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KKH Preservation: the project to keep our dolls alive

KKH Preservation digital archive

So, I'm working on a preservation project of KKH, where the goal is to have a complete online "visual archive" of the items of the game. Each item will be isolated and available for download by anyone viewing the archive, meaning you can put together your doll by using any photo editing software if you are a KKH edit fan, or maybe just want to go down memory lane.

I have already documented hundreds of items, but I only really owned a small fraction of all items in the game. This means that you could contribute to my project by uploading any pics of the game (screenshots and/or in-game photobooth pics) that you happen to still have on your device.

Please do not edit the images, compress the images, crop them, or turn them into collages. The pics being in the rawest format possible makes my job a whole lot easier and faster! You can upload any photos you may have to my cloud, and as a bonus, all of your KKH photos will live permanently unedited on my cloud in their own private folders, meaning that you won't ever have to worry about losing the photos if your phone breaks. If you would like to contribute, leave a comment here AND send me a DM here on reddit, and I will create a personal image folder just for you and send you the link!

Like I said, for now I'm in the stage of collecting images, and the archive is looking a little bare-boned at the minute as I'm gradually transferring all of my files from my personal cloud to this public cloud, but later on the archive will have finished PNGs available for anyone. Check out the "cheat sheets" folder to see what has been fully archived so far (more cheat sheets to come), and please have patience as I work on this project over time!

Edit: cheat sheet folder now accessible.

KKH Preservation digital archive

FAQ - Gameplay & Troubleshooting - Look Here Before Posting!

This FAQ page is a compilation of answers for gameplay and troubleshooting Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. If you have questions about gameplay or troubleshooting, please search the FAQ here. If you feel your question was not answered by the FAQ then you can make a new post about it. FAQ posts that are answered here are subject to be removed.

You can also do a search before posting, most likely your question has already been answered at some point. It is common Reddiquette to do a search before posting - redundancy posts add nothing new to previous conversations.

Remember, this is an unofficial forum and we are not in any way affiliated with the game maker, Glu.


A: Here is the mega thread with suggestions. Please keep all suggestions and posts asking for a similar game in the megathread, this way it can be referenced by everyone in one condensed post. Creating several different posts with recommendations clutters people's front pages and does not help anyone find a new game to play. It's easier just to reference one post.


A: Please use the search function for this. This has been discussed many times and there are several threads about this. There have been email campaigns, petitions, etc. already organized and done ever since the sunset was announced. None of it seemed to help as the game is dead now.


A: As of 2024 there are no plans or announcements made by Glu to release a similar game unrelated to the Kardashians.

Remember that if you ask any of the above questions your post will be deleted, unless you are adding brand new information!

(delusional?) Theory - Glu is going to work on the original Kardashian Hollywood game but without the K name (delusional?) Theory - Glu is going to work on the original Kardashian Hollywood game but without the K name

I can't remember the name when I look it up online. Does anyone remember ? The game was exactly like KKH, except there was no Kim. It was the "template" for the game before Glu began to work with celebrities began and have them create their own version (Kim, Kendall and Kylie, Nicki Minaj) etc. You worked for a café instead of So Chic. But you still dreamt of making it big in Hollywood. There was a Willow Pape type of rival.

I've never went very far into the game but it coexisted with KKH for quite some time. I assume that the development for KKH put this game in the backburner and Glu stopped working on it.

I'm kind of wondering (delusional me perhaps) if Glu mobile is not going to try and revamp this game from scratch. We all know Kim dropped/didn't renew her contract with Glu. Of course, we don't know what were the details of her contract. But it's very possible that after a certain year, Glu would no longer be able to use her name.

I personally seriously doubt KKH was not profitable. Even after it declined in popularity, it still had a stable and active fanbase that spent a lot of money on the game, and I know so many games that do not have anywhere near the popularity of KKH that are still going strong after years. I mean just look at the other Glu games ! Am I supposed to believe that KKH was the only one in the red ?

My theory is that Glu has closed the game, is going to go radio silence for the next 2-3 years so they can generate a desire for a similar game, then come back with a new game. I doubt it will be with another celebrity (celebrity culture is not what it was back then), but simply another KKH look alike. REMEMBER that this is the same company that released like 10 versions of this game with many different celebrities, including Katy Perry and Britney Spears ! They are absolutely capable of doing it again.

The main reason why i BELIEVE in this theory is look at KKH socials. They stopped promoting the game a LONG time ago. If the game was dying, wouldn't they have tried to promote the game a bit, use tiktok to show off the game ? Wouldn't they have used some viral memes attached around the Kardashian name (like "nobody wants to work these days") etc ? Instead they just disappeared everywhere 1-2 years before we got any announcement. In my opinion, this was Glu letting the time for their contract run out, whilst knowing they have another game lined up. BELIEVE ! i will be proven right. (not delusional).