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Kanye West’s Harassment of Kim Kardashian Is Not a Joke

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Whenever people say he’s just fighting for his family my response is I’m very glad that you’ve never been the victim of narcissistic abuse or you would be able to recognize it. I wouldn’t wish his kind of manipulation on anyone.

Exactly. “Fighting for your family” in this case might look more like personal/family therapy, med management, or focusing on how to raise their kids as divorced parents.

The fact this he is publicly terrorizing his family is a very public example of how our system fails spouses who experience this abuse.


I fucking hate celebrities, but Kanye needs meds, he has serious issues, and that was before all this shit.

Edit: so many deleted replies

He was on medication for bipolar disorder. He stopped taking them a little bit before he went full maga.

Eminem said it best when he mentioned being surrounded by “yes men” after getting an amount of famous.

Granted his was referencing addiction, but same concept

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His story is no different from so many others. Take meds. Feel fine. Go off meds. Go insane. Go back on meds. Feel fine. Go off meds…

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Just when you need someone to go into a conservatorship, you realize they’re a man and it’s never going to happen. But if anyone needed a conservator…


Ever since he ranted onstage, probably during a manic episode, about Jay Z hiring people to kill him and number of other paranoid ramblings I just can’t take anything he says or does seriously Except this harassment of his ex-wife.

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If he truly loved his family he should have lived with them and not off in a different state every time he turned around! If his kids are being raised by nannys then why didn’t he stay home and work that out? And his church stuff makes me wonder just who in the hell he actually believes he is! Kim and his children are in grave danger in the state he is in now. I hope they have the best possible security. ( And Pete also )

Was Yeezus too subtle?

Literally. "I am a God."

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u/Tiresiasksksk avatar

He believes he is the second coming. Is that not obvious?

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Let’s not forget his fraudulent run for president.

He is basically stalking them right now with his passive aggressive behavior. Ten to one he put up those bill boards.

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There were examples of this several years ago. Kim should ask her mom how her friend Nicole's relationship ended with Uncle OJ.

u/raya__85 avatar

Kim was in her teenage years during the trial she remembers

Yeah but her mom was good friends with Nicole during the beatings and stalking from that psycho. It isn't just about the murder.

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u/1HumanAlcoholBeerPlz avatar

Imagine what he is like behind closed doors. It's usually much, much worse.


It just hit me that Kim was studing to become a lawyer. Coincidence at this point?

Hope to god for the sake of those kids.

Yes, because her father was a lawyer. Kind of the only reason they have a name to begin with

I think that has more to do with her wanting to connect with her late lawyer father

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the media has romanticized “chasing for the one you love to the end of the world” no matter what,,,, it’s why some can never take “no” as an answer because they believe they can get their ex back as long as they chase them enough and it’s also why some people support him and even laugh at his antics instead of seeing he’s wrong


Yuuuup! Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna and he somehow still has fans. General audiences are fucking weird/messed up.

u/Logical_Echidna9542 avatar

Speaking of the lack of dislike towards Chris Brown, this lovely little comment comes to my mind every time he gets mentioned!

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I love that his Wikipedia page just refers to it as “the happening” as in “after the happening brown went on to release blah blah records”

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Knowing Chris’s fans they were probably waiting to see if there would be a rematch.

Yep!! I remember when my niece said Rihanna basically deserved it. Changed my view of her.

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For some reason he gained a lot of street cred from that and it made him even more famous.

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I’m genuinely waiting for a story where it says he has done something horrible to Kim or even the children. Just because he’s famous, doesn’t mean he’s any less dangerous than any other abusive narcissistic who’s wife left him

Whats even scarier is he doesn’t even have to lift a finger himself probably. He can weaponize his followers who already think he’s being wronged in this situation, he basically called for violence and harassment and then pulled back on it as a favor to Kim. It’s very scary given the level of slavish devotion people have towards Kanye

OJ has entered the chat

There you go. Plenty of other examples too

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I’m very glad that you’ve never been the victim of narcissistic abuse or you would be able to recognize it.

They probably have done similar things if they think this is justified.

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He’s also bipolar, which isn’t a bad thing. But being unmedicated and unchecked is. Her family, their kids, need stability. So sad.

As a bipolar person with a husband and kids... Jesus Christ I feel for his family (and him). I put my family through some hell. For real. It's a minor miracle they stuck with me. There's a place in heaven for my husband. But you know what I did? Found a god damn medicine that worked and kept fucking taking it.

u/Jane_Delawney avatar

I just came out of an entire month long manic/psychotic episode. My body and brain are broken. I scared everyone again and was broken up with again because of it. This gives me some hope. I take my meds and I’m not sure what happened but I hadn’t had a full blown manic episode in 6 years and it just hurts so much to know I’m still capable of them, even on meds…and how many people I lost in that time. People that can “handle us” are saints, I’ve found very few.

Aw shit, this scares me. It's been years since I've had an episode and I feel like I've let my guard down. I know I'm not cured, but God help me... I don't ever wanna be so out of control again.


I can only imagine how exhausted you must feel coming out of a month long episode. Lots of good vibes being sent your way. Keep going. We’re glad you’re here.

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u/berotten avatar

This! As someone who has gone through this, his behaviour is textbook narcissistic abuse. Once you’ve educated yourself on this, their behaviour is soooooo predictable. When he publicly said he needed to communicate better and that he was harassing her, he was just trying to get her to put her guard back down. Then when they don’t get the response they want from you, like you opening up the lines of communication, they go back through the cycles of attacks, abuse, manipulation and gaslighting and reminding you that no one will ever love you as much as they did or do what they did for you. Their promises or acknowledgments to work on themselves are never genuine because they have no intention of changing anything because deep down they don’t believe they’re the one with the problem. It’s always everyone else. Not a kardashian fan but I hope Kim finds strength and peace in all this.

Well said! I’m so sorry that you gained this knowledge firsthand.

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Oh god I think he controlled her their whole marriage. It’s all the weird fashion stuff for me and every time someone commented on her outfit and she had to clarify like Kanye picked it. That’s weird and controlling, but I’ve only seen one tiny piece of their relationship this judgement so who knows man.

The bandaid fight was unsettling as fuck

What’s the band aid fight

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They only say that because he’s famous, a nobody middle class man will get a different reaction for sure

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Kanye is one of the biggest narcissist I think I've ever gotten to know throughout the years so I understand why people are not on his side and that's including me as much as I like his music he's definitely just been a huge Manchild from the start honestly

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The only people saying that currently are two spammers in his comment sections who seem like they are trolling.

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The man is mentally ill, yet people cheer him on like it’s a spectator sport every time he does shit that’d land most people in jail. Not surprised anymore.

Sadly, most people who stalk and harass do not end up in jail.

Sadly, I don't think stalking is even technically illegal in most places.

u/omnivoroustoad avatar

Even if it is… Good luck getting the police to take you seriously.

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I knew it was a problem as soon as he bought a house “across the street” from her. If it gets any worse and she has to get a restraining order I hope she finds a new house. Her kids don’t deserve a father who acts like this.

Bingo. When he bought that house, I knew where this was going. So many people (men and women) have been on the Kim’s side of this story, me included. This could end very badly. Elle is the first large media I’ve seen take it seriously. That’s why I posted it, and I hope the article finds the reach it deserves

I’m not a Kardashian fan by any means (I typically can’t stand any of them) but the more that comes out, the less shocked I am that Kim left him, and the more I hope that her and her kids are protected from him until he gets the actual help he needs.

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Why wait? I’m no lawyer, but i’m pretty sure he’s past what qualifies for filing for one. It’s not like the guy is right in the head enough to do anything but build a stronger case for Kim while she waits out the legal process.


I knew it was a problem when he controlled everything she wore and had a meltdown over the mugler dress while spouting Bible verses. Good lord.


Same!! He didn’t buy the house across the street to be “closer to his kids”. He bought the house across the street to stalk and terrorize Kim.

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It's not even that he's mentally ill. This is straight up abusive behavior, you don't need to be mentally ill to do that. People are cheering on his open abuse of Kim and their children, meaning they support domestic violence. The most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is when they've recently left the relationship, because many abusers attack the victim during that time.

You don’t need to be mentally ill to display abusive behavior, true, it’s just that West is displaying abusive behavior while also being mentally ill.

He’s bipolar and off his meds. That’s not the cause of this behavior, but it’s highly likely it contributes to some of it (the weird social media posts, sharing that poster, etc)

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Yeah mental illness is not an excuse to be abusive.

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u/praisecarcinoma avatar

After seeing the defense people have been giving to Chris Brown for years, this doesn’t surprise me at all, tbh.

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People just want to see a train wreck. They're the same people that slow down to gawk at a car accident, blocking traffic behind them and making traffic jams far worse than they need to be.

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u/Elementium avatar

Rappers and Sports figures.. They get treated like gods by their fans. Kanye needs to get on some fucking meds and hire a therapist. If he's in a feedback loop with his fans, shit is only going to escalate.

I loved seeing the halftime show, but people like to forget peoples problematic pasts for this very reason. Dr Dre is an abusive, narcissistic, woman-beating piece of shit, but he’s revered as iconic music royalty. That’s just one example among a gazillion.

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Yes, he's mentally ill, but he is also responsible for his actions, regardless of psychosis. He has the means and the ability to seek help, he just refuses to do it. We can't keep pointing to mental health problems to excuse his trash behavior.

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Finally, one of these Kanye posts I can get behind.

For a short article, there is a decent amount in here. It’s headline is appropriate and the article itself does a fairly good job of conveying some of the nuances of this situation.

Unlike the normal gossip that surrounds the Kardashian-West family, however, this goes beyond the run-of-the-mill celebrity messiness. West is engaging in full fledged harassment of his estranged wife and the media has failed to contextualize this behavior as something other than typical celebrity tabloid fodder or just West being his usual provocative self.

Kardashian is a woman of great means and wealth, which leads people to believe that she isn’t in the imminent danger that women of far less fortune are… There are many people who point to Kardashian’s history of anti-Blackness and misogynoir to explain why they struggle to feel sympathy for the harassment that she’s dealing with. Even though she does have a problematic history, that doesn’t nullify the mistreatment she’s been getting.

It would be remiss to not mention how Kardashian has also, at some points in her relationship with West, participated in her ex-husband’s harassment of women.

This is a common rhetoric amongst abuse apologists, the idea that someone can “ask” or even “deserve” to be abused. With that, we’ve constructed this idea of who we think is worthy of care and affection and who isn’t. But there is no safety to be found in a person like West, who treats women like his own project that he can dispose of once he’s done with them.

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As someone who is currently being stalked by an ex-partner: fucking yep

I was stalked by a young man who took my friendship/ casual attention way to far. I was home from college and recently “out” and he lived in my childhood neighborhood but never interacted with him. I met him at a friends brothers graduation party in the neighborhood. He was a year younger than me. He got my phone number, would walk up and down the street by my house waiting for me to come home. Would ring my doorbell and ask my parents when I’d be back. Leave gifts for me. My parents next door neighbor told me she’d see him sitting across from the house at night and I needed to confront him or go to the police to make a paper trail. I was freaked the hell out because I had no connection to this kid other than being nice. One night he called me like 10 times in a row and I made my friend answer it and he was threatening suicide because I was ignoring him. This wasn’t a scorned lover, this was a severely mentally unstable young adult and I finally had to buck up and tell him I was going to go to the police if he didn’t leave my family alone. I left for college again and only saw him one more time at a funeral of a mutual neighborhood friend of ours. He saw me when I saw him but then he left. It still freaks me out what people are capable of. I was a young man with NO connections to this guy, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to be terrified as a woman being stalked by someone who knows your intimate issues and actively them against you.

That sounds awful, I’m so sorry you went through that. What’s been keeping me grounded is remembering that I’m responsible for my own actions but not his, especially since I haven’t responded to any of his attempts at contact (first abusive, then kind, then abusive, and now kind again).

It’s a tough spot to be in because you feel so trapped - like you’re just kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop at all times.

My experience is a drop in the bucket I’m sure compared to what you are going through. But I guarantee we have similarities in that we are probably nice people who want things resolved peacefully and will skirt around “being direct” in the hopes they will understand. But any amount of “letting them down easily/ not making a scene” is actually an invitation for more abuse. Obviously I don’t know you or how you’ve handled it, but I’ve seen some true stalker/abusive ex behavior and manipulations that have ruined years of my friends mental well-being. One friend of mine wrote her masters thesis for clinical counseling on partner centered abuse because she experienced it first-hand so intensely. They go through your friends, your family, threaten self harm, violence, manipulation tactics. It makes you fear just going to your car, or looking at your phone, and affects every aspect of your daily life. I hope you have the help or support you need.

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I’m so sorry. I’ve been there, too, and it’s a relief that a major media outlet has taken this seriously. It’s serious to those of us who are going through it/went through it

The difference in perception is amazing once you’ve been the person on the other side of it. It’s so, so easy to say “he’s trying to fight for her and his family because he loves them!” but attention of this particular kind is NOT about love, it’s about control. My current personal situation is “luckily” just cyberstalking and phone harassment, but is also post-sexual assault too, unfortunately.

I like Kanye a lot and consider myself a fan of his music but this shit is 100% not ok. I’m sure Kim has a good security team since she has every resource at her disposal for it, but it’s been terribly sad to watch this all play out as I go through something similar.


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u/BillyYumYumTwo-byTwo avatar

Her security team wasn’t enough to stop her from getting tied up and robbed at gun point :/ if I were here, I would be terrified and not be able to trust any security team.

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I’m so sorry. Stay safe.

I know what it feels like to be in danger like this and it’s horrific.

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From the article:

West’s Instagram account has become his primary mode of expressing his anger and frustrations towards Kardashian.

West is engaging in full fledged harassment of his estranged wife and the media has failed to contextualize this behavior as something other than typical celebrity tabloid fodder or just West being his usual provocative self. This failure often comes in the form of both publications and regular people simply reposting West’s posts about Kardashian as click-bait or gossip–or even posting it at all. It should be noted that West is struggling with his own mental health issues, but there is no ambiguity to the ongoing harm being committed here: from his releasing private conversations with his ex-wife despite her explicit wish for him not to; to threatening violence on her partner; to engaging in love bombing—a coercive technique in which a person will shower a partner of theirs with affection to later use against them—like sending her a truckload of roses on Valentine’s Day. Kardashian even issued a statement earlier this month condemning West’s “constant attacks” on her, saying they are “hurtful” and “causing further pain” to their family. However, a lot of West’s fans see nothing wrong with his actions, and even go as far as to participate in it online by making memes out of his posts or sharing screenshots of West’s posts in order to go viral.

Kardashian is a woman of great means and wealth, which leads people to believe that she isn’t in the imminent danger that women of far less fortune are. Be that as it may, the passive and active enabling of West’s behavior sends a signal not only to Kardashian but also victims of this type of harassment, or even more serious abuse, that what they’re experiencing is not to be taken seriously.


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Every time BuzzFeed calls it a “feud”

u/jzilla11 avatar

They should stick to Hogwarts quizzes

That exactly something a Ravenclaw would say

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Hmm "a lot of West's fans see nothing wrong with his actions." Most Kanye fans are fully aware of how bad this is and we're mostly embarrassed to say we're fans right now, because we don't approve of what he's doing. Some are enabling him, but for every 1 person doing that, there are 10-20 trying to convince them to stop. He needs meds, as well as people in his ear that tell him that he needs to leave Kim be. He's lucky as fuck he still has a chance to be around his kids, but it's very clear if he continues pushing it like this, there is no chance at a happy ending for anyone.

I don't know dude I really haven't seen many Kanye fans condemning him, almost everything I've seen around is just them defending him. This is purely anecdotal of course

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u/Open-Camel6030 avatar

The irony, he wouldn’t stay on his meds to save his family and here we are

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It’s scary for the family and pathetic on his part.

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u/WontArnett avatar

This just shows me that all the money, fame, and looks in the world and you still end up in the same shitty relationships like I’ve been in

In fact surrounded by all the fame and power it’s probably even harder to find a decent, level-headed good man.

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Finally. I feel like if these were two "normal" people (normal being non-famous), then the conversation might be a lot different. But because it's Kim and Kanye, what he's doing to her isn't taken seriously.

u/dropkickpa avatar

It's not taken seriously for normal women either. The ridiculous number of news articles and stories that reveal that the woman in the story (and sometimes the children, too) was murdered by her ex-husband/boyfriend show us that.

Not even just that it’ll be “ex husband the wife had repeatedly told authorities was a threat!”

Anyone ever hear of OJ Simpson?

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My ex husband threatened to kill me and himself. When I told my dad we were getting divorced, even with him knowing this, he wanted me to try to work things out.

u/dropkickpa avatar

I'm glad you got out!

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I guess it depends on the people you surround yourself with. My friends are all on the same page as this article, that we are very publicly witnessing the narcissistic abuse of a former partner, and that the media is largely selling it as this salacious juicy story.

It's not. This is sick.

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I'm afraid something REALLY REALLY awful will happen before West gets the help he so desperately needs. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Kanye literally bought the house across the street from KK "to be close to the kids" or monitor her visitors.

where she goes, who she's with, what her routines are...

“Surviving Kanye, now on Audible” Not trying to make light of this situation, but you know its coming.

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u/themanprichard avatar

He’s going to kill her and it will be a media fiasco.

I’m worried this will happen too.

This is honestly what I’m terrified of every single time I read something else he’s done. Given how close Kris was to Nicole Brown, you’d think she’d see some similarities and we all know how that turned out.

Honestly, the way the entertainment media and people are treating this? It feels like they're egging him on. Like what they did to Britney back in the early 00s. Like they're hoping Kanye does something really insane so they can have their front cover story. It's just so odd - as I've said, it feels like the celebrity coverage from back in the day.

I’ve been thinking this for a little while and ive never seen anyone mention it. He’s giving me crazy oj vibes lately.

Or the kids.

Specially the ones he didn't "want" for a while cause he said something like surrogates went against God's will.

Which as a Catholic, that's total BS. He's just such a mess...

I'm worried for those two little babies in particular.

He said he asked Kim for an abortion with North live on TV as well. During his presidential campaign.

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And the media at large will be all, "Where were the signs?! Could this have been prevented?"

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“Kanye West? He’s a jackass.”

—Barack Obama

u/bigbaddaboooms avatar

Yup, Obama called it 12 years ago

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He’s a malignant narcissist

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He’s a nutcase and belongs on a 51/50 hold. This is heading right towards a murder suicide or some sort of stand-off involving their kids.

100% my thought too. I’m genuinely really worried for Kim and their kids, nobody should have to deal with stuff like this.

I can’t believe people defend him, he continues to escalate and get more and more desperate. I think the only reason she’s even speaking to him still is because she’s actually very afraid of him and his mental state. What’s even worse, is that at least one of those kids probably inherited his mental issues and they are witnessing this and thinking this is how you treat the people you love. She needs full custody with supervised visitations, he’s a lunatic, and he doesn’t seem to get consequences each time he’s acted badly.


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Can you even imagine? He bought the house across the street so she literally can’t escape him anytime she drives out of her property. I read someplace he jumps the fence (not sure if that’s true or if someone here can verify that, but I did read it). It’s going to get even worse when the divorce moves forward and the reality that he can’t win her back drops on him.

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my thoughts exactly. threatening harm is grounds enough

I could genuinely see this ending up being a murder suicide situation.

Gosh, that's so scary to think about... But so possible.

He is going off the rails right now, day and night. Can't believe no one around him has the authority to make him stop and get help!

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And now we said it! Finally!

Anybody else who did this would get a restraining order


Maybe but you overestimate that a bit. Women have trouble protecting themselves from crazy exes all the time. She’s in a good position with all that security and is still scared.

So many women murdered because judges believe that a man has more right to stalk and terrorize than a woman does to live without fear

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At the end of the day a restraining order is just a piece of paper. Do you really think that's going to stop someone with serious mental issues? Hell no. Hell no.

u/Ferret_Brain avatar

Of course not, but if/when he does try to break it (and hopefully Kim’s upped her security too), he can and will be found in criminal contempt and the likelihood of him being arrested goes up.

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First thing you are asked when trying to obtain a restraining order is “ has he hurt you?, has he done any physical harm?” I’m sorry, but his words against you are not enough!!! How many people have been killed after filing a complaint? After being refused a restraining order? Disgraceful! And yes, she has tons of money so let’s hope she protects herself and her kids.

Exactly, I've seen this movie before.

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I cannot help but feel that this is going to end badly. Their children are going to be caught in the crossfire. I don’t care how wealthy they are. It’s sad.

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u/drkr731 avatar

You'd hope so, but this Kanye situation really just highlights how difficult it is for women to be taken seriously when being harassed or abused, regardless of who they are and what proof they have.

There are so many stories of women being murdered/attacked by men they had gone to the police about multiple times. Women in general struggle to protect themselves from abusers and have difficulty getting law enforcement, authority figures, or basically anyone to take it seriously a lot of the time.

Would they though? It’s not easy to obtain a no contact order.

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About fucking time someone said it.


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His harassment of Taylor Swift over the years showed how mentally unstable he is.


Amber Rose, too.


Don’t forget his newest target, Billie Eilish.

All women, except his mama, basically.

I personally NEVER would have spoken to him again after the Taylor Swift incident. That’s all anyone seriously needs to know about him and what kind of person he is, mental illness or not.


Except now he’s been talking shit on his mama too. Nobody is safe anymore.

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u/turando avatar

The weird threats following by love bombing? He needs time away from social media. He looks like a fool and abuser

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He's lucky Pete ain't about that life.

Kim: I’m really scared. Kanye just doesn’t listen. Also I think I’m falling in love with you. Oh, Pete, I’m so confused but I must have you.

Pete: ok.

u/giveuptheghostbuster avatar

*Pete: sick

Pete: giggles aight bet.

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u/honeyybee89 avatar

I don’t really care for Kim K but I feel for her. Not only is this humiliating for her, but for her FOUR KIDS. He’s not “fighting for his family”, he’s having a psychotic breakdown and he should be in some sort of therapy and on medication before he further damages his own children

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All I can think of are their poor kids. They aren’t blind to this. They are being affected too. Seriously, why does he think he should be allowed at his daughters birthday party with how he has acted?

I see the two oldest with him at the Super Bowl and how miserable they looked and it makes me very anxious. I could not have let him take them. It is at a point now where she needs to fight for sole custody until he is fit to parent!

u/raya__85 avatar

Unless they wanted to be there the Super Bowl is not a fun place for kids either, it’s loud, repetitive and 4 or more hours long with big crowds

Their poor faces, they looked so unhappy to be there, his oldest didn't even wanna look at him, and he kept sticking his phone in her face, gross.

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He’s going to fucking murder Kim and/or Pete like the jealous, manipulative narcissist he is, and the media will be all like “wow how could we have seen this coming surprised pikachu face

He’s a fucking abusive piece of shit

He reminds me of my ex bf who broke into my home and pissed on my bed….scary Gary-, I ended up getting a restraining order after years of trying& only was able to get one AFTER my roommate who came from wealth got involved and spoke to officers…


God I wish EVERYONE! - individuals, MSM, social media, etc - would take this fucking seriously!! As someone who was married to a scam artist/narcissistic asshole that found out too late (10 years of marriage and 3 kids too late), it is fucking terrifying!! I’ve been divorced for 12 years and still live in fucking fear he’s going to pop up somewhere unexpectedly to hurt me or my children. This is exactly what I dealt with just on a smaller scale - he blasted shit (never based on reality) all over social media, got my family involved including my 90+ year old grandfather, took a job at the same company I did after we split, stalked, broke into my house, stole items including my wedding and engagement rings, our kids toys, dumping/stealing the children’s necessary meds, etc the list could go on and on!!

It’s no fucking way to live, and especially with children involved - and it’s downright terrifying!! People giving these fucking nut jobs any platform or praise only makes it a million times worse! No one fucking deserves this hell, no matter how much you may hate Kim K - she and her kids deserve to split amicably and peacefully!

I don’t know Kanye or really follow celebrity news, but if he’s anything like my ex - he needs to be in therapy, medicated, and have supervised fucking visits with his kids. He’s potentially dangerous.

Edit: thank you for the awards! xoxo

Anyone who’s reading this that is questioning if they should leave their abusive partner or if they are worthy of better - you are worthy of more than you are getting! There is hope, peace, and love on the other side! There is power, strength, and healing on the other side. There is high potential of an amazing life on the other side. Please seriously consider making the move if you are in a dangerous or unhealthy situation! You deserve better!

Dude is off his meds and somebody will get hurt unless something is done to control this clown.


This isn't about his bi-polar, though that won't help. It's about him having a narcissistic rage that the person he wants to control has removed herself from that control.

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Yet Kanye stans keep cheering him on

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We know Abusive partners who become abusive exes are responsible for the majority of murdered women. This is not a joke. He has the means & mental instability to OJ

He’s a loser man child. He was randomly aggressive with Taylor swift. Of course he’s gonna act like a prepubescent high schooler during his break up.

Now he's attacking Billie Eilish who is what? 19? He's a sick old fool. Fucking pathetic.

It doesn’t matter how old she is. If she was 40, she still hasn’t done anything wrong and kanye is delusional and picking fights for the sake of, idk, his own ego or something. But it really does seem like he has a thing for picking on teen/young adult successful women, doesn’t it?

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I haven't been laughing but so many have. Writing it off as a publicity stunt.... since when did something being a publicity stunt warrant harassment and defamation? Hate the Kardashians all you want but Kim is going to get the last laugh in divorce court. His fans are going to bitch and moan so hard when Kim gets full custody or Kanye has to have supervised visits.


Not in the slightest. His behavior has been gross and he should be held accountable for it.

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No, it is not a joke at all. He’s clearly behaving in a way that would result in legal repercussions if anyone but a wealthy celebrity was doing it.

You’d be surprised by how little police actually will do in these situations until it’s too late on a regular basis. Many people, men and women, are not taken seriously enough when being harassed by an ex partner/stalker. Most of the time It takes multiple calls and having to provide mountains of proof to just get a restraining order if you’re lucky. Even in instances of previous violence it can be hard for the victims to get someone to help. It’s all really fucked up how these crazy ass people can harass others and get no repercussions. It’s honestly terrifying.

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It’s actually sad people are making fun of him. Dude is seriously mentally ill. I feel bad for kim and her kids

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Nothing he does is ever a joke. He’s unhinged. I’ve been saying this for years. Everyone is so dead set on being SURE this man is a genius hidden beneath madness that we’re supposed to accept what a threatening person he is to the people around him. He’s not a genius. And he’s not a joke.

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I worry for Pete Davidson safety, the man is funny

u/antivaxxershasha avatar

Somebody is gonna end up dead

u/VariousAudience1331 avatar

Deadass. He was talking all tough talkin bout he want a divorce and Kris is evil and now he got what he wanted and still isn't happy.

Fucking finally…

Everything celebrities do is a joke.

I have a bad feeling that he may try to physically harm her. I hope I’m wrong. God forbid.

He’s gonna kill her or the kids. He needs to be put away before I see this tragic headline. Ffs.

This man is a straight up narcissistic asshole. His musics gone to shit and he clearly realizes the only way to get attention/stay relevant is by being a straight up psycho in media. This man needs more than his meds, he straight up needs to be sent to a psychiatric facility.

Is anyone surprised?

We know the guy has a huge ego. We know he has a mental illness.

The difference here is that the Kardashians have billions to protect themselves with and regular people have the same problems but don't have the same resources to keep themselves safe.

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It's not. That man is crazy & people like this spiral & do terrible things. He's going to commit and O.J one day.

This is mental abuse & she should be scared

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When you love anyone you are able to set your feelings aside, in order to fulfil whatever is best for your loved one. Like allowing them peace and privacy.

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We all thought she was ruining his career…turns out he was ruining it the whole time.

We all thought she was ruining his career

Only idiots thought that

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He needs help. It doesn’t excuse his behavior now, but it can help in the future and certainly help with their children. Celebrity culture is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, but this is a really good example of a situation that’s sadly common

u/MongooseOne avatar

Nothing this man does is a joke. He is ill and needs help but all everyone does is watch on like it’s the latest episode of their favorite reality show.

Who had the bingo spot "feel sorry for Kim Kardashian" on their card?

it really fucking isn't. i saw this coming the second they announced the divorce. this guy is a huge man-child and will never own up to his responsibility to others. it's like his feelings are the only ones that matter, he can't even imagine his kids getting laughed at at school because of his stupidity. poor kids. north looks just like him too, they will never be free of questions about kanye's latest ploys for attention. my only question is, how the hell can he be getting so much gratification that he just keeps doing it?? like who is encouraging and telling him it's all going to be okay? dude, your kids are going to fucking hate you.

Poor dude has some serious mental health issues.

Domestic violence is right around the corner Pete better know how defend himself.

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u/loztriforce avatar

I hate that I’m talking about these people but I’m legit concerned he’s going to murder suicide them

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u/PoeBangangeron avatar

Sad watching the Kanye doc to see what he’s become. His hustle to make it was really inspiring. He really let his own self get to his head.


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Can't this guy get locked up in psychiatric facility? It is very clear that he is abusive and harassing and will do something crazy soon. What if we call the ambulance on him ? Or let's make a petition to a judge to lock him up. Worst part he is making his fans do stupid shit too. So he is an instigator as well.


Ummm he was a certified nut job When he stormed the VMA’s and stripped the mic from Taylor Swift. That and the Trump nonsense along with the “presidential” run is just more of the same. On the flip side the nonsense appears to be just for publicity and a tactic to keep him relevant (Trump playbook). Obviously he doesn’t care if the publicity comes at the expense of his family. He only cares about ye. The Pete Davison nonsense sounds like manufactured hyperbole so he can spit some dis bars on his latest album drop. This is the publicity build up Either way the guy was an idiot when he stormed the VMA’s and nothing has changed. Being an idiot is a billion dollar industry.

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It’s almost like money can’t solve all your problems wow

Believe me, anything that man says or does is a joke


She needs a restraining order

Kanye is a toddler rolling on the ground for his juice box.

u/Kevin_handa avatar

Kanye is messed up, and people say he’s dealing with mental issues… which he very well may be… but he also loves this shit… he gets off on the fact that he can say anything without real consequences because of his fame… narcissistic to say the least, he’s a real life version of a cartoon villain

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u/KiNGofKiNG89 avatar

Dude needs to chill, he is well past the psycho crazy ex stage.

Unfortunately so many people are on his side because “dOnDA iS So dOpE”! They let the music blind them. I always say OJ was dope in Naked Gun as well….

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u/jaedubba avatar

Dude needs some serious help.


Kanye as a person is a huge joke though