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Welcome to r/germany, the English-language subreddit about the country of Germany.

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This goes particularly if you are asking about studying in Germany. There are multiple Wiki articles covering a lot of information. And yes, that means reading and doing your own research. It's good practice for what a German university will expect you to do.

Short questions can be asked in the comments to this post. Please either leave a comment here or make a new post, not both.

If you ask questions in the subreddit, please provide enough information for people to be able to actually help you. "Can I find a job in Germany?" will not give you useful answers. "I have [qualification], [years of experience], [language skills], want to work as [job description], and am a citizen of [country]" will. If people ask for more information, they're not being mean, but rather trying to find out what you actually need to know.

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r/LegaladviceGerman/ has limited legal advice - but make sure to read their disclaimers.

European elections 2024 + local elections in 9 federal states

There is a lot of voting today! Primarily the 2024 European elections, as well as local/regional elections (or run-off elections) in Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. We wish all voters every success in folding their ballot papers and all poll workers strong nerves when counting.

Be aware, most links are in German. If you have good alternatives, please provide them via Modmail.

European election 2024

Election results and polls from Germany

CDU/ CSU AfD Grüne SPD BSW FDP Linke FW Die PARTEI Tierschutzpartei
Ipsos 07.06 30 14 15 15 7 5 3 3 n/a n/a
FG Wahlen 06.06 30 14 14 14 7 4 3 n/a n/a n/a
Institut Wahlkreisprognose 01.06. 30,5 15,5 15,5 13,5 6,0 4,0 3,0 2,5 1,5 1,5
INSA 31.05. 29,0 16,0 13,0 14,0 7,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 n/a n/a
Infratest dimap 29.05 29,0 14,0 14,0 15,0 6,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 n/a n/a
FG Wahlen 29.05 30,0 14,0 15,0 14,0 6,0 4,0 4,0 n/a n/a n/a
Election result 2019 28,9 11,0 20,5 15,8 n/a 5,4 5,5 2, 2,4 1,4

Current status of the distribution of seats in the EU Parliament by political group:

EVP (Christian Democrats) S&D (Social Democrats) renew europe (liberal) Grüne/ EFA (green) ID (right-wing) EKR (Right-wing conservative/populist) Linke Non-attached
176 (24,96%) 144 (20,43%) 102 (14,47%) 77 (10,07%) 64 (9,08%) 64 (9,08%) 38 (5,39%) 46 (6,52%)


CDU/ CSU AfD SPD Grüne BSW FDP Linke Volt Other Voter turnout
ARD/infratest dimap 29,6 16,4 14 12 5,7 5 2,8 2,8 11,7 64%
ZDF/Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 30 16,1 14 12,4 5,9 4,9 2,9 3 10,8 65%

Time: 18:30

Collection of links:

How worried are you / how fair do you think the German pension system is? How worried are you / how fair do you think the German pension system is?

So it’s almost one year that I’ve worked in Germany and I will get my first yearly Pension statement (as they say on the website).

I assume everyone here knows about the pension system (points, etc), so I won’t explain too much here. I have read a lot online, and there’s always talk of a crisis about the sustainability of the pension system.

The German net replacement ratio (i.e. net pension benefits vs average net salaries over working life, considering tax rates, contributions) is way below OECD average (See this article on DW), which prompted me the do some calculations (Apologies in advance, maybe better topic for r/Finanzen, might repost there as well).

To make it simple, assuming: zero inflation (or at least pension benefits, salaries, and contributions, tax/Grundfreibeitrag all increase in the same rates, i.e. no change to the raito), and using 2024 rates:

  • Person A starts working at 25, retires at 67, dies at 81 (average life expectancy, Male + Female).

  • He is a “Besserverdiener, made 90,716 EUR gross / year (2 x average salary), accumulated 84 pension points over his 42-year career.

  • He paid 702.15 EUR / month (8,425.8 EUR / year), his employer paid the other half half making it 16,861.6 EUR / year.

  • His 42 years of contribution would be 353,884 EUR, including his employers contribution, it would be 707,767.20 EUR.

Over his 14 years of remaining life, he will receive 39,635 gross / year, i.e. 26,727.79 net / year, making total net benefits 374,189 EUR (or 320,733 EUR using 79 year life expectancy).

Total net benefits received vs Total costs ~ 53% (Yes, I am aware that its Net vs Gross, but this represents an “effective” tax rate of 47%). Return is even worse if you are male (79 years life expectancy). For an person making "average" salary 45,358 EUR the returns are a bit better (almost 60%), but also not great.

So I'm interested in asking this:

  • How is the pension system still under stress (120 billion invested in 2024 alone) when they take so much from working people?

  • As a young German / person that worked for a long time in Germany, do you have any hard feelings on the Bommer generation for potentially double dipping? (e.g. Pension benefits increase in 2024 > inflation / avg. salary increase, 0% investment tax for holding period >12 months till 2008, many other now defunct, favourable policies for them to build wealth).

  • As a young German / person that worked for a long time in Germany, how worried are you that you will not even get this sub-par return, and live a worse retirement than your parents / grandparents?

  • Are there any concrete solutions alreay underway to fix this problem?

Deutsche Bahn finally broke me. Deutsche Bahn finally broke me.

Prior to 2020 I commuted to work by train every day. 10 minutes station to station. There were delays sometimes but they were manageable. This year I started going back to the office 5 days a week and it’s pretty rare that my commute doesn’t take over an hour. After almost 6 months of putting up with it because I want to reduce my carbon footprint and save money, I’m done. I’m buying a used car. It takes 30 minutes to get to work by car but that’s at least half the time I’m spending now. I’m sick of seeing people making excuses for this absurd situation. It has gotten so much worse the past 3 years.

American moving to Germany with young kids American moving to Germany with young kids

Hi all,

My spouse was offered an opportunity to move to Germany (work) and we’re considering it. However we have two young children under 5. We’ve always wanted to move to Germany or France, however I’m hesitant about making such a big change right now. We don’t speak any German and I realize this will be a process, we’ll definitely plan on learning. I’m most hesitant about how we’ll make friends and how our children will fit in, I want to ensure they’re not isolated and able to live full lives with peers. Overall, the lifestyle in Germany is superior in my opinion, I have family there and have visited and enjoy the slower pace it offers. I would love this.

Has anyone made the move with young kids? How was it?


Edit: thank you all so much for the helpful information and advice, I’m definitely feeling better about everything and appreciate all the honesty.

The village has always known the truth… The village has always known the truth…

So I remember having this Bavarian friend back in college and we were talking about unsolved murders, and he told me that there were these murders that happened on a farm not far from where he grew up, and according to him, the craziest part about it all was that the local townspeople had all known the truth for a century, but out of respect to the murderer they never revealed his identity or the reason behind the murders and simply said that it was a “gruesome, but justified action.”

I never really thought much about it and considered it probably a local urban legend or some other bullshit until I recently saw a documentary about these murders at a place called Hinterkaifeck which is in Bavaria and the more I delved into it the more I started to think: was this the horrifying town secret that my old friend had been talking about all them years ago? I know that town secrets are a thing, the place I grew up in had one that we never told any outsiders but it was regarding a man’s moving from our town and it was truly a matter of respect for him and his family and the law was never involved, but to cover up something like murder for over a century? It’s gotta be fake right?

***Also, I came to this sub Reddit because well it was something that my Bavarian friend told me and I thought I’d get good information from actual Germans but if this is not for this subreddit, forgive me, I’ll go somewhere else!

People came into my house without permission People came into my house without permission

I live in an apartment building in Berlin with maybe 200 apartments/rooms. The doors are electronic. Today some people came by to fix the intercom system. I was sitting at home and I heard a knock, and then I heard my door unlock. I ran to the door to close it and sent them away until tomorrow. The locks are electronic and need a FOB. I guess my landlord gave his key to the handymen to let them come into my apartment. This was terrifying because I'm a young woman, it doesn't feel safe. Is this legal??

Euro 2024 : Tickets Available for Turkey vs Czech Republic on June 26 in Hamburg Euro 2024 : Tickets Available for Turkey vs Czech Republic on June 26 in Hamburg

Hi Guys, I have two tickets available for Turkey vs Czech Republic match that will take place in Hamburg. I bought the tickets at an expensive price but there is a situation due to which I won't be able to go. How can I sell them ? Do you know any platforms which are used frequently here to buy and sell tickets? Is there any other advice that you would like to give me that can help me in reaching out to potential buyers and recover my money. I am based in Berlin.

First Time Visiting Germany - Need Itinerary Suggestions and Tips! First Time Visiting Germany - Need Itinerary Suggestions and Tips!

Hi everyone,

I’m an Indian visiting Germany for the first time (and it’s my first time visiting any country outside of India). I’m really excited to attend a Euro Cup match in Frankfurt on the 1st of July!

•	Landing in Frankfurt on the 29th of June at midnight.
•	Attending the match in Frankfurt on the 1st of July.
•	Planning to visit Stuttgart for the Mercedes and Porsche museums.
•	Leaving Germany from Munich on the 8th of July.

I’d love some help with planning the rest of my trip. Given my grade 1 ACL tear from a football injury, I can’t walk much or for long periods. I can manage with decent rest breaks.

What I’m looking for:

1.	Suggestions for must-visit places: Besides Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich (suggestions are welcome for Munich, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart as well since I’ve got no clue), what other cities or attractions should I consider?
2.	Itinerary help: Ideas for a flexible itinerary that balances sightseeing with rest.
3.	Vegetarian food recommendations: Being a vegetarian, I’d love to know the best spots to find delicious vegetarian food in these cities.
4.	Any other tips: Any general advice or things I should be aware of as a first-time visitor to Germany?

Thank you so much in advance for your help! I’m really looking forward to this trip.

Grateful for any suggestions or tips you can provide!


TLDR: First-time visitor from India to Germany for Euro Cup match. Need itinerary suggestions and tips. Also need vegetarian food recommendations. Have a grade 1 ACL tear, so can’t walk much.

Krankenkasse suddenly wants big nachzahlung what are my options? Krankenkasse suddenly wants big nachzahlung what are my options?

Hey everyone,

I have a big problem right now and really need some help.

I turned 26 this year and this apparently means I need to pay krankenkasse by myself now instead of it being covered. However, it seems that my krankenkasse has messed up on some part and I received a letter today that they suddenly want roughly 700 euros from me and I have 10 days to pay for it. They also determined the monthly rate I need to pay after July. The weird thing is I really haven't received any mail or letters to pay up previously by them. Which is why I am shocked by this huge bill right now. I'm an university student and bafög is the only thing I get every month and I literally don't even have enough money on my bank account to pay 700+ euros in just one go. I really need to pay in installments but I am not sure how I can approach them. Does anyone have an idea how to help me? I am scared that I will get fined now or they will deny me krankenkassenleistungen. Any help appreciated.

IU(International university of applied sciences ) (Online) is it worth it ? IU(International university of applied sciences ) (Online) is it worth it ?

Hi I'm a 23 years old from Cyprus, because cypriot universities are very expensive I can't study there its like 9k euros per year (yikes). I want to study online in IU but I don't know if it's good. I see a lot of reviews from trust pilot and most of them are either 5/5 stars or 1/5 stars I want to know your guys opinion on it.

Summer in Germany Summer in Germany

I’ve been in Germany since March last year, so I experienced a very hot summer in South Bayern in 2023, where it was already warm at the end of April. I expected the same this year, and things seemed to go well in May, with the highest temperatures averaging around 20-22 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, it has been raining very heavily quite often, and you need to wear a jacket again. I forgot to mention that now I am in Lower Saxony near the North Sea. Does this have something to do with the location, or is the weather just being strange this year? I am from a tropical country, so this four-seasons thing is not quite familiar to me. How was summer for the past years?

How can a foreign student in Germany get an affidavit notarized? They are not well off financially so free would be ideal. The affidavit would be either one or two pages. How can a foreign student in Germany get an affidavit notarized? They are not well off financially so free would be ideal. The affidavit would be either one or two pages.

Additional information is the student was unfairly banned by LinkedIn because the student was not notified that too many connection request warnings (related to trying to find work after COVID cutbacks) were cumulative.

Landlord asking for 255€ extra after 4 months Landlord asking for 255€ extra after 4 months


I have been living in this apartment since September last year.

Today I received an email in which the landlord sends us the utility bill and demands an additional 255€.

Some details:

I pay heating and electricity costs separately.

We live in a large building complex with many other apartments.

We have a contract that sets out our rent and service charges and states that the rent cannot be increased for at least a year.

Unfortunately, the next appointment with the tenants' association is too late and the landlord is demanding payment.

Is this legal in Germany?

Nebenkostenvorrauszahlung / Monat 380,00 €

Anzahl Monate 4

Nebenkostenvorrauszahlung / Jahr 1.520,00 €

Umlagefähige Kosten lt. Hausgeldabrechnung 4.959,92 €

Grundsteuer (umlagefähig) 367,71 €

Nebenkosten gesamt 5.327,63 €

Umlagefähige Kosten (anteilig) 4/12 1.775,88 €

Differenz -255,88 €

And that's only for 4 months.

That would mean that I would have to pay more than €1000 per year to the landlord in addition to what was contractually agreed.