u/Swandive_ avatar


Like those great American hitmakers, Abba, and Golden Earring.

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u/lukenog avatar

People always say this but I feel like every British singer I've heard, I can tell they're British pretty easily.

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u/obadetona avatar

She would be nowhere near as popular if she didn't put on the accent.

u/swefdd avatar

Neel is fucking gold.

Eh is he really though? Didn't watch many of his videos but a couple of videos were pretty unfunny and used the same tropes


Truthfully I haven’t watched much of his for ages, but I remember a string of funny videos a few years back - maybe it’s not as funny as I remember 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I could only make it to the second line of the actual song. Holy horrible.

u/rayz0101 avatar

It's done so on purpose, dunno why u/swefdd linked it in context of posting a legit criticism of aussie rap.

This video is entirely comedic, there is good australian rap check this one out:

u/tewks4life avatar

I enjoyed that.

Ok, that was fantastic! Thanks!

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I mean I get it, doesn't mean it's funny. Basically a "hurr I was only pretending to be retarded" in a 3 min video format.

Plus add in some semantic satiation makes it sound even weirder.

u/urethral_lobotomy avatar

I found it funny but im very familiar with the music that hes parodying. I can see why you wouldn't like it if you're not familliar.

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u/DicedPeppers avatar

Australians can rap just fine

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u/funknut avatar

Fully agreed. DA have a language mixing technique similar to Gerardo, with his Spanglish hit, Rico Suave. If you think that DA would take qualms with such a comparison, think again, because the groups leader, Ninja, unabashedly declares his love for Vanilla Ice, even admitting to emulating him, though he only vaguely looks similar and sounds nothing like him, artistically. I think their act might be the most dada in all of music history, but not for that reason alone and you'd have to to dig deep to really get that sense.


Chappie Why You Do This

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The first time i learned Keith Urban was Australian I felt a little betrayed. A little different situation, but country has a lot of instances of changing or emphasizing an accent to gain more credit with the target demographic (Bo Burnham Pandering Country)

u/Bowch- avatar

Oh man.. He's from New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND. WE ARE A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.


Shoutout to r/mapswithoutnewzealand

In fairness, have you given being part of Australia a chance? You could be like Australias Hawaii, with sheep.

Well, the Australian constitution does have a caveat to allow NZ to become a state of Australia should they wish to do so.

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First time I realized Keith Urban wasn't a rapper I felt a little betrayed.

Man, you're on a whole nother level here.

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u/Miracow avatar

I was at a party over the weekend and some dude told me Iggy azalea is a mix between Beyonce and Aretha Franklin.... Possibly the hottest take I've ever heard I had to take a minute to collect myself after I heard it

u/AutoModerator avatar
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I know there are racial issues with Iggy but Keith Urban has been singing with a fake southern accent and no one says shit to him. While we’re on the subject, Brad Paisely grew up a few miles away from me and no one from Glen Dale has his fake southern accent and I’ve never once seen anyone wearing a cowboy hat. We’re like an hour drive outside Pittsburgh, PA.

u/BenAdaephonDelat avatar

"I write songs about people who do

Jobs in the towns that I'd never move to"

  • Bo Bernham's "Country Song (Pandering)"

u/le_wild_poster avatar

Yall dumb motherfuckers want a key change??

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That’s one thing I’ve always liked about Kate Nash and Lily Allen, you can totally hear their British accents when they sing.


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I might be partial because I was a long time grime and drum n bass fan and I’ve always had a big appreciation for UK music/culture. Being from the states we don’t usually get those accents and I find myself very attracted to them. That said, I have no ability to distinguish different regional accents and what part of the country they are from.

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u/gurlat avatar

Lilly Allens accent is fake though. She grew up in an expensive suburb, the child of millionaire parents, but somehow she talks (and sings) like a working class white girl from the East End.

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u/starkiller_bass avatar

I don’t think anyone gives a shit if white people act like other white people. Sorry but not many country artists have actually ever raised crops or livestock, ridden a horse other than recreationally, or drive a beat-up truck or tractor. That’s no different from some hip hop artists that may be playing the “gangster” role when they grew up in the suburbs and went to private school.

It’s one thing to act a part as an entertainer, but “acting” like a caricature of another race professionally is not socially acceptable anymore, in case you didn’t get the memo.

u/Navin_KSRK avatar

To add to this, people do call out country singers or rappers for coming from prosperous backgrounds while singing/rapping about the the struggles of being rural/poor. Bo Burnham has an entire song about this


So Keith Urban can live a lie but Hootie is committing a hate crime?

The rules are directional. Just like comedians never punch down, you don't appropriate the culture of a people who are more disenfranchised/disadvantaged than you. If Hootie wants to emulate white culture, good on him.


That's only if you ascribe to Intersectionality though, which not everyone does.

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you don't appropriate the culture of a p

Cultures aren't property. No one owns them. They only grow stronger the more people invest in them.

Every 6 weeks, another human language dies. Every 6 fucking weeks on average... if you subscribe to the linguistics subreddit for a year, there will be some weeks where it's 2 or 3. Dead.

Are you saying these languages would be better off dead than for white people to learn these?

Liberal idiocy.

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u/MasterGrammar avatar

The fact that you unironically believe this, is 100% funnier than this comedians joke.


The "rules" are as bullshit as the concept.

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Here in Oklahoma, people hate Keith Urban for being fake country.

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u/Mightymushroom1 avatar

Wow this really doesn't work as well without hearing his voice along with it.

Romesh is so funny. I like when he talks about his kids and parenting.

I think my favourite thing ever is him and Jonny Vegas arguing about Pajamas on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown


Aw I love 8 out of 10 cats. Jimmy Carr’s family is actually from my home town. Which is bizarre as I had no idea he was Irish.


Judging by the laugh he's not only part Irish, but also part sea lion :)

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u/RPG_dude avatar

Gotta be careful with that Indian accent, bro. Even the caption-maker wanted to distance itself from that shit. It’s an Australian accent but a broad Indian accent

British rock singers have a long tradition of singing in an American accent...

u/lurker093287h avatar

Loads of American punk bands fake a London accent aswell I guess.

u/Valmut avatar

Most Irish punk bands come from Boston.

Did you not see The Town?

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Not really their accent is just fainter at times so you can't hear it if you're not British. And this mostly applied pre-80s.

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I have no love for Iggy Azalea but this is pretty common.
A lot of foreign rappers speak English with their native accents but their rap in English has a black accent because guess what? That is how they learned to rap. By listening to black American rappers.

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u/halborn avatar

Man, in text like that this bit is weak as hell.

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I have equated it to her doing vocal blackface.

u/Johan_Sajude avatar


u/dankswope avatar

Right? Definitely on the blackface spectrum.

u/notgayinathreeway avatar

But blackface is only bad because it originated as something super fucking racist.

So there's no spectrum, there's "this originated as racism and there's no saving it" and there's a fake accent. Neither are appropriate for her to be doing but only one is actually racist in nature because racism is different than acknowledging people are different and can have a different accent.

u/bertowerto avatar

Actually, there is a historical blackface "voice" if you will. Lots of white folks singing to imitate black singers in the earliest days of recording (cylinders, early vinyl). Source - I digitized a bunch of turn of the century cylinders for my senior thesis in college.

u/dankswope avatar

Is she imitating black culture to insult the entirety of the black race? No. Is she profiting off of the literal appropriation of black culture for profit? Yes. To claim racism is not a spectrum is ridiculous.

u/notgayinathreeway avatar

How is that different than Eminem or Elvis though

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Really though, as long as she's not impersonating a black woman with the intention of making fun of black people, I don't have a problem with it. She seems like she sings that way because she likes the way it sounds. She thinks it's a positive thing. If that's wrong, then the reverse is wrong too. Are we going to start calling out black women from the south for "talking white"?

I think people make fun of anybody unauthentic, it's not like there was a huge outrage with Iggy Azalea, she was pretty successful for a while


Oh sure, making fun of it is fine. I think it's dumb too. It definitely comes across as fake.

But I don't think that's what Romesh is doing here. He's not just poking fun at it. He's saying that it's offensive, and that's what I disagree with. It's dumb, and kind of trashy, but it's not racist.

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Bliss N esso, drapht, hilltop hoods

Smh you can rap with the accent. I dig it

u/AskMeForAPhoto avatar

Bullet and a Target by Bliss n Esso is such a great track!

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u/ironykarl avatar

Singing in a different accent is super common —see country musicians putting on a southern twang, the Ramones singing in a faux-Liverpudlian, Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day doing... whatever that pop punk accent is, ...

This is a decently funny bit, but it'd be a shame if people mistook it for the truth, because... go figure, Top 40 artists aren't very authentic, and (go figure) white artists are often more marketable while doing the exact same shtick as black artists. That last part is worth complaining about, but I don't see this as minstrelsy.

u/orleansville avatar

30 seconds I’ll never get back

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u/mandie7312 avatar

Why are these all so bad?

u/Headcap avatar

because they're in text, the most important thing in comedy is

edit: timing

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u/bumbletowne avatar

But if a white person imitates the paintings of Kitagawa Utamaro you wouldn't say a thing.

Art is art, it's not a plundering of culture for people with enough money to see it. You're allowed to make whatever art you want. Some people, like Dali, argued that if art made you feel comfortable it was bullshit. It serves to evoke emotion and not all of them have to be politically correct.

Set your bias aside and enjoy art for what it is. She's a woman creating. She does it without malice.

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Iggy was taught to rap by an American, so I can understand that she picked up the accent.

I mean... I sing in an American accent. The Australian accent is just shit for rap/singing.


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I agree. It's just some twat gatekeeping.

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u/s_skadi avatar

Iggy was taught to rap by black people. Black people in the south more specifically. She came to the US at 16 and moved from Florida to Texas and then settled in Atlanta for a few years working with a member of the Dungeon Family (a musical collective that specialize in southern hip hop). I don't blame her for rapping in a way that's comfortable to her.

u/damn_jexy avatar

Im a big fan of her music.. Hate her ass

Hold on... The other way around.

u/testreker avatar

This is one of the worst jokes I've ever seen to put into captioned panel form.

The hilltop hoods rap in their Australian accents and it sounds good as hell. Though truth is iggy wouldn't sell half as many records if she used her own accent

Whenever I think of Romesh I can only hear the panel show where he mocked the panel calling him fat “Eh look at romesh fatty boom boom!”

I laughed myself into a conniption on that.

u/kevinisrael avatar

If this joke works live you most certainly would never know it from this written version.

Do people still care about Iggy? Only time I hear about her, is either people pearl clutching about her schtick, or when she shows off her ass. She's a professional hot person, it's not worth getting upset over.


PC culture pretending to be funny, looking for segregation.

You're overreacting, mate.

u/ryan_bigl avatar

This is hilarious