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What's the deal with the Ninja and Pokimane drama?


I've seen something happened on twitter, but what the hell is it.

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u/drunz avatar

Answer: Pokimane was hate raided by Jidion. Pokimane decided to end her stream in response after trying to go into sub only mode and Jidion ended up getting banned. Jidion proceeds to donate to Ninja to get his attention and ask for his help to not get banned or lessen his ban. Ninja explicitly says on stream he will text his twitch representative to help Jidion and picks up his phone and says he texted them. Ninja proceeds to delete the vod of this stream. The next day Ninja mentions on stream that he would be cool with playing fortnite with Jidion after his ban is lifted. Jessica (ninja’s wife and manager) dms Pokimane that Ninja never said he would help Jidion. Pokimane dms that she didn’t appreciate Ninja saying he’d help Jidion after what he did came off as misogynistic. Jessica proceeds to say they(ninja and herself) didn’t do that and have no real context of the Jidion situation multiple day after the fact. Jessica says they didn’t text the rep or say they would help Jidion in any way. Pokimane sends her clips of Ninja from his stream to dispute this. This dming was all done in private.

Pokimane 4 days after the initial events of the hate raid proceeds to have a short stream explaining and recalling the events as well as messages back and forth she had with Jessica where she also shows the clips of the Ninja vods. While the stream is happening Ninja and Jessica message Pokimane live on stream that she is making stuff up and should stop. Ninja sent a dm saying that he never sent a message to a twitch representative (this dm pokimane shows on stream) despite the clip showing him saying (parphrasing) “I texted them, don’t know if it will do anything” after he had picked up and put down his phone.

Pokimane decides to end the stream where she receives a last dm from Jess that they will be suing Pokimane for defamation for lying on stream. That’s basically the situation as it stands.

If you want a video with a bit more context I recommend Ludwig’s (here) cuz it has a pretty good grasp on it.

u/TehRiddles avatar

So by the sounds of it, Ninja fucked up by taking this Jidon guy at his word without looking into why the ban happened. He then realized later on and so took down the Vod hoping people wouldn't remember. Then faced with evidence he did it he's panicking and threatening to sue because he can't admit he fucked up.

Doesn't sound like he's getting out of this clean.

u/xShadey avatar

I don’t get why he just didn’t say he didn’t realise he was banned due to hate raiding or what not. Seems like it could’ve solved the situation as I think that’s pretty understandable but instead he doubles down on a lie he literally told on stream

And thus, a sitcom is born.


*laugh track*

At this point it's more of a shitcom.

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I think fully half of the people in this world can't admit their mistakes. They double down, triple down, whatever it takes. They MUST. LOOK. FLAWLESS.

It's so childish. None of this would have happened if Ninja had simply acted like a man.

We are all raised in a society that makes us terrified of being wrong so all anybody knows how to do is to double down

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u/MG_72 avatar

acted like a man

What do you mean by this?

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That's not what acting like a man is like but ok let's just keep adding on to type of toxic sexism that started this whole situation.

Swallowing your pride is what adults do, men and women. He's not less manly because he won't swallow his pride and perpetuating that stigma isn't helping anyone here.

Edit: The thing is, that comment specifically chose man and not adult.

It's implying that Ninja is not manly unless he does this thing when in reality he's already a man and that can't be taken away from him. It's toxic because it's meant to influence his behavior and reinforce masculine stereotypes by pushing him into a rigid box that you can slap the label man on.

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Idk man i wouldn’t say most of the world ESPECIALLY if you have a scrap of intelligence and know you just did what you’re saying you didn’t do on a deleted vlog…

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Because every professional streamer has the maturity of a middle schooler.

u/lifelongfreshman avatar

Every popular professional streamer. People watch them to see baby raging, not good gameplay.

There are plenty of streamers out there who just aren't as popular who are also rather emotionally mature. They make for far less interesting content for the average stream viewer, because they're not childish enough to (for instance) tell other people to kill themselves for performing poorly in a video game.

Until the culture of consumption changes, people gotta do what makes money, and what makes money is acting like a 13 year-old.

Ninja literally goes on Gamer RantsTM against kids for killing him in video games. He’s ridiculously immature and I think that might be why he’s still so popular even though the massive Fortnite wave that brought him into the mainstream isn’t as big anymore.

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u/Lamprophonia avatar

I don’t get why he just didn’t say he didn’t realise he was banned due to hate raiding or what not.

Because he's a child. People forget these streamers and pro-gamers are just kids who got rich and famous way too young without any guidance so they behave like 13 year olds. Ninja acts exactly like a teenage boy getting caught in an obvious lie; "NUH UH, I NEVER SAID THAT!", in the face of literal video evidence of him saying exactly that.

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The thing is, Ninja did not communicate with Pokimane himself. His wife/manager is the one who was texting her this whole time. As far as we know, he did not reach out to her directly until the very end of her stream, and even then, he still doubled down on what his wife claimed and said that Poki was making a big mistake.


pride. cant admit when he’s wrong or made a mistake

u/kekarook avatar

he would have to admit he made a mistake and hes a narcissist so thats not happening


What's hate raiding?

Directing your audience to send negative comments in the chat. It's against the rules on Twitch and they will wipe your channel off existence

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And I hope he won't get out of this. I'm not a fan of Pokimane, but Ninja is known to be a d*ck since forever.

Ninja carried Drake's career so more people should actually be grateful to Ninja for his altruism. People are so blind.

"Ninja carried Drake's career" is one the funniest things I read on Reddit all day

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Damn someone taught you to be twisted

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Ninja carried Drake's career

Thanks for the good laugh man I needed that.

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u/lolwut19 avatar

nuked for an obvious joke lmao reddit is something else

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Yea I'm so tired of Ninja tbh. He just constantly lies to save face when him and his girl are just twats.

His league of legends raging was fucking gold... shows his true colors

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u/Kajega avatar

Should've taken his money and left a long time ago

u/IsPhil avatar

I really don't understand these people. All he had to do was give a brief apology and say he didn't know the full picture before. I don't see any world in which that would have been the worse option.


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well pokimane got out of using the n word without even getting tempo banned

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u/nicstar9000 avatar

dang i feel kinda bad for her

u/renegaade avatar

Sounds about Ninja.

u/uristmcderp avatar

hoping people wouldn't remember

Damn I guess he hasn't heard of the degens on lsf.

Ah, so nothing will happen expect for more donations thrown around to both parties for another week.

u/Skorpeion avatar

without looking into why

the irony

he's panicking and threatening to sue

He never threatened to sue. At least report things accurately

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So, if Ninja would've gone "Wow, I'm sorry. I didn't knew what the ban was about when I did that on my Stream", it would've avoided all this drama.

u/Scorpius289 avatar

But that would be admitting fault, and we can't have that.
Pride is a hell of a drug.

This is Ninja, the guy who said “the phrase ‘it’s just a game’ is such a weak mindset”. He’s so hopped up on his own ego from all the #1 Victory Royales that admitting he made a mistake is difficult.

Ninja, the guy who looks like his hair got caught in a cotton candy machine, once screamed at a kid “THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT” then did a weird joker laugh over a video game.

Dude stopped growing up in the 5th grade.

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u/ohSpite avatar

Exactly what I was thinking, this entire situation is so dumb

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Why does there have be such nerd drama

Anyway good write up

“it’s just game, why you heff to be mad?”

u/kingalexander avatar

Suddenly bryzgalov

The universe is so humungous big


The kind of nonsense internet “stars” go through in terms of drama would have them fired from normal workspaces. It’s all too much

(I definitely feel for those who get caught in webs that aren’t of their own making)

u/saganakist avatar

It pretty much is workspace drama. A dude is highly misogynist and gets fired for it. Now some other dude is toxic towards the woman that was initially targeted by the harassment, because she spoke out against him backing misogyny guy.

Beside workplaces that don't care about misogyny and harassment that would not have played out a lot different.

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u/Norci avatar

The kind of nonsense internet “stars” go through in terms of drama would have them fired from normal workspaces.

You're mistakenly assuming that the equivalent of twitch star drama is workspace drama with streamers being co-workers. They are not, most of them are direct competitors and do not share same workspace, which is why there's higher tolerance for bullshit.

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u/Glampkoo avatar

The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.

There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.

I mean yeah it's a bad outlook on life, but when it actually is a game, saying "it's just a game" is a pretty valid response, especially since it's usually said when someone is throwing a tantrum that they didn't win.

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I dont know much about the whole streamer community but I feel like whenever she is involved in a controversy, its always a misogynistic man after her.

u/xlkslb_ccdtks avatar

Basically what most women experience

Basically Twitch in a nutshell, that website can be so extremely toxic. And a good chunk of that blame definitely falls on the people running it. I feel like a decent chunk of that misogyny roots back to when there was that whole hot tub stream controversy and how everyone felt that Twitch was being more lenient to women because boobs, which led to the website’s userbase having this weird crusade against pretty much every female streamer because they thought they got unfairly special treatment.

I mean, any website who’s most popular word when a woman appears on screen is “booba” is bound to be full of immature manchildren.


I dont know much about the whole streamer community but I feel like whenever she is involved in a controversy, its always a misogynistic man after her.

Any criticism of her quite literally is brigaded with "incel", "neckbeard", and "mysogonist". When you ask for an explanation how what someone said is "mysogonistic", you're now the mysogonist that you asked for an explination. The word is used to incorrectly that it lost its meaning.

One can't criticize her with objective criticism, because that's also "mysogonistic". Even women are critical of her, but they get brigaded with "you're just jealous" comments.

edit: wow, her fanbase is extremely toxic.

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u/Jumping3 avatar

If jidion is that word wouldn’t that make poki a racist?

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This whole thing reminds me why I stick with Sweet Anita. Wholesome, but with a bunch of random cursing.

Anita sauce on that

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Why do you feel sorry for someone who has an infinitely better life than you?

u/OrangeFlavoredPenis avatar

Multi millionaires bickering online is entertainment for some


nerds: lmao nah this is "popular kids" drama, we settle our differences in card games like civilized people

u/NickKappy avatar

Yes. They should sort this out like men! And by men I mean with a children’s card game!


Like the Egyptian Gods intended

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u/witti534 avatar

There is drama everywhere. It doesn't matter which location or topic. There will always be drama.

And drama is more interesting than no drama.


I was reading up 1/4 of the entire thing then I realized that I couldn't care less.

u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor avatar

That's what I'm thinking. Why can't you just ban the guy that's hate raiding and move on with your day? Why does the situation have to be bigger than that?

There’s drama everywhere in the entertainment business.

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u/kenwongart avatar

What is a hate raid?

u/wingedcoyote avatar

When a twitch streamer ends their stream they can have twitch send all their current viewers to a different ongoing stream, this is called a raid. Usually it's a way to support another channel, and they'll often instruct their audience to say hi, show support with a certain catch phrase, etc. A hate raid is presumably like this but with "go be dicks" instructions. Kinda like a brigade on reddit but more confrontational.

My guess is a bunch of people show up flaming them.

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I could be wrong with this comment im not big on watching streamers, but didnt ninja have a video back when he played dayz and he tore absolute shreds off a kid for no real reason? This bloke has always seemed like a real scum bag (not just that event)

u/drunz avatar

Ninja has never really been a rolemodel for kids. I'm sure if you google Ninja + toxic you will get a bunch of him saying stupid shit.

Yeah i mean the thing is his whole market audience is children though. Like the dude is almost 30 i think and dies his hair blue and plays kids games / does childish stuff all the time. I’d be surprised of there were many grown many getting excited to watch him.

So with that said, it’s disappointing for him as a childrens influencer to carry on how he does. You’d be upset if you saw a group like the wiggles crack it at a few kids 😂

not sure why he's in Free Guy movie either :S

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u/KentuckyFriedEel avatar

Well, if she has video evidence does ninja even have a case?

Yeah, can you really be sued for defamation if you point out a person did something they actually did with evidence? You're simply stating facts at that point.

Granted, I figure if someone really wanted, they could still go through with it anyways, tying up everyone's time and resources and causing grief for everyone.

Truth is an "absolute defense" to defamation.

If I have no reason to accuse you of a terrible crime, have no evidence, and I testify that I assumed it wasn't true and was just trying to hurt your career, but it just so happens you did commit that crime, that's not defamation.

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u/Random_Person_I_Met avatar

Who's this Jidion (don't watch livestreams)?

u/drunz avatar

He is a prank YouTuber/tiktok we who started on tiktok. He recently started streaming on twitch in January before his ban. He has 3.5 million subscribers.

u/Random_Person_I_Met avatar

prank YouTuber

So a dickhead by nature then, got it.

lol apt description

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Wow ninja and Jessica are trash

Legit question here, since I don't know the terminology of streamers: what is a hate raid?

u/OzymandiasBitch avatar

viewers of jidion went on poki's stream and started spamming things in her chat like "L + ratio", which definitely changed the vibe of her stream and made her uncomfortable.

Thanks for your reply. Second question: what does "L + ratio" mean? I'm not familiar with these terms...

I'd just like to point out they were initially typing harmless "L + ratio" type of shit and quickly moved on to death threats towards Poki and her audience

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u/drunz avatar

L = loser or loss but can also be used to indicate someone is wrong ex. L take

Ratio is a term where you out get more likes or reacts than an original post thus you “ratio-ed” them.

L +ratio is commonly used to respond to someone when they saying something dumb or “wrong” opinion.

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edit that is an actual explanation, just check it out

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u/HeIsMyPossum avatar

Not a lawyer, not legal advice:

A "defamation" case on this would never, ever, ever work. Defamation requires some pretty specific criteria to be met, and something like this would have exactly a 0% chance of being successful. No lawyer who actually cares about their client would take it. A judge would never even hear it.

u/Broberts505 avatar

Probably an unpopular opinion, but it looks like adults who never left high-school.

u/drunz avatar

These are people who got popular in their high school and college age with most of their content catered to a younger audience so it makes sense. That being said Pokimane receives a lot of unwarranted sexual harassment.

u/Broberts505 avatar

I agree that any form of sexual harassment is deplorable. Pokimane definitely has every right to defend herself. As for them wanting to sue her, that is what adults who never left high-school look like. Also just because your audience is mostly children doesn't let you act like one.

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drama llamas.

Imagine suing someone for defamation when there's literally video evidence that what they're saying is true.


I swear pokimane is involved with a new drama every other day. Also, I feel like Ninja could have easily fixed himself by stating he did not know why he was banned and just made a mistake by agreeing so quickly. Tbf, Twitch does ban pretty unfairly sometimes so it's easy to assume it was nothing much he did wrong, though, he still should have asked why he got banned first. Ninja especially should have admitted his mistake instead of just trying to cover it up.

Is hate raid actually a thing on Twitch?

u/drunz avatar

It’s not common place from big streamers to others but it does happen. It happened a lot last year to people of minorities (specifically lgbtq and black people). It’s more commonly people using bots and having them spam streamers with awful things.

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This is insane to me people follow twitch drama so intensely. The same people who follow this garbage are the same ones posted memes making fun of reality tv shows. I just depressed myself reading this I don’t know who any of these people are besides ninja because he’s all over Reddit. Y’all need to go outside and socialize with some real people. I think this ovessesion with twitch personalities is detrimental to mental health. Anyway I’m not trying to be a dick but if I come off as one so be it.

I truely don’t believe any of this is even real. It’s all made up for views. None of these steamers could possibly be this shallow and dense while also being millionaires. They are playing the crowd to keep their funds high

The same people who follow this garbage are the same ones posted memes making fun of reality tv shows.

Now that's a dumb jump to make and makes absolutely no sense.

I think this ovessesion with twitch personalities is detrimental to mental health.

Overindulgence on anything is detrimental to mental health, get off your high horse because twitch drama isn't even getting close to the bottom of the barrel for weird hobbies.

Sure, twitch viewers will get super weird and parasocial but it's hardly worse than any other people obsessing over the Kardashians/Jenners or any other famous person.

It's not really about "Twitch Drama," though. I don't even use the platform. It's a referendum on how female streamers are treated online. Gaming, and the internet at large, are seen as pretty hostile towards women. So when one of the biggest female streamers in the world gets harassment, Twitch lays down the hammer, then one of the biggest male streamers in the world publicly takes potential steps to overturn that, it's a big deal. It's a perfect microcosm of how this kind of bullshit is either seen as "not a big deal" or even actively encouraged on a pretty massive level.

And for me, this is kind of a referendum on what kinda stuff becomes popular online. Because Jesus Christ...this was a lay-up for Ninja. There was such a blatantly obvious way to handle this and get EASY positive publicity, and he STILL fucked it up, then DOUBLED DOWN. How can anyone that stupid be this popular?


It’s because all of boys and men that follow twitch streamers are neckbear no life’s that only know memes. It’s not real life. There is no repercussions to treating people shitty on the internet especially with waifus and anime pictures on your profile. The same 25 year old religiously following a streamer today is the same 4chan nerd that was harassing cam girls in 2008

But for the women who earn their livelihoods online, it IS real life. And even though we can't eliminate the shitty neckbeards, the very LEAST someone like Ninja can do is not tacitly condone their behavior. Like I said...this was an easy lay-up for anyone who's not a complete idiot. Even Asmongold pointed out how obvious the right answer here was. So either this multimillionaire businessman is somehow a complete idiot, or he genuinely believes that harassing women online is okay. And I think we all know which one it is.

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u/NickKappy avatar

Drama = more attention = more money

u/DiscreetLobster avatar

This is bullshit highschool level clique drama. There is no reason anyone should care about this shit, unless maybe you're in HS and don't get enough drama there. The fact that adults are watching and caring about this shit makes me sad for our future.

I mean, it's not trivial stuff though. It was misogynistic harassment at a workplace. The workplace just happens to be a very public platform. It should've ended when the guy got banned but then ninja had to get involved (whether he knew the whole story or not) and Poki felt the need to defend herself in the face of a lot of hate/backlash. And now people are memeing on ninja about it because he's an idiot that threatened to sue when he doesn't have a leg to stand on lmao. If you're sad about people caring about this, just ignore it. It'll be irrelevant in a few days anyway

u/justsomeregret avatar

Just a heads up the intial hate raid had nothing to do with Poki being a woman just saying you honest to God can't argue otherwise in fact any of J's actions

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Have you ever listened to parliament recordings?


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u/DiscreetLobster avatar


I guess there are a lot of kids on reddit who care about this stuff.

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Why WHY does all this stuff always feel like they set this up just to get more attention, and thus viewers and subscribers and donations...

u/PlantsAreAliveToo avatar

Because that's exactly what is happening

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Pokimane decides to end the stream where she receives a last dm from Jess that they will be suing Pokimane for defamation for lying on stream. That’s basically the situation as it stands.

I don't normally have a lot of respect for reactionary Youtube gamers (the ones with obnoxiously bright hair who seem to do nothing but play video games all day long and over-react to them the same way an elementary school child would; is it really a surprise that most of these user's fanbases are pre-high school children?), but Ninja had gained at least some of my respect with the charities and the good he'd done for the greater community and not just his own revenue sources... This right here just diminished that respect to absolutely none.

It's one thing to make a mistake, own up to it when called out by someone negatively affected by that mistake, and apologize. It's a whole different thing to make a mistake, attempt to destroy any public evidence of that mistake (like deleting the public video showcasing it) and threatening legal action because the other person affected by your mistake won't just pretend it never happened and demand you take responsibility for your actions and words.

I find it kind of weird that you say you don’t like bright colored hair youtubers who do scream-y reaction content, but then immediately come to the defense of the most immature of all of them.

Like, I’m no Markiplier fan but he’s 100x better than Mr Yells at Kids Over Fortnite.


I didn't "come to the defense" of any of them, much less mention PewDiePie... I said Ninja temporarily had some of my respect due to the good he'd done outside the contents of his videos (namely his involvements with charity drives and donations he personally makes) but then immediately mentioned that he'd lost all of it with this stunt.

Oh I misread, it looked like you were saying this incident had zero impact on your opinions on him.

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what is this, high school?

u/PhantomPhanatic9 avatar

No it's workplace harassment

Edit: spelling

Never listened to a parliament recording have you?

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What a pack of nerds.

Fingers crossed for more hate raids!

u/Jumping3 avatar

Hard to feel sympathy for poki when she gets away with much worse on a consistent basis

It’s important to note the “hate raid” was “L + ratio” spam.

u/drunz avatar

Not really because it quickly devolved into Jidion's viewers whispering Pokimane's viewers sexist and misogynistic shit after Jidion had spent the beginning part of his stream saying he doesn't like Pokimane and playing old clips of her.

u/justsomeregret avatar

Well he said to spam L+Ratio are you saying he holds full responsibility for all commenters or partial just for clarification

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Again in English please

Imagine knowing about this nonsense. Who tf are these people

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u/mynamejulian avatar

answer: Poki was hate-raided by Jidion. This resulted in a 14 day ban for him. Poki overheard that Ninja was trying to help Jidion by supposedly texting his Twitch rep. Poki then started bashing Ninja in her stream which brought him negative attention. Ninja said he didn't even contact anyone about Jidions ban and his wife, Jessica, messaged Poki saying she was going to get her lawyers involved for defamation. All in all, everyone's being dramatic.

All in all, everyone's being dramatic.

You just summed up Twitch steamers in a nutshell.

u/MyWeeLadGimli avatar

Look at r/livestreamfail basically everyone fucking cries all the time about the slightest piece of drama

Is there a version of that sub that is actually about posting clips of fails and isn’t a den for drama around two dozen or so specific big people? That sub seems to have strayed away from its initial premise.

u/drunz avatar

Have a time machine and go back 8 years

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u/icantagree avatar

Twitch is the modern gold rush for streamers. They are trying to milk it before it dies.

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Sounds like everyone is wrong except Poki tbf

u/GoldenDude avatar

Correction: JiDion initially received a 14 day ban then it was elevated to a Perma Ban. JiDion suspects this is after Poki and some other big twitch streamers complained that his ban wasn’t severe enough. However many others believe that the reason for his ban elevation was because of continued harassment on outside of Twitch on JiDion’s part. No official statement had been released on Twitch’s part in regards to the ban elevation

u/Bowldoza avatar

That dude continued to harrass her outside of twitch which is why he was permaed...don't spread misinformation if you don't know the reason

u/drunz avatar

I also think he might have broken his agreement as a twitch partner because he streamed on Instagram after his ban. I don’t know if that counts or not.

u/GoldenDude avatar

As fair as I know no official reason has come out from Twitch about the elevation of his ban. I simply shared JiDion’s perspective. I’ll edit my post to include that information also

u/Malena_my_quuen avatar

don't spread misinformation if you don't know the reason

And where is your source to prove that guy was wrong?

u/Bowldoza avatar

Lol, why aren't you asking them for proof too? Their entire post is literally speculation

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u/Enk1ndle avatar

Someone said he changed his Twitter picture to Poki or something, did he continue on Twitter?

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u/mynamejulian avatar

By "everyone's being dramatic", I was mostly referencing everyone else talking about it and making a bigger story about it than it really is. People are using this drama to get attention and clicks.


tbf jidon was kinda at fault for telling his immature young fanbase to raid a female twitch streamer, obviously it will get out of his control

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Ah yes, using the n word years ago for which she APOLOGIZED numerous times totally makes her deserving of a reactionary misogynist hate raid.

Ah yes, using the n word years ago for which she APOLOGIZED numerous times totally makes her deserving of a reactionary misogynist hate raid.

In what way was it mysogonistic? Can you explain that?

Do you even know what mysogonist means?

u/FreeRocksAndTrees avatar

So why does reddit still hate pewdiepie lol

Does it? I don't think it does. Its pretty clear that pewdiepie probably just had a slip-up

u/FreeRocksAndTrees avatar

He did and everyone on here and beyond still bring that up

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I don't think this reason justifies it one bit.

Also, Ninja literally used the n word in the past but for some reason neither you or Jidion are mad at him but you are mad at pokimane for doing it. I wonder why...


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u/THe_PrO3 avatar

this is both the funniest and the shortest reply that includes everything thank you


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u/THe_PrO3 avatar

girls can be the bad guy too (source: am girl and am a villain sometimes)

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"Here are 2 links"

Just TLDR it. That's what this sub is for.

Idk about the ninja one but pokimane got banned for a bit for playing movies and shows on stream

Ahhh so it's following what is happening to other big streamers as well?

I k ow some do the group Netflix watch where everyone needs to have netflix to join the view party but when you watch shows and stuff on streaming platforms, it can easily get terminated since other companies bought the rights to stream it themselves; thus making Twitch liable for such incidents.

I thought it was something more serious than that lol

u/drunz avatar

It is and this person has no idea what they are talking about.

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