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Dr. Paradise and Margaret/Millie WATN Dr. Paradise and Margaret/Millie WATN

God this man is a genius. We had been privy to Margaret and Millie’s fucked up relationship from the get go but Dr. Paradise walks in and in the second sentence he said “that will be a reoccurring theme in our sessions” about Millie babying Margaret to death.

The whole time Margaret is laying there the round, red, and naked as the day she was born. Margaret may have came out her mother but she’s still up her ass. And Millie regrets leaving her with her abusive 1000 pound Dad but taking her sister and running.

Wonder where Margaret’s sister is?? Is the dad still alive?

This is the most fucked up shit I’ve seen on here in a while. They talk on the phone all day long while Millie is at work. Like for 8 hours at a time. What kind of job does Millie have that she can just talk to her daughter uninterrupted for that long? What do they talk about? Who’s that guy with the mom? Is he the ones owns that huge gun safe? I’m glad Dr Paradise was being filmed at crazy as Margaret and Millie were acting towards him.

“She’s my baby” “She’s 35” 💀

I have so many unanswered questions. Anyone keep up with her social media?

Dr. Paradise is such a good therapist. I wish he would make a YouTube channel or something. Or he’ll give him a spin off working with these obese patients when Dr. Now retires. He seems to be so good with them. He never judges, he encourages them, and he always has some good words of wisdom.

Significant Others Significant Others

I am not trying to sound rude or anything but does anyone watch this and find themselves trying to figure out how some of these significants others are attracted or with these 600 lb people. Yes I get the whole it’s what’s inside that matters but I still believe there has to be physical attraction as well and I just can’t wrap my head around how the mindset of some of the significant others work. How can you be attracted sexually? How can you put up with being a caretaker and not having a normal life and all of that? I guess I just can’t get what is in it for them.

New To The Show New To The Show

I've only been watching the show for about a month or two, and a couple of questions came to mind.

  • After getting weighed in, do all of Dr. Now patients get sent to "Room 5" ?

  • Does the show do any update shows, as with some of the people I wonder if they managed to keep the weight off?

I am sure that I will have other questions. All I know is that this show has taken away my addiction to 90 Day Fiance as one can clearly see how real this is...

What If Dr. Now Started His Own Line of Meals? What If Dr. Now Started His Own Line of Meals?

I just saw an ad for Factor meals and it made me think about what a good opportunity that would be for Dr. Now. They could be frozen or ready to prepare throughout the country and fresh in the Houston area. That way all his patients would have to do is eat three of his meals a day and there would be no excuses for not knowing how many calories they were eating or what is or isn’t in the diet. It would also give people who aren’t enrolled in his program the opportunity to lose weight in their own.

Vienay and Allen Vienay and Allen

I started their WATN episode and realized I didn’t remember their original episode so I went back, watched that, and now I’m almost finished with the WATN. I searched the group and only saw two posts on them but I gotta say WTF.

  1. The fact that went down to Houston with literally no money and she flipped out when the mattress was left on the highway. But they didn’t even attempt to just go back and get it??

  2. V originally doing really well while A slipped up and cheated with nachos and such. And then V almost dying, actually saying out loud she wished she had died, and then being mad at Dr. Now and A for saving her. I mean… wow.

  3. After V burned the letter to her mom, she talked about how her emotional growth was so impressive, and I agreed, but what happened?!

  4. These are in no order, but the Eeyore disposition V had is so frustrating.

  5. In their WATN episode and she is just SO shitty to Allen. I can’t even put it in words but wow she is so toxic. I felt so bad for Allen. I hope he’s doing well but all he ever wanted was for V to be happy and successful. I’m glad she admitted that she is jealous because it’s real obvious. But she is so miserable and just seems she WANTS to be miserable.

  6. This whole post to say, I really think V should have been in some in patient psych care.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Dr. Now and the Paper Towel Dr. Now and the Paper Towel

I'm watching LaNeatha's story (S8E16) and she is genuinely distressed at her lack of results for her perceived efforts, and weeping with frustration, and Dr. Now awkwardly asks her friend to grab a paper towel from the paper towel roll for LaNeatha. I think of Dr. Now as being genuinely compassionate in some ways, and stubbornly insistent on berating people at other times, beyond the point where the patient has agreed with him. But this moment with LaNeatha seemed strange--that a doctor wouldn't have a box of tissues in the office for a patient who is weeping.
The other oddity about Dr. Now is his legal pads for patient records. His office doesn't seem to use an electronic medical record (EMR) like Epic or whatnot, and I'm not sure how he does this if he needs to bill insurance for services. (Of course I assume he bills TLC for the services provided for the patients on this show, so he doesn't need medical coding and documentation for them, but I'm sure he treats a lot of other patients as well.)

Let’s talk about Sean Let’s talk about Sean

I am rewatching Sean Miliken’s 2nd WATN and it got me to thinking. Why was Dr. Now so patient with Sean? I’ve seen all the episodes of this show and I’ve seen him lose patience with people fairly quickly sometimes. But Sean got endless chances. Why?


  1. He made great TV. What was it - 1 episode of the main show and 2 of WATN? This tale had everything - delusions, Daddy/Mommy issues, Munchausen syndrome, hurricanes, crocheting.

  2. Sympathy? I don’t know. I can think of people more deserving of sympathy.

  3. Stubbornness on Dr. Now’s part? Maybe Sean was a challenge to Dr. Now’s medical ego. If he could succeed with this guy, he could be even more celebrated.

I don’t know. That’s all I got.

What happened to the patients? 2.0 What happened to the patients? 2.0

I miss the early seasons when most patients would succeed at least somewhat and only one or two trainwrecks per season. In those we'd have WLS in month 3 or 4 and skin removals by the end of the episode. Or lymphedema removals on the way. Now if we have surgery it's near the end of the episode. And where's showing when they cheat on their diet? Like Larry's episode, he wouldn't lose weight but we didn't see what he was doing wrong.

The structure of the show is completely different too. In the early seasons, even in the 2-hour episodes, most of the content was about their weight loss journey. Other activities weren't really shown. And in the 1-hour episodes, a month could be like five sentences and then moving on to the next month.

Compare this to the newer episodes. Half of the beginning is "my body hurts, I can't do things normally blah blah" like yeah we know. Traveling to Dr Now's takes the other half. That's one hour. And the second hour? Struggling to lose weight, complaining, WLS in month 10 or 11 if we're lucky.

Actually they should make a prequel series called "My 600lb trip to Texas", which would be just the traveling part. "My 600lb life" would begin when the patient first arrives at Dr Now's.

I hate that it has become "fat person travels to Texas and struggles to lose weight for 10 months" one episode after another because I really love this show. Trainwrecks are nice every now and then but in the end of the day I want to see these people succeed. I want to see them lose that weight and live normal lives. And that was the "magic" of trainwrecks - they were RARE. When most participants are trainwrecks, the "magic" is gone. It's not fun anymore.