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Not A financial advisor but we love movies around here


Hello Everyone

Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Closing Bell Ortex Update: everything working its way back to ATHs after a bullish quarter…Current Mood: it’s incredible how easy hedgie is making it for apes to hold the line, history is going to laugh at them Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Closing Bell Ortex Update: everything working its way back to ATHs after a bullish quarter…Current Mood: it’s incredible how easy hedgie is making it for apes to hold the line, history is going to laugh at them
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Closing Bell Ortex Update: everything working its way back to ATHs after a bullish quarter…Current Mood: it’s incredible how easy hedgie is making it for apes to hold the line, history is going to laugh at them
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Closing Bell Ortex Update: everything working its way back to ATHs after a bullish quarter…Current Mood: it’s incredible how easy hedgie is making it for apes to hold the line, history is going to laugh at them
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Closing Bell Ortex Update: everything working its way back to ATHs after a bullish quarter…Current Mood: it’s incredible how easy hedgie is making it for apes to hold the line, history is going to laugh at them

Why Popcorn, AMC, is More Valuable Than Gold(Meaning) Why Popcorn, AMC, is More Valuable Than Gold(Meaning)
Why I Hold

There's a famous excerpt from Jordan Belfort's book Wolf of Wallstreet, "Sell me this pen".

Sell me this pen scene

I'd like to discuss that scene today, because it's important to why Short Sellers, criminal captured regulators, NBBO abusing market makers, Shills, and overleveraged banks will ultimately fail.

At this point, you're likely thinking I'm going to say "Supply and Demand", but no...surprisingly.
Our capital markets are built on the premise of Supply and Demand on the surface, we know now at this point there is blatant market abuse enabled by self-regulated entities like the DTCC, OTC, SEC, et al. because they are captured entities.

Captured Regulator-"Regulatory capture (also called agency capture) is a form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular geographic area, industry, profession, or ideological group. When regulatory capture occurs, a special interest is prioritized over the general interests of the public, leading to a net loss for society." wiki, ofc

(In the examples I'm describing, the regulators want to transition to Wallstreet and industry, or they are holding unreported short positions(because you don't have to file a 13F for shorts), or have hidden naked positions under "sold but not yet purchased" or swaps. The concerning one this week is unwinding swaps for overleveraged banks.)

Back on topic, the fucking pen, what matters even more than Supply and Demand? What could the capital markets not be accounting for(besides captured regulators)?

The Answer: Meaning

Supply, Demand, and Meaning.

There are two scenes in the Wolf of Wallstreet movie that I'll discuss before coming back to this point.

Scene 1: Jordan Belfort at a conference is talking to a group and tells one of them to sell him this pen. The guy responds by trying to tell him how good the pen is, how the pen is great, phenomenal, wonderful. Even the audience is left unconvinced. Why? Because a lack of fucking conviction, the guy didn't even believe it himself, so how is anybody else supposed to. The guy was trying to sell us on something other than the pen and failed. What was that something? Now the word "something" is a terrible word, but in this case it actually fits. Some, an arbitrary amount, and thing, an ambiguous possession. Meaning disregards both of these price & possession, meaning can be priceless, it isn't tangible to possess. Meaning in this case, is confused for trying to sell demand.

Scene 2: Jordan Belfort sits at a table eating with his friends, discussing how much money they are going make together, a shit ton obviously, and how it's going to be great. He asks his buddy, Brad-played by Jon Bernthal, to sell him the pen. Brad responds by asking him to write his name down on a napkin, to which Jordan Belfort needs a pen to do. There was a creation of demand, which gave the pen value, perfectly illustrating the point of the pen exercise.

But now, I'm going to paint for you a new scene...

Scene 3: Dear Apes, today, I write to you with the pen my mother used. I know this pen well, it's a sterling 75 silver 925 Cicele Parker, to this day it smells of her menthol cigarettes. I remember sitting on her lap when I was young, she'd sign checks with it and tell me to be quiet while she was working. I liked to talk and ask her what she was doing, I deeply loved my mother. And then... she lost it, I've never seen her make a mess of the house, but she did that day. Cushions scattered all on the floor, papers pulled floundering out from her desk, and god help all the pockets she tore while flipping them out...
I had used it, it was me, she got so upset that I couldn't confess to her that I was the one who had taken it to draw with, I lost it.
When she passed, I was going through our old things and found it in a oak box with my childhood things. I lost her to lung cancer last year.
I will never let this pen go, it means everything to me.

This is Meaning.
I hope today the bad actors read this and realize why they won't ever be able to win.
Going and getting popcorn with our loved ones and seeing a movie.
Our first dates... god we missed so much of the movie planning how we were going to reach over to see if it was okay to hold their hands.

Short hedge funds can try to destroy theatres for streaming,
but I'll take my popcorn with extra butter.
"Can you sign this receipt please?"
Of course, I already have a pen.

Thank You,

Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Opening Bell Ortex Update: SI%^15%,SI$^17%,DTC^5%,ShortedShares^15%,SoL^3%,CtB^1%,Util^3% for the week so far… Current Mood: after reading about the dangers of smoking in the newspaper it scared me so I vowed to myself to never buy a newspaper again. Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Opening Bell Ortex Update: SI%^15%,SI$^17%,DTC^5%,ShortedShares^15%,SoL^3%,CtB^1%,Util^3% for the week so far… Current Mood: after reading about the dangers of smoking in the newspaper it scared me so I vowed to myself to never buy a newspaper again.
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Opening Bell Ortex Update: SI%^15%,SI$^17%,DTC^5%,ShortedShares^15%,SoL^3%,CtB^1%,Util^3% for the week so far… Current Mood: after reading about the dangers of smoking in the newspaper it scared me so I vowed to myself to never buy a newspaper again.
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Opening Bell Ortex Update: SI%^15%,SI$^17%,DTC^5%,ShortedShares^15%,SoL^3%,CtB^1%,Util^3% for the week so far… Current Mood: after reading about the dangers of smoking in the newspaper it scared me so I vowed to myself to never buy a newspaper again.
  • r/amcstock - Ortex Guy here with your 6/12 Opening Bell Ortex Update: SI%^15%,SI$^17%,DTC^5%,ShortedShares^15%,SoL^3%,CtB^1%,Util^3% for the week so far… Current Mood: after reading about the dangers of smoking in the newspaper it scared me so I vowed to myself to never buy a newspaper again.

So technically with the current AMC market cap ... GameStop "COULD" buyout AMC theaters at current pricing and still have $500,000,000 leftover from the recent stock sale alone. 🍿 🎥 So technically with the current AMC market cap ... GameStop "COULD" buyout AMC theaters at current pricing and still have $500,000,000 leftover from the recent stock sale alone. 🍿 🎥

Does AMC offer anything significant of value they could use the theaters worldwide? 😉 Just friendly brainstorming ... Relax all you negative Karen's who are ready to attack. Cheers 🍻