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Natalie Portman and Husband Still Together After His 'Mistake'

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u/lobotomyybarbie avatar

I understand that I may be close-minded, but man I just don’t get how you can move on from cheating in a relationship. Whether it was one time or multiple times, when I see people say, “some couples can work through it,” I’m like how??? At one point your partner thought you were worth cheating on. How do you move past that?

People who stay with the partner and legitimately move on from a situation like that must be some of the strongest people around - I don't think I'd be able to cope. I'd have to leave them or spend the rest of my life feeling terrible and unhappy

u/kdot1212 avatar

I will say from experience that it is a difficult thing to make a blanket statement about or pass judgements on because every relationship, person, and cheating situation are different. You think you know exactly what you’re going to do if your spouse cheats on you, until it actually happens. Making the choice to forgive and trust again is also a really difficult thing (that requires a lot of therapy lol) and imo takes an incredibly strong person like you said.

I also saw a comment further down about how cheating subreddits are full of people who are miserable, but I also wanted to point out that people who reconcile don’t need the same support and aren’t spending their time on infidelity forums. There certainly are people out there who make it out, even though it is an incredible difficult and painful process no matter how much you love each other.

u/GothicGolem29 avatar

When you said cheating forums it made me think of that disgusting subreddit that promotes cheating but then it realised you weren’t and we’re talking about support ones

who reconcile don’t need the same support and aren’t spending their time on infidelity forums

Those are very little percentage of couple who survived infidelity. If you look at the data, most couple who are trying reconciliation are end up in divorce, 5 years after the infidelity revelation. And those who are choosing to stay are not exactly happy. Those who truly reconciled and happy with their relationship are just a small percentage.

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u/messymess444 avatar

I’ve always thought about this and I totally get what you mean. I’m not sure strong is the word, because I think it takes a strong person to walk away from a situation like this. My theory honestly through meeting people on both ends of cheating, and having been cheated on, is that some ppl stay because cheating isn’t a dealbreaker for them. A loooot of my friends who stayed with cheaters had parents that cheated (or grew up around it somehow) or they cheated for the same reason; it wasn’t as taboo to them. I’m v fascinated by this topic lol if a friend cheats or doesn’t care that their partner cheats it almost always links back to parents or upbringing! But I could b wrong

I think you're right that it's just a different mindset. I myself don't care about cheating at all and wouldn't care if my partner cheated. Tbh anytime I see a cheating scandal part of me is like "okay what's the big deal" even though I know it's a deal breaker for others.

My parents didn't cheat and I can't think of any couples I knew growing up that did either (as far as I know). That said I did end a long term relationship because of cheating but it was because he wouldn't be honest about it and kept denying it despite me having proof. But if it happened and my partner is forthcoming it wouldn't bother me.

u/messymess444 avatar

AT ALL?? I am fascinated by you. How? Are you non-monogamous? Do you have a self-esteem of iron? What?? Being cheated on traumatised me for years bro if a partner so much as kissed another person I’m ghosting them and moving country. Can u share ur logic pls I want a sip of this unbothered juice 🧃

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That begs the question: If you don’t care about cheating, is it really cheating?

u/Britneyfan123 avatar

myself don't care about cheating at all and wouldn't care if my partner cheated. Tbh anytime I see a cheating scandal part of me is like "okay what's the big deal"

This is a very interesting perspective

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u/agen_kolar avatar

Rest assured, you definitely knew couples growing up who cheated. You just didn’t know the cheating was happening.

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It’s still early…let’s not pronounce them together for life yet. She is likely still processing the whole thing

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I used to think that until I had children. My husband and I have never cheated (and I honestly believe neither of us ever will). I told him that was my red line when we started getting to know each other. He’s been cheated on before and knows how much it hurts.

That said, if he did cheat, I honestly don’t think i could walk away. Id have to make it work and give another chance. We love each other and have children. But I wouldn’t tolerate repeated mistakes.

All that to say, my perspective has changed a lot.


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I had a friend who’s parents stayed together for the kids… except they were really good at pretending and genuinely very civil, so the kids were completely blindsided by the breakup. My friend said it really messed with her head to find out her parents weren’t in love for so many of the years she thought they were. She honestly wished they’d fought a bit just so she wouldn’t have been so surprised when the second her little brother went to college, her mom moved out.

Relationships are weird.


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u/titsmcgee8008 avatar

I’m genuinely curious because I’m not in this situation at all so please don’t take my questions with any kind of ill intent.

But would you not be concerned about the example it would set for your kids? I get staying together for the kids, I really really do. But are you not worried that cheating parents staying together could be worse for them?


Well hopefully my kids wouldn’t be aware. I have young kids. I get what you are saying and that is a fair point, but there are too many good points about my marriage to just throw it away if he made a bad choice.

All this said, I’ve never been in this situation, as I am confident my husband isn’t cheating. So I’m speculating myself. But I have thought about it and it would crush me, but if he was willing to try, I would try. The only exception is if the cheating was ubiquitous and he was compromising my safety. I couldn’t forgive that.

u/HuntMelodic5769 avatar

One of my parents cheated on the other when I was young. I found out as a teen because they didn’t do a good enough job hiding it.

Just a word of advice to anyone that finds themselves planning to go this route: discuss how you plan to talk to your kids about it if it they find out.

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u/titsmcgee8008 avatar

Thank you for answering! I hope you never are placed in such a position where you’d have to make such a choice.

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u/Big-Improvement-1281 avatar

I think it also depends on the child. My son is moderately autistic so I would worry a major change in our homelife would be far more devastating. Although I hope it never ever happens because I definitely have a 'Snapp'd' streak.


Off-topic but solidarity with parents of special-needs children! Home life is a challenge of itself and I have a special-needs relative so I directly know how change in any situation disproportionately affects our families more ❤️

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u/ellastory avatar

If I had kids with my husband and he cheated, I think it would somehow hurt even more deeply and feel like even worse of a betrayal. I understand wanting to make it work for the kids, but staying with someone I know I cannot trust doesn’t seem like a healthy family dynamic.


Absolutely and he will do it again. He was kissing Portman in Cannes and photographed with his mistress in Paris the same week. Sorry but I think staying is a piss poor example for your children. Especially a daughter.

u/ggirl117 avatar

I think this is a really interesting two way street. A lot of people seem to say kids change their minds about staying after cheating because family unit and all that but it is also a case of someone who is supposed to be upholding and respecting this family unit deliberately obliterating it so what’s really happening?

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Can you explain to me how cheating is a "mistake"?


A mistake doesn’t mean an accident. A mistake is doing the wrong thing or a severe lapse in judgment.

Marriage is hard and life is hopefully long. I wouldn’t automatically jump tk break up my family if it happened one time, they confessed and committed to moving forward.

What happens next would be entirely up to them. I don’t think trust would be the same, but I know I couldn’t just give up. My children changed everything.

Sometimes walking away is in the best interest. But it’s not an automatic “we are getting divorced” thing.

My ex still thinks I left him because of his affair (which was telenovela-esque - with one of my family members, and with lots of lying to my face when I voiced my concerns about things going on), and the reality is that it was about so much more than that.

The affair is often just the big shiny thing that people focus on, but the decision about whether to stay or go is about so much more. And it takes TIME for some people to decide which path to take, understandably so. I don’t envy having to do it with the public watching.

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Right? Cheating is a long string of choices someone makes to specifically disrespect their partner and their relationship like “am I going still to engage with this person after knowing they want to fuck? yes. Am I going to kiss this person? yes. Am I going back to their place? Yes. Am I going to fuck them? Yes. Etc etc” or whatever variation on those things.

The last thing it is is a “mistake” lmao and anyone who cheated and let’s themselves call it that isn’t about responsibility at all. Like, love yourselves lmao?!

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I get what this person is saying. After having a kid I see why people try to make it work. It makes me angry just thinking about losing half my time with my kid because my partner cheated. It would feel like getting punished for his bad character.

I’m not saying it would be easy, it probably wouldn’t work, but I totally understand why people attempt it now.


You see, sometimes the man falls, his penis gets loose and somehow ends up in some woman’s vagina. An honest mistake, an accident even.

Now seriously, I could never forgive such a breach of trust, it would turn me into an insecure and possessive person and I don’t want that for myself.


I respect other people’s decisions and explanations, but also this is why men know they can trap women with babies and get away with cheating or generally treating them terribly. Sheesh. Having high standards nowadays is a curse. Stay with a cheater or be alone forever? It’s an easy choice to me.

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If you go through the infedelity subreddit there are a number of people who stay with their s/O after an affair and tbh, most of them seem miserable. I get it. My s/o cheated on me and I tried it too. Turns out he had been banging randoms since the start of our relationship. Anyways yeah I don't get it but I do. I hope she is able to find peace with or without him.


Yeah, it's heartbreaking, but the concept of "once a cheater, always a cheater" seems to have some truth to it. It's wild how there's something so gratifying about it in the minds of repeated cheaters that they'll consistently ruin a relationship — or even multiple relationships — again and again.

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u/ggirl117 avatar

I know this sounds horrible but r/SupportforWaywards and the other infidelity adjacent subs are my favourite pass time activities and reading the BS (betrayed spouse) always just sound so miserable, it is so sad to me. A phone being screen down can lead to serious spiralling.

Lightly read through a few, very bleak. :/

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As a divorce attorney, I feel like there are 3 main reasons I hear:

  1. The kids.

  2. Economic reasons.

  3. Religious or familial reasons.

Usually that comes with at least some feelings of loyalty, love, etc but marriages aren't just relationships- they're economic and parenting contracts and it's hard to unentangle those. It's also hard to functionally blow up your life compared to h hoping things get better. Same reason people stay at bad jobs for instance.

And then every once in a while there's a couple that thrives off the drama.

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u/unnnnnnnnnnhhh avatar

You don’t. It slowly poisons everything and you just postpone the inevitable breakup.

Yup. The only way it "works out" long term is if the couple no longer has any feelings for each other and just lives together as roommates.

Portman's husband is a French ballet choreographer. He's constantly around young women and comes form a culture where casual affairs are considered acceptable if you're discreet.

I'm sure this dude has been cheating from the very start.

This is so not true!! It happened for me and I decided to stay and 5 years later we are now at our happiest and love each other more everyday. Communication is key, but don’t make a généralisation out of your feelings!

Yeah, there’s a level of selection bias when people say it never works out. You’re just more likely to hear about it when it doesn’t work out because the information comes out in the separation. People who end up in relationships that are happy are less likely to share with others what happened.

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Exactly. Cheating often leads to trust issues and insecurities. Those are things that will inevitably show up on a daily basis until someone is out of whatever relationship brought those to life.

u/lobotomyybarbie avatar

Yeah, I agree with this. Maybe I’m pessimistic, but I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. And I’m a person who does believe that a cheater can change and stop cheating, but the relationship that they cheated in will forever be tainted in some way

this is reality.

u/AtleastIthinkIsee avatar

Right? Nothing is ever the same. I don't get how people can do it either. I know I could never get over it.

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My husband cheated on me and I tried to work it out. I always thought I’d leave right away, but it’s different when you’re in the situation. Ultimately, it didn’t work out and to be honest, I may have always held it against him on some level.

I do tend to believe that in some cases, cheating is a symptom of other underlying issues, so sometimes it’s about working on the root cause. Please know, that’s not me justifying or condoning cheating at all. I’m very burned by what happened.

Anyway, I make it a point to not judge people who stay after cheating. If you can make it work then that’s beautiful and I wish you luck.

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I think couples, especially with kids, will stay together for financial reasons plus for the kids. They are putting family over infidelity.

Edit: I should add that if one spouse is working and another one isn't, it creates a weird power balance. Like the non-working spouse feels the need to stay married just to have basic life needs like housing, health insurance, etc.

u/Heytherececil avatar

This is my parents right now. My younger sister is still financially dependent on them so my mother stays married to my father so he will help pay for her college 🫠

He only cheated once, years ago, but it was a year long emotional affair with a coworker and she had to help him mourn the loss of that relationship to mend the marriage. I can’t imagine having to do that. He still blames my mother for making him unhappy enough to cheat on her. Why would a woman put herself through that? It all comes down to protection, for herself and her kids. That financial power imbalance is real shit

u/SuspiciousAudience6 avatar

Are you saying that you’re mom had to help your dad mourn the loss of his side piece? Women sacrifice SO much for our children. I wish her peace and a swift divorce after your sister graduates.

u/Heytherececil avatar

Yep. Me too. She’s a strong lady.

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u/GlitteringImplement9 avatar

That is very true. It’s easy for people to say oh your husband cheated divorce him immediately. But as a mostly stay at home parent who works part time its not so easy. Even with child support and alimony I would be really struggling. I have applied for many (slightly) higher paying full time jobs but no offers. Its hard to face not only losing your spouse but your home (I could never afford the mortgage and bills by myself) health insurance, car, etc. Life as you know it is over. I have heard of older couples who stay married and live separate lives and now I understand why. Husband doesn’t want to split assets up, pay a lawyer, alimony, etc. Friend’s divorce just cost her $23,000. It can take a long time to become financially stable enough to divorce, it’s not like the movies where the woman walks away with tons of money.

u/sadart avatar

Agree. My godmother was repeatedly cheated on by her ultra high earning spouse. She’s been a sahm for the entirety of their marriage but she also was the brains behind his success. She went nuclear on him for that reason and also because he’s a shit father but he’s been dragging the divorce proceeding until the kids were in college. She’s been selling items to make some money and started a gfm. I hope she gets what she deserves for putting up with him for decades but it definitely seems so difficult.

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To some people sexual fidelity, while important and that’s why they aren’t in open relationships, isn’t the most important thing in the world. Different people have different priorities.

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u/flirtydodo avatar

my very scientific poll consisting of like 50 people has led me to believe that women, especially those who have kids, are the ones willing to forgive, cause it's hard starting all over. Men are not having it.

again, very scientific, do not try and yell at me about the injustice men face or whatever, i don't care!

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u/IdaDuck avatar

My wife and I have kids so I actually think I’d try to work past it if she cheated on me and I thought she was genuinely remorseful. Assuming it was a slip up rather than a full on affair, anyway. But honestly knowing myself, I’d never get over it and our marriage would probably ultimately end. It’s just too fundamentally wrong and hurtful.

u/Fuckmylife2739 avatar

My partner and I literally disagree on this - they said they would want to talk to me and make things better if I cheated to try and understand what went wrong between us, a measured and mature response. I said that’s really nice but buddy if you cheat on me you’re gone

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I know a couple who moved on but only after both had cheated. Hot mess express.

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At one point your partner thought you were worth cheating on

As hard as it is to hear/believe, a person’s choice to cheat often has nothing to do with their partner and everything to do with themselves

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I don’t think you even need to check yourself for possibly being closed minded tbh. Cheating is wrong. Cheating isn’t inevitable. Normalize kicking cheaters to the curb immediately. With no discussion even just oh ok, bye.

u/kimjongunfiltered avatar

I think it totally depends on the situation, especially if the cheating was a side effect of a bigger issue in the relationship and that bigger issue gets resolved.

u/AliMcGraw avatar

Yeah, when you're married for a long time, there are periods when things are really rough, and neither of you is getting their emotional needs met and maybe you don't even like each other very much.

If the cheating was just fucking around for fun, I would find it very hard to forgive. But if it was in one of those really hard periods where everything feels like it's falling apart and you're both (inadvertently) acting like assholes towards each other because there's just a lot of shit going on, well, that is more mend-able in a larger healing process.

For some people, some of the time.

I've been married for over 20 years, and I don't really have anything categorical to say anymore about marriage or other people's marriages, except that when you're together for a long time, there are ups and downs that you would have never expected, and that are very hard for other people outside your marriage to understand.

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u/KSkye7808 avatar

I understand that thinking 100%. I think most would agree and if it happened to me, can't say I would do the same.

However, one example of cheating where the couple stayed together are my own parents. When I was a baby, my dad cheated on my mom with a coworker. My dad committed the act a couple times before he cut it off because the coworker was lying about something pretty important. He did it for a number of reasons, but to this day he insists none of them were worth hurting my mom. I think he still lives with a lot of regret over it. They stayed because they were young, had only been married a couple years, they had no money, and getting a divorce would have been disastrous in a lot of ways. Should they have? Possibly. But they worked through it. My mom found a way to forgive my dad, I imagine after a lot of trust building, slowly over time.

I'm not saying that's the choice everyone should make. I would actually urge the opposite. But my point is it is possible and I guarantee if my dad did it again she wouldn't have stayed.

That being said, Natalie has money and more options than my mom ever did. But that's her choice I guess.

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Collective Dickmatization is very real. We are extremely male focused and it starts from childhood when we're told to romanticize the prince.

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Also, talented women don't take credit for other women's dancing, like Natalie did to Sarah Lane. *

She didn't. That whole piece of drama is massively drawn out of context since the beginning. If you watch the PR stuff and behind the scenes interviews the director says Natalie did most of the dancing shown on film. And if you watch the film, it's true. Most of her dancing on film are upper body shots that hide the fact Natalie can't do the footwork required at that level.

Natalie herself also never claims she did everything. They used a body double (Sarah Lane) for the pointe work; they even show how they edited Natalie into those shots to make it work on film.

Now where things get ugly is that Sarah Lane expected a lot more credit and exposure for her work than she got. She's not experienced in shooting films so the fact very little of her actual dancing made it into the film must have stung compared to the amount of hours she put in.

Natalie also didn't mention her name in her Oscar speech. People have torn her to shreds over that but she won the oscar for her acting, not for her dancing skills. Honestly, Sarah wasn't integral to Natalie winning that oscar; another pro ballerina could have done the technical parts after all.

That said, I can def see how Sarah Lane, after doing the part only pro ballet dancers can do, had a kneejerk wtf reaction upon hearing about Natalie doing 85% of the dancing. To her it doesn't feel that way since she did the difficult technical stuff but if you look at what actually ended up on film it's true. I think the real mistake made was that obviously nobody informed Sarah what she could expect.

Natalie also didn't mention her name in her Oscar speech. People have torn her to shreds over that but she won the oscar for her acting, not for her dancing skills.

They were really hyping up "she does her own dancing" before the Oscars, and when the real dancer said something, Natalie Portman and the director immediately shut her down. There wasn't any acknowledgement whatsoever before the Oscar win. I think everyone really thought she learned ballet for the role and it factored into her win because her performance was... okay? It was fine. I've seen way better.

If I could find the article that I'm referencing, I would post it but it's been years.

Here is a link to an interview where Sarah says she was told not to give anymore interviews until after the Oscars. You are right. A big part of Natalie’s campaign was that she trained herself to be a top ballet dancer. The academy loves those kind of actor transformations.

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They were really hyping up "she does her own dancing" before the Oscars

She did do most of the dancing shown on film. Because most of the dancing shown on film isn't full body shots but upper body ones and Natalie is in all of those. And she did train a lot. Nobody was pretending they turned her into a prima ballerina within a year. That would be ridiculous, not to mention impossible.

when the real dancer said something, Natalie Portman and the director immediately shut her down.

Natalie Portman didn't respond when asked by the media to weigh in on the controversy at the height of it, which seems logical.

In behind the scenes interviews about her training, her trainer plus Natalie herself mentions that ballet obviously takes many years to master and that the goal of the training was to get her in the kind of shape so that her body could at least sell the look of it and for her to be able to do most of the scenes required. That wasn't a lie.

Where I think the disconnect is is that Sarah Lane only counts the full body shots as dancing and regardig those, Sarah is obviously in most of them. But the upper body shots, which outnumber the full body ones by a lot, Natalie is dancing. The fact you can't see her feet doesn't change that in that scene her character is dancing. So in regards to what's shown on film, Natalie is doing the dancing in most of those scenes. Sarah just didn't see it that way.

They asked her to stop doing interviews of course because it's bad publicity. From their POV, you don't want to deal with a body double stirring up shit in the media during the height of PR.

Personally I do feel they (as in every big name involved with the film) should have credited the actual ballerina's more because I think Sarah Lane's worry was that the media running with Natalie doing most of her dancing would downplay the massive commitment it actually takes to do ballet at that level. And that is a valid fear.

In the end I think the PR focus on Natalie's commitment to the role should have focused more on the impossibility of becoming an actual ballerina for a role and how they made it work with camera work, training and body doubles to sell the illusion instead.

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I’m a pretty average straight white dude (my wife thinks I’m hot!) and I’m consistently blown away at the meh guys that so many drop dead gorgeous celebrity women are with

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Thank you! I was looking at their pictures and thinking the same damn thing!

My cousin travels all the time with her daughter and her church pals. She has such an enriching life, she wouldn't stand a cheater or tethering herself to a man that is less than.


He’s attractive I think.

I gave you an upvote, I feel bad that you’re getting downvoted just for having bad taste.


Lmfao the whiplash in this comment.

u/wikifeat avatar

Upvoting you for having incredible taste in insults.

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u/WillBrakeForBrakes avatar

No, not the pity upvote!

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sorry he’s giving me matt healy and i’m just so done with this look and archetype and theme

u/WillBrakeForBrakes avatar

Lol nobody in this sub will ever date that flavor of white man again

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wow I hate this for her.

u/maedocc avatar

She got with him while he was seriously dating and living with another woman. I feel for her, but... this man has a history of not being great with fidelity.

Oooh I didn’t know that. How you get them is how you lose them, I guess.

u/Little_Rain223 avatar

Take this with a grain of salt, but one of the big rumors going around was that they would use his apartment in New York for their secret trysts while his girlfriend was away. Iirc, his girlfriend was VERY hurt and surprised bu the turn of events

Then Natalie deserves everything she’s getting. I have cut friends out of my life for being a willing participant in cheating. To be so heartless towards another human being is very telling of someone’s character.

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Yea I remember this scandal

u/TreeBeautiful2728 avatar

OMG I remember someone on reddit had screenshots of his Facebook and he listed NP as one of his interests.

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I honestly don't know how someone manages to trust their partner if they got together under those circumstances. Especially if they cheat on you in the future after that. I've been cheated on before and I've always left as soon as I found out. There's a chance that it was a one time mistake, sure, but I'm not risking that narrow possibility coming true when the likelihood of getting hurt again is so large.

Someone like Natalia Portman with a HUGE ego doesn't see that way. She just sees it that she is so much more amazing than the other woman that of course he preferred to be with her.

It's not a character flaw on his part; it's just an irresistible greatness on her part.

u/OutsideFlat1579 avatar

I have known lots of women who have gotten together with men who have been shitty to their previous girlfriends/wives, convinced that they will be treated differently. They didn’t have massive egos, but the men were narcissistic types who were really good at love bombing and convincing them that the women were the problem not them. Women who are insecure or who feel a need for proof that they are special seem vulnerable to these kind of men.

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I mean, didn't he knock her up, too? Pretty sure that baby wasn't planned.

This is so true. When I saw this news I was like “what did you expect? Sooner or later he was going to do it to you too.” But of course, she probably thought she was the exception and he would NEVER cheat on HER.

That's pretty much how it goes, yes.

I also think that people often forget or ignore that the person who gets involved with someone who's in a monogamous relationship is pretty shitty too. I find it even more hypocritical when the person claims to be a feminist but doesn't show any empathy and sorority for the guy's girlfriend/wife.

So, imo, they deserve each other and I don't feel sorry for either of them.

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My parents were both married to other people when they started dating.

Guess why they got divorced...

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u/Peridot1708 avatar
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u/cgarcia805 avatar

For real. Like you were the other woman, and you expect him to change??

u/exp_studentID avatar

Isn’t this what happened to Shakira as well…

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u/blacksmithpear avatar

Minimally influential French man don’t cheat on your wife challenge (impossible)


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u/phraserG avatar

Cheat like the Dumas.

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Hmm... I'm French and I kinda disagree? Cheating in France is definitively frowned upon no matter the circumstances (it's not a "cultural thing" 😅). But I think the main difference with the US is that French people are unfortunaly way more "tolerant" with famous/rich people, it's like it's expected from them so everyone is indifferent to it. For example every president we've had (except Macron from what I know) cheated at some point on their wife. That does not mean that the average French people cheats, but influencial people certainly do. The mindset around cheating also different between the aristocratic class and the rest (social hierarchy is still more prevalent in France). That's why I find the original comment "Minimally influential French man don’t cheat on your wife challenge (impossible)" to be pretty accurate lol. But French couples break up because of cheating just like in the US! And there are also tons of American celebrities who cheats. I think it's more of a "rich/famous" thing than a nationality thing.

The mindset around sex in general is very different between France and the US, but I don't think French people are cheating significantly more than in the US.

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Isabella Boylston is grinning through class today.😂💐

She was a bit young for Millipied. Glad she dodged that bullet.


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Her husband sounds hilarious in this article, and on Instagram they seem very in love. Obviously it's social media, but I'm very happy for her. And their apartment is absolutely gorgeous!


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I posted this on another thread, but she was in a video a few years ago where they had her critique different dance scenes from movies. She not only did Black Swan but actually gave Natalie Portman compliments on how much work she did for the movie. Better human then I am.

u/demonsrunwhen avatar

oh my god whoever made her do that is not seeing heaven 🤣

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u/ellastory avatar

She’s probably feeling so validated right now

u/marchbook avatar

I hope she had a really pleasant day. Just nothing but sunshine and no paps.

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I had no idea they dated! I love Isabella. I’m so glad she dodged that man

He got with Natalie while he was still with her

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u/Anxious-Basket avatar

My first thought exactly.

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my fucking god ultra low rise pants are hideous.

They’ll come back into style and I’ll ignore it. Awful trends always do.

They’re on their way back already 🫠

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u/sassofrasy avatar

Jonathan Safran Foer planning on sliding back into her email.


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u/WillBrakeForBrakes avatar

A+ literary reference, my friend.

Katie Holmes starred in a play called The Wanderers that was based off those email exchanges. It took it in an entirely different direction but it was 100% inspired by that whole mess.

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That story is one of the weirdest ones I ever read here.

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He’ll have to push past Moby

u/Jazimoose avatar

For anyone who wants a little more's a lot 😅

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Maybe I’m wrong but I think he cheated on a pro ballet dancer he was living with during black swan. My timing might be off but remember hearing that.

Yep, he was living with Isabella Boylston from American Ballet Theatre at the time he met Natalie


Yes that’s who. She’s happily married now.

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u/stilyagii avatar

Yes, that's true - he was dating Isabella Boylston during Black Swan and left her for Natalie.


Yeah, I have sympathy for Natalie but I was thinking, "well he cheated to get with Natalie so is it that surprising he cheated on her?" 😬


How you get ‘‘em is how you lose ‘em.

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More info from Page Six:

“We’re told the pair, who married in 2012, separated last year but managed to work through their relationship woes.

Now their marriage has once again been rocked by revelations that he cheated. New photographs from France suggest that the former New York City Ballet principal dancer has been spending time with glamorous young climate activist Camille Étienne.

And a source close to the couple tells Page Six, “They have not split and are trying to work things out. Ben is doing everything he can to get Natalie to forgive him. He loves her and their family.”

Benjamin and Natalie were photographed kissing in France on May 29th, but he and Camille were both seen arriving to his office and then leaving separately on May 24th.

I know the age-gap discourse is tired, lol, but Étienne is 25 and this man 45... Every woman involved in this story should dump his gross ass.

I know. Camille is closer in age to his son than to Natalie herself. Gross 🤮

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She needs a dinner date with Shakira and Gizelle to remind her that she’s Natalie fucking Portman and doesn’t have to take her husband being an adulterous piece of shit with a young 20 something.

Stories like this are so depressing. Like, truly, if it happens to Natalie Portman what the hell hope is there.


It's not that this is happening to NP, it's that mon ami over here is not a monogamous man

You're the hope. You can walk away from a POS like that.

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u/WhiskeyTangoJerry avatar

born May 29, 1998.

so he cheats on Natalie with a 24 year old, and then on her 25th birthday calls the paps to catch him kissing his wife Natalie, red rose in hand, to send a message that Camille is merely the mistress.

u/marchbook avatar

He was living with his long-term girlfriend (who was only 22 at the time of the split yeah) when he started having an affair with Portman, too.

Dude is trash and always was.

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Something worse that she's a talented environmentalist. I feel like if someone cheated on me with a do gooder instead of like some random at a bar or some influencer it'd just be more devastating. Like, he clearly thinks she's smart and interesting and that's just way different than a sexual thing.

I wonder if he told Camille it was over between him and Nathalie too.

u/Geezmelba avatar

Not just any ol’ environmental activist either—

A “glamorous” one!

he likes that she's a hands-on climate activist and also a boss!!

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u/ragnarockette avatar


Also the age gap would bother me too.

Like I think I could move past cheating. It would not be a deal breaker for me. But something about a 45 year old sleeping with a 24 year old is extra slimy and I don’t think I would be able to move on from knowing that my partner got off on that weird power dynamic.

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u/ggirl117 avatar

oh wow so this is very fresh. it seems like he was being a cake eater in a situation where he was supposed to be grovelling.

u/unnnnnnnnnnhhh avatar

They are still seeing each other?!

Camille get your shit TOGETHER, baby

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Men were a mistake tbh, French men especially (I’m French so that comment is legal)

Legal 😂

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I don’t think that’s the definition of a mistake


« Big boy did a little oopsie 😢» is how I read those headlines 🥴

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I have a smidgen of sympathy for her, but not too much since he dumped his live in girlfriend to be with Natalie after meeting her on the set of Black Swan. Natalie had no problems falling in love with a taken man and he had no problems dumping his gf to be with someone more famous. You reap what you sow.

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aaand it comes full circle. this isn’t surprising since he left his live-in girlfriend for natalie during black swan.

How you get them is how you lose them.

Tangentially related: it reminds me of like how anytime there’s cheating rumours about a guy so many people RUSH to immediately be like “maybe they’re in an 🤪🤪open relationship??!” Lmao. Women are absolutely expected to forgive and stay with males after they cheat lol this is so sad.

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Didn’t she all of a sudden drop out of a big project in Australia last year? Right after tons of press about her desire to move to Sydney permanently. I always wondered what the story was there


I figured an affair on his part, tbh.

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always got a bad vibe from him

Same. He always came across as one of those sleazy and entitled men who thinks he's classy and special.

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u/Ilovethe90sforreal avatar

A “mistake” is when you take the wrong exit off the highway. Purposely putting your penis in someone else’s vagina is a continual choice.

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u/unnnnnnnnnnhhh avatar

Beautiful, intelligent women waste their best years on dogs with bad hair implants! You are better than this, Natalie.

Sir, not with that forehead. The audacity...

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I think if anything Hollywood shows us that monogamy is largely based on opportunity.

u/exp_studentID avatar

Many men are only as faithful as their options allow.

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Totally agree. Controversial but imo most men who get to a certain level of wealth and notoriety will cheat. Regular men don’t have the options and have more to lose if they break up their family. There are some rich men with sexual discipline who would never but they’re maybe one in a thousand. I think when you’re a certain level of wealth yourself like Natalie Portman and you only date men on a similar-ish level to you, they all cheat so you may as well just stick with the one you have a family with

I think it's also partly that a lot of men hate it when their wife is more attractive, more wealthy or more successful than them, which is often the case in Hollywood (and definitely is here). So many men seem to have this need to feel like they're better than the woman they're with, like she's punching above her weight and he's the catch, not her.

That's why so many of them cheat with women who the rest of us see as a downgrade (I dislike referring to women as "downgrades" but it's 10:30pm and I'm too tired to come up with a more elegant way to word this). They will deliberately choose women they feel are not as good looking, or women who are nowhere near as successful, because they get off on the ego boost of feeling like the desirable one. It's honestly incredibly pathetic.

u/freyabot avatar

This was my guess for Reese Witherspoon’s divorce, he probably couldn’t handle that she is soooo much more successful and likely cheated

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the ballet dude? this is the most “of course he did” shit I’ve ever heard

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wow that's a massive betrayal. and the girl he cheated on her with is 25 years old, wayy younger than natalie. men are vile.

i feel for her because they have 2 children together and no one wants to destroy their family and put their kids through a painful thing like divorce. but it seems like this man loves to cheat.

poor natalie.

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u/queen_naga avatar

Once a millepede always a millepede

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u/Zimzalabimcult avatar

Ugh. I know it’s hard to comment on relationships since you never know what’s happening behind the scenes. Hopefully this isn’t a case of sunken ship fallacy in which she feels she needs to stick in the relationship because she’s been in it for so long and has had her family.

u/HuckleberryOwn647 avatar

It’s hard when you have kids. Sometimes you feel you owe it to them to try to keep the family together. There’s no right answer.

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u/lauren1capri avatar

she’d also have to pay a lot of alimony probably

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He left his live-in girlfriend, Isabella Bolyston, for Natalie after they met working on "Black Swan." So I don't think he's ever been the most trustworthy partner.

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I feel sad for her. Even moreso when women are the breadwinners and they get cheated on.

I bet he jumped at being Mr Natalie Portman...until he realised he would never eclipse her star power and overtake her. Classic 'emasculated' husband.


He’s like a spouse nepotism baby. He was a run of the mill pro dancer in nyc (albeit at one of the best companies in the world), takes up with her and starts getting all of these high profile and insane gigs.

u/jRoxy13 avatar

Yeah, Lainey is problematic, but I always remember her calling him ballet KFed because it was true.

Ballet kfed I’m dying

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But then I’m sure that becomes ~the problem like “oh you don’t need me you’re never around I had to fuck around!! :(((“

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u/8989throwaway7777 avatar

Didn’t she have a stalker a few years ago, and on the police report her husband was not listed as a resident of their household?? They had to have separated at some point prior to the recent infidelity

Man my mom used to tell me growing up “for every gorgeous woman there’s a man who’s tired of fucking her” and I wish that misogynistic drivel wasn’t so commonly true

u/respectjailforever avatar

It's also something more women need to remind themselves of: conforming yourself as fully as possible to what men claim to want out of you makes them more likely to walk all over you, not less. Whatever men tell you to do (cosmetically, in terms of lifestyle, etc) that a woman wouldn't also want you to do you can safely ignore. My mother-in-law has never weighed more than 120 lbs, quit her job, quit college, did everything her husband asked of her, and in return he landed her with more than 10 million in debt to the government that he transferred to her name, ruined her life and the lives of their children with his addictions, and left her.

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Didn't he allegedly cheat on his former fiancée to be with Portman? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that he was already in a committed relationship with his protégé, a fellow principal ballerina, when he began his affair with Portman. The reiterated narrative goes that Natalie worked closely with him in 2009-2010 on the set of the movie Black Swan, and the two got engaged later on that same year, got married, and welcomed their first baby very soon afterward.

The timeline in itself is incredibly suspect and enough to raise a few eyebrows.

As smart as Portman is (she's a Harvard graduate, for goodness sake), she doesn't seem to understand that how you get a man is how you eventually lose him. Every. Single. Time.

It's called karma, and it always comes back around in some form or fashion.

As attractive, intelligent, and successful as Portman is, she's not special, as harsh as that may sound. She isn't some "pretty little snowflake'" whom the sun constantly rises and sets upon, and nothing was going to prevent this man from cheating if he truly wanted to. If Milliepied had supposedly cheated on and subsequently left his long-term partner to be with Portman, did she honestly believe marrying him and having a family with him would be enough to permanently tether him to her?

Like many others here have commented, there's no point in salvaging a dead relationship once a partner cheats. Stay for what? Why? Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but the moment your partner decided to cheat, it was the moment they decided your relationship was essentially worthless.

Are you really "staying for the children," like you constantly tell yourself, or for your own ego? Is it truly for altruistic purposes, and you're some noble, long-suffering victim, or because you're you're deathly afraid of being judged and further scrutinized? You're afraid of failure, and so you're willing to be miserable to uphold the illusion of perfection and happiness.

I honestly think it's B, but whatever you want to tell yourself, Sis, go off. If that's the hill you're willing to die on, so be it.

As a child of divorced parents, one of whom was a prolific cheater, who often and frequently cheated on the other, I can tell you with absolute certainty that a child would rather be from a broken home than live in one.


There have been rumors about him for years. I doubt it’s the first time and I doubt it’ll be the last. I hope she gets the strength to leave him eventually

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u/Peridot1708 avatar

The only people in this situation i feel sorry for are their kids. I immediately get shady vibes from any couple whos relationship started with infidelity.

If they're willing to cheat with you, they can easily cheat on you as well.

u/Serious-Activity-228 avatar

Cheating isn’t a mistake it’s a decision.

He cheated on his girlfriend to get with Natalie so yeah lmao

I will never understand ppl who mess around with married men (or women). I've never felt grosser then when I was hit on by a guy with a wife and was wracked w/ guilt for weeks on whether or not to tell her though I participated 0% in his infidelity

u/WillBrakeForBrakes avatar

Some people get a real ego boost from it. They feel special because “he’s already married but he wants meeee”.

Or the person is so drawn to the married person that they selfishly ignore their withered consciences.

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u/flirtydodo avatar

I just know myself, I could never move on. Years later, we could have a fight about me eating the last piece of cake and I'd scream "I bet Natalie's cake tasted better!" or something

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"Mistake" is a weird way to say he cheated. Did his dick accidentally end up in another woman?

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Girl suede before September is a mistake. Putting your penis into another woman is a CHOICE.

Anyone else see it or just me?

u/Cutieq85 avatar

I just read the Hobby Drama post about Black Swan and it said that the Ballet world doesn’t fuck with her after that so I’m pretty sure they ain’t feeling bad for her now.

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Cheaters really will cheat on anyone.

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