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Maintaining your safety on GitHub

To build a positive and safe environment for yourself and the community for your project on GitHub, you can block and unblock users and report disruptive content.

Blocking a user from your personal account

You can block a user to deny them access to your activity and repositories, and to prevent them from sending you notifications.

Viewing users you've blocked from your personal account

You can view a list of all users you've blocked from your personal account.

Unblocking a user from your personal account

If you've mended fences with a GitHub user you've blocked, you can unblock their account.

Blocking a user from your organization

Organization owners and moderators can block anyone who is not a member of the organization from collaborating on the organization's repositories.

Viewing users who are blocked from your organization

You can view a list of all users whom you or other owners have blocked from your organization. If a user was blocked for a specific amount of time, you can see the amount of time they were blocked for.

Unblocking a user from your organization

Organization owners and moderators can unblock a user who was previously blocked, restoring their access to the organization's repositories.

Reporting abuse or spam

You can report behavior and content that violates community guidelines and terms.