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Fortune favors the bold

u/AreWeCowabunga avatar

There is no fate but what we make.

Guardians make their own fate.

u/Chimney-Imp avatar

I can't tell if these are famous quotes or something Matt Damon said shilling crypto

u/Brooklynxman avatar

In order, Damon, Terminator 2, and Destiny.

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Wealth beyond measure, awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike.

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u/torkeh avatar

matt damon took all my fucking money!

Get bolder

No mom you fucked it all up!!!! I want to wear pajamas to skewl!!!

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Whoever said that must've been high on survivorship bias.

u/Eclipsiical avatar

He actually died that same day.

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u/GoingOutsideSocks avatar

Those were the last recorded words of Pliny the Elder has he sailed his boat towards the erupting Mount Vesuvius. Fortune didn't come through like he'd hoped.

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u/HuckleberryMedium747 avatar

I cant read this and not think of the starcraft 2 viking

"Fortune Favors the Bold" is ingrained into my brain because of one kind-of niche unit from a now niche game lol.

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  • Matt Damon

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u/memydogandeye avatar

I've been finding for the first time in years that everything is not only showing up on time...but earlier than the given date at checkout. It's a miracle.

I got rid of Prime last year and just always order enough for Free and choose the Free date, although it defaults to paid shipping that usually has the same delivery date.

u/gcruzatto avatar

The range is a smokescreen to convince people to try Prime. In reality, no one wants to have product sitting in their warehouse on a slow day just to teach a lesson to a cheap customer.

u/RunawayHobbit avatar

I mean, I live in Southeast Alaska. It used to take 2 weeks for stuff to get to us. For the last 6 months, for some reason, you’re lucky if you get it in a month. 6 weeks is more likely, no matter the date on the order.

Their supply chains are alllll over the place these days

u/Minimum-Ad2640 avatar

Alaska is it's own logistical nightmare. Honestly the state is lucky to get things even as fast as it does. 

u/Ok-Stop9242 avatar

It's crazy. I've had things get here in 2 days to interior Alaska, meanwhile for Christmas a lot of our stuff was ordered in November and didn't get here until earlier this month.

Yea, at one point, they were delivering desperately needed medicine by dog sled.

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Yeah those sled puppers have to work hard through snow and ice to deliver those sex toys, it's not easy

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u/gcruzatto avatar

Definitely. Your experience will vary depending on how close you are to the major shipping hubs

Ya’ll are living the Sears Catalog system in modern life.


Now if I could still get one of them prefab houses for $5k.

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I live in PA and this has been my experience as well. I understand slower delivery dates during the holidays, but 2 months for something to even send me a tracking number when you said it was prime delivery is just an outright lie.

u/Avedas avatar

I first started buying stuff online in Canada back in the mid 00s. Everything coming from the US would take at least 6-8 weeks then.

6 months? I've been having that issue for years here. Takes weeks for it to even leave the Amazon warehouse.

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You say that, yet I refuse to pay for prime (because I order so rarely), and my two most recent orders each sat for a week before they shipped, and arrived the next day. There's a fulfillment center and a warehouse maybe 20 minutes from my house.   Things that were in stock and shipped from Amazon and not the sellers.

u/StrongVegetable1100 avatar

Yeah they do exactly this to optimize deliveries. They wait until there are a large batch of shipments and then gain economies of scale.

And sometimes it works in your favor, I’ve had plenty of deliveries scheduled for a week out suddenly say out for delivery the next day.

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I think they do prioritize when it gets picked and shipped though. It’s not just sitting there. It’s being given less priority while other orders go out. It also depends what warehouse it’s in. If it’s an hour away from your house it will probably get there quick no matter what. If it’s across the country, it likely is going to be longer if you don’t have prime cause they’re not gonna expedite the shipping like they need to.


Absolutely not true. Some companies will delay shipping product out the door, even if they have nothing better to do, because if they don't, it cannibalizes their expedited shipping revenue.

Also, if you're not aware, a lot of companies charge you more for shipping than they pay. They get rates through major carriers depending on their volume (higher volume, lower rates), and then charge you the list price, and pocket the difference.

This means that typically, they have an incentive to push people towards expedited shipping, even if ground would likely get there within the same period, although not guaranteed.

The carriers don't give a fuck, and won't intentionally slow down your packages, but the shippers definitely do.

In reality, no one wants to have product sitting in their warehouse on a slow day just to teach a lesson to a cheap customer.

In Canada I swear they actually do though.

Back in the day, Amazon Free was generally the same speed as Amazon Prime (1-2 days) but then they started holding the Free ones back for a few days before sending it off. Once they send off it still just takes 1-2 days.

u/EBtwopoint3 avatar

It’s not really being held back though, it’s just put at the bottom of the fill order list so it takes a while to work its way up. They don’t slow the shipping speed down, but they prioritize Prime orders. Amazon warehouses are busy enough that these days that doing that can cause it to not be filled for a day or two.

I noticed this on my orders in Florida as well. Prime ships same day. Non prime ships like 4 days after ordering. Both take a day to arrive once shipped.

Prime waits on certain items as well, I just ordered something that didn't ship for a couple days and then arrived within 48 hrs of shipping. This was in PA.

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That hasn't been my experience.

I dropped Prime a year ago and rarely order anything from them these days. I went to order some basic things last week, and I was given the option to upgrade to Prime to get it here in two days, or do a regular delivery that would take TWELVE DAYS.

In reality, no one wants to have product sitting in their warehouse on a slow day just to teach a lesson to a cheap customer.

I take it you don't deal with small businesses much these days.

Since Amazon has forced shipping companies to up their game and basically anything can get to you in a day or two for dirt cheap, it is now extremely common for small businesses to have "standard" and "priority" shipping where the only real difference is if you don't pay the extra $10, they wait a day or two before they ship it out.

u/Lord_Emperor avatar

That's not the full story though.

If it busy at the warehouse, Prime orders are getting priority. Prime orders are getting prioritized to be loaded on Amazon's own trucks.

Non-prime orders go out when they can and if they have to contract a normal courier, so be it. You get it when you get it.

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Huh, I’m finding the opposite lately. I have Prime and things take 5 days some times.

u/buschells avatar

Every single time I qualify for the next day shipping thing it will tell me all day that it's on the way or out for delivery. When it gets closer to the time they gave me it changes to "your package is lost. You can reorder if you want, or wait to get it" and then it gets delivered about a week later. If I do the two day shipping I get it in two days no problem. It's so weird

u/300PencilsInMyAss avatar

Because when you do next day it goes through a different distro center and flex drivers deliver it vs DSP. Flex drivers are way worse at their job because they're paid poorly and aren't actually employees.

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That only happens when the item is located near you. The delivery dates are guaranteed latest type deal, so you can always get it earlier, never later.

If your item is low volume and far away, it could take a long time. They put items with prime on a plane before non-prime items, so it is just a gamble if they gave extra room on the plane.

Forcing myself to hit the free shipping threshold without prime has also helped me save a lot of money.

Increasing friction in the purchase procrss negates a lot of impulse buys of small value items for me as things will be sitting in my cart for weeks, and then when I finally do hit the threshold I often realise I probably didn't really need the thing.

Obviously it can suck sometimes if I genuinely do need something next day, but that doesn't happen nearly frequently enough to make Prime worthwhile for me.

I know this feeling. I've never had Prime but most of the things I've ordered that had next day delivery available, I chose free shipping and it arrived the next day. A couple of times I've paid for fast delivery, and it came later than the free delivery would have!

u/ChimpWithAGun avatar

... everything is not only showing up on time...but earlier than the given date at checkout...

I got rid of Prime last year...

SHHHHH don't spread the secret!

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It is weird how often my Amazon orders arrives within about 3-4 hours. I know one of the distribution centers is about 5 miles from me, but still...

My brother once called me from the hospital. His wife'd dorked up her ankle and the doc told him to buy some stabilizing boot.

But it'd be way cheaper from Amazon so don't buy it from the hospital.

He called and asked me to order it for him while he was dealing with all the other nonsense.

The boot was on their door step when they got home from the hospital 3 hours later.

That’s fucking insane.

Reminds me of dystopian parodies of Amazon. The one that comes to mind is from the most recent season of futurama.

u/kobadashi avatar

Is it good? I haven’t gotten around to watching it.


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u/rafa1910 avatar

I'm with you on this one. Just the first episode was hard to get through with all the unnecessary self-referential jokes without any real substance.

Gave a couple more episodes a chance and it just felt off.

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I’ve only seen the first half but I liked it. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the rest but it feels really similar.

u/TheRealStandard avatar

No. Feels like the show is treating its viewers like morons.

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Futurama is still going??

u/TalkingFishh avatar

It got rebooted, I've heard good things about it

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It reminds me of Brawndo, it’s got electrolytes that plants crave.

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You are probably a candidate to start getting shit droned to your house lol.

u/etrain1804 avatar

I wish, it takes a few weeks to get Amazon packages where I live!

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Where do you live? I live in a major metro about maybe ten minutes from the distribution centre and most of my stuff arrives on the next day unless I order early in the morning in which case it'll get dropped off around 8 or 9.


I live in San Jose, CA about 3 miles outside of downtown over by City College.

u/Dopplegangr1 avatar

Probably depends on what you order as well. Some stuff I see same day delivery available even if you order at like 5PM

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They probably have some algorithm that keeps items based on whatever metrics at certain warehouses.

u/AlaskanEsquire avatar

One time at a former job my phone broke mid shift.. so I found one with same day and they brought me a new phone and a pack of red bulls for the line in like.. 3 hours.

I should say my phone broke as in stopped charging, but I had enough juice to place an order, then just swapped the sim cards.

u/a_large_plant avatar

It's also the most random shit that arrives same day. Like OTC medication? Wait five days for delivery. But here's a fucking water bottle you ordered two hours ago on the shitter.

u/galaxy_horse avatar

If I worked for Amazon I’d launch a feature where if an item sits in your shopping cart longer than an hour, a driver brings it to your door within another hour and asks if you want it or not. 

One of their big centers is in town south of me. I can get lots of things same day delivery for free with prime. I emergency ordered something one time and it was loaded on a truck at like 4:30pm and at my door at like 9:30pm. I felt kind of bad for making the Amazon guy do delivers that late.

u/IIIllIIIlllIIIllIII avatar

They do fucking overnight delivery in my area now too. You could go to bed, place and order on Amazon, and it will be on your doorstep at 6am when you wake up.

I never do it, because I genuinely feel bad selecting that option for whoever is delivering the packages. Like seriously, this is not an essential service. Amazon should NOT have a third shift.

u/hoxxxxx avatar

that's fucking awesome

i grew up without all this fast shipping stuff so just using regular prime and getting almost anything within 1 or 2 days is insane to me. i live in the rural midwest, no amazon centers near me or anything. but it blows my mind every time.

when i was a kid you would order something through a catalogue or on the phone and basically just forget about it because who the fuck knows when you'd get it. could be a couple months lol.

It seems like calling someone to tell them to order something for you would be more effort than ordering it yourself.

He was literally in the ER with a woman who couldn't walk with a 5 yo while getting around in his own wheelchair (car crash back in '86).

No big deal for me to order it for him.

Ya but I mean the time it takes to call and explain exactly what they need seems longer than going on Amazon and ordering it. Like it seems harder on him, not you.

u/IsomDart avatar

You must have a really hard time talking on the phone then

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My question for people in the know about how things work at Amazon: does either option matter in terms of turn around times that the workers have to work with?

Like if I order same day delivery in the morning, versus prime day delivery a week later, does the latter option actually give more breathing room to anyone? Or does it just mean someone does the same work, just as fast, its just that Amazon has them do it a week later?

At the numbers Amazon operates at, it doesn't make a difference. It's not like Amazon is a tiny shop where an expedited order forces them to act a little quicker. Amazon packers are packing all the time at the same speed, the Prime orders are just prioritized over the regular ones in the queue.

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u/irishchug avatar

It is just where it goes in priority in the queue of work. Individual workers are going to do the same amount of work regardless.

u/Kochabi avatar

I was looking into this recently and saw a thread from delivery drivers who WANTED more deliveries because they get paid more. Aside from MAYBE saving the planet from a few carbon emissions by choosing to have products delivered in fewer boxes, it seems like a moot point. We leave snacks out for drivers now and it's been fun to see their favorites. Water bottles seem to be the winner 🤔

u/danarmeancaadevarat avatar

Those delivery time differences merely mean the orders will be coming from different fulfilment centers, not that workers will have to fulfill it any faster or slower. Both options get fulfilled as soon as possible, but if there is transport involved (trucks, not last-mile) the speed will mostly depend on volume, e.g. how often trucks travel from station A to B, B to C, C to D.

u/Dopplegangr1 avatar

Breathing room = less profit. They aren't going to do that

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u/Ineedlasagnajon avatar

The top one is the superior option. 33% chance to get it faster and 33% chance to get it the same day as the other. 66% chance to not regret your choice with a chance to get it earlier

Edit: To everyone saying "That's assuming each day is equal likelihood" or among those lines: It's already a curse I think this hard about trivial things, don't make me think even harder

Depends, what if someone’s birthday is the 15th?

u/WispyDan14 avatar

Then you learn the lesson to not order presents 2 days in advance

I choose to believe they’re ordering them 5 months in advance

u/OsiyoMotherFuckers avatar

This is roughly my experience with Amazon Prime in Alaska.

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But what other reason is there for prime shipping?

u/FUEGO40 avatar

Buying presents 1 day in advance

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So... you're saying that I shouldn't be planning my Christmas shopping by walking into Target at 9:56PM on Dec 24th?

Don't 👏 Call 👏 Me 👏 Out 👏 Like 👏 This

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Then you click the latter, hold their party in the afternoon, and have wrapping paper on standby for when it shows up

In many cases, can't you also select "This item is a gift" and it will show up wrapped and ready for a few extra bucks?

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u/Outside-Advice8203 avatar

Package won't be delivered until after 7pm then

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There’s a goat behind the second door


I love goats! Best prize ever!

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Why would you assume they are equally likely. The are definitely not

u/Ineedlasagnajon avatar

Don't make me think even harder about a meme, please

It's a hard road, turn back while you can

u/HereToHelp9001 avatar

Just stop responding. Do something else.

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Well, on the other hand, 66% chance to not get any benefits out of it


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u/Crushbam3 avatar

That's assuming they have equal likelihood, usually with these things it arrives on the first available day especially with amazon

I once got my package a day before the range it suggested

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u/knave_of_knives avatar

What happens if you add Kurt Angle to the mix

It doesn't say each of the three days is equally likely, though

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No, the expected value of the number of days it takes to ship is the same either way. 33% benefit, 33% same, 33% worse, so both options are equivalent. You can say there’s 66% chance of equal or better but there’s also 66% chance of equal or worse.

u/Ineedlasagnajon avatar

There's only a 33% chance you regret your decision tho

And there’s only a 33% chance you’ll benefit from it

u/GenericHorrorAuthor1 avatar

OR have a regular outcome anyway. 66% neutral sounds better to me

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u/dorshorst avatar

If you choose the second option (guaranteed 6/15 delivery), there's only a 33% chance that you regret your decision (the first option would have been earlier), a 33% chance you benefit (the first option would have been later), and a 33% chance it wouldn't have mattered.

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u/Brooklynxman avatar

Only if you assume the top one assigns randomly, the top one is likely "if we have the time we'll ship it out earlier, we'll only make it a priority to make sure it is there by Friday" in which case it depends how busy Amazon is, or rather, how much busier than usual/expected/planned for.

Edit: To put it another way, if you know nothing about football you could pick either team to win the Superbowl at a 50/50 chance, and technically you are right, but the person who does know and picks the team with better odds is also correct, and will have a better outcome than you (given enough repeated gambling attempts).

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u/JonatasA avatar

I played Xcom, I know not to trust percentages.

u/Ineedlasagnajon avatar

C'mon, it's a 66% chance to hit. Luck is on your side (:

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u/SoulGoalie avatar

So they basically have "Prime Delivery Days" where they bring in more trucks, vans, and what not and make more deliveries those days specifically instead of doing individual 1 by 1 deliveries or running the risk of a route taking someone way the hell away from their last stop.

It's just cost cutting for Amazon at the end of the day. They can hire less full time daily drivers and can instead just hire more 2-3 days a week delivery people part time

Is that why they keep taking my prime day from the day I set it and moving it back to Saturday?

u/SoulGoalie avatar

More than likely

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It should work more like area A has prime delivery day on Monday, area B on Tuesday etc.

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u/americanadiandrew avatar

Perhaps you live in a country outside the US or England? Your Amazon Delivery day is just an option to get all your deliveries on one certain day which saves Amazon money so they usually give you a digital credit or extra percentage back on your credit card. However you can set that Prime Delivery Day to any day of the week or you can get your usual prime deliveries any day of the week.

u/Significant_Oven_753 avatar

Shits annoying. Got prime for the 2 day shipping but now things are labeled as prime even it take 5 business days . Because it is amazon day delivery . Like tf .

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I often have a similar option. There is always the 2-day free option, but if I order early enough in the day, I can get guaranteed 1-day morning delivery.

Turns out I live a mile away from a distribution center.

It depends what you order. I'll get dog food in 4 hours. Everything else I've ordered is free 2 day or a delivery day date 3-4 days after that.

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Why not? You are already gambling on whether you will get rocks or a counterfeit anyway. Might as well go all in.

u/JonatasA avatar

Also risking porch piracy and disgruntled deliverers.

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I assume the range option is to have it delivered with another item in your cart

My luck is order it on Prime and it tales a week to two for something to get here. Temu has been faster and more accurate


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My favorite was the couple of times I selected “Amazon delivery day” because I didn’t need anything right away and thought it would be good to get it all at once. Better for the environment, less work for Amazon, whatever.

Yeah it all came one or two packages every day for the next 5 days until the last package was here the day before the “Amazon delivery day”


u/Comms avatar

My favorite is:

Get it overnight: Shows up between 12 hours and 2 weeks.

Get it in 2 days: Shows up in 2-3 days.

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Kind of a gamble anyway, these days.

u/Vagistics avatar

I live a mile away from one of the biggest Prime Warehouses ever built         I could choose next week and those silly bastards hit my door in 3 hours. 

It’s like free French fries every time at the drive through !

u/GonzoVeritas avatar

I don't know if it's true in other areas, but my Amazon delivery dates have become unusually long lately.

For the last few weeks they've been from 5 to as long as 11 days, and that seemed to be across the board on unrelated multiple product lines, and these are items that usually are delivered in 2–3 days. (I'm in the southern US, not rural.)

u/this_is_my_new_acct avatar

It took them over a week to send something I ordered from a distribution center one state over to my local one. It was "due" Saturday, then Monday, then Thursday... they now claim they're delivering it today... we'll see.

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Both are gambles. One just gives you a higher expectation that is just as likely to be wrong.

u/CzechzAndBalancez avatar

Ha! I once ordered something to be delivered on Friday. But for an extra $9.95 they'd deliver it on Wednesday! But I still chose Friday delivery. It arrived on Wednesday. Amazon mystifies me.

That is a Friday or Thursday choice repharsed to make you think you are gambling instead of being forced to post on reddit about what you think is a gamble.

If it helps, the first option means you will get it Saturday and the second option means you will get it Friday.

But since you are waiting 5 months for it does it really matter.

u/ShittyOregano avatar

I remember looking at shipping options once, and what was supposed to be a 'cheap' option would've cost more money and taken more time to deliver than it would shipping it normally.

u/TeebsAce avatar

I’d go with the first. I’ll call the first choice A and the second B to explain why.

By the end of Wednesday, if you chose A, you have a 33% chance of having the item, and B has a 0% chance. By Thursday, A 67% and B 100%. And by Friday, both 100%. Unless you absolutely need the item by the end of Thursday, A is nice because you have a chance to get it early and will still probably get it by Thursday anyway

u/Unfair-Tap-850 avatar

Truth is the first option never arrives and on June 19th Amazon sends you the option to cancel your order.

And it still won't get there on time no matter what you pick

I have been getting my Amazon orders super early. Sometimes 2 to 3 days from the original post date.

u/Ill_Apricot_8068 avatar

Two things in the order can ship seperate or together


Usually I see this when there's more than one item in my cart and they're not local. So Amazon can ship them internally to one distribution center and send them all together for one shipping date or ship them individually with some getting here sooner and some later.

You can cancel and still receive it in the same amount of time.

Would you rather only have one option only? I wouldn't complain if I had options. You probably have a choice between 2 distribution centers

u/AnotherScoutTrooper avatar

If you live close enough to an Amazon fulfillment center this is actually a really useful option, you can always pick the non-Prime free delivery and get it the same day someone with Prime would.

I’ve only ever seen stuff like that when I’m ordering multiple items and want to arrive on the same day.

Roll the dice, and tell us how it works out.

u/TheLeadSponge avatar

I miss when they gave you a buck for some digital music if you took a slow option. Honestly, I'd be fine with getting my package a bit slower if it meant some worker didn't have to bust their ass to get me my thing... hell I don't even need that buck. Give it to the worker.

u/RJFerret avatar

Doesn't change for the worker.
Instead someone else's order may go in the slot yours might've taken.
It's not like they so x/day then go home. They need to do x/hour and maintain that rate their entire shift, then another worker takes the following shift; if they don't maintain the standard they are let go--which is what led to the whole no bathroom break issue since the restrooms were too far away to keep up the rate and stay employed.

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u/etnavyguy avatar

Doesn't matter what you pick, won't get there on time.

It will be late anyway. They just want to let you feel in control.

It's two different carrier services, one probably DHL and the other UPS. It ain't that deep.

Doesn't matter. You're getting it on the 19th.

Or, be like me and have your next day delivery simply disappear into the void because somehow Amazon lost your package before it was ever picked up by a shipping carrier... And instead of shipping it again, they just refund you 2 weeks later when you ask them about it.

u/Critical-General-659 avatar

The whole point of getting prime was the two day delivery. That's not even guaranteed anymore and you usually don't get anything for it, besides an automated apology. 

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u/ca5ey avatar

I dropped Prime when Amazon stopped delivering to our house. They now use USPS to deliver all the packages. I was not getting anything quickly when before we would get things next day usually. Warehouse is probably an hour away. Instead I dropped prime and don't buy on Amazon if I can help it.

Depends on the item, shit will never come Wednesday and that's a set up. Smaller, cheaper more local items id gamble with the top but if it safe for Thursday

u/rmathewes avatar

The illusion of choice!

u/Active-Candy5273 avatar

I don’t know if it’s just astroturfing going on in here, but Amazon has sucked ass for me to the point I closed my account.

The final straw was when I, as a paid Prime member, picked the one-day shipping option and it instead shipped via regular. I spoke to several reps across several days and not once did anyone offer to refund/extend the Prime or rectify it in any way. Everyone just said “lol wait until [date] and if it doesn’t show up, contact us”.

Every single foreign CS rep seemed to think I was worried about the item not being delivered, when I was upset that they didn’t hold up their end of the deal for my paid service. I paid for it, I better get it. The best part is that every single one of them said “I understand” and then proceeded to use the same copy-pasted response.

I specifically asked one of them to not give me that response and their next message was exactly that. Amazon sucks now lol.

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u/Ok_Kale3287 avatar

Whenever I order through prime delivery it’s always a day late anyways

Id take that action. Its 50/50.. but with a huge and slightly likely odds that it might be neither of the two dates. Charge you 10% for the bet.. and the first time you win you'll think you have a system. Then come back accordingly.

u/ObscureFact avatar

There are only two Amazon delivery options:

  • Eight hours after you placed the order

  • Eight days after you placed the order

If you order multiple items, separately, you can have them all delivered together. They often give 6% cashback on the 5% Visa for example for this option since it presumably costs them less money. The date range here is weird, Thursday is usually the "Prime Delivery" day in my area and that date is usually the following week. I suppose a sweet spot was hit here where both options are equivalent.

I just had to cancel an order that they said would be here in a day, then two days, then sometime next week. It's a fucking joke anymore.

This feels like the Seinfeld episode where Kramer keeps pushing interstate exits on an empty tank.

u/MrBeavis avatar

My package is estimated to be delivered at least before July 1st.

u/IllvesterTalone avatar

the free top one has a 2 in 3 chance of being the same or sooner than the prime 😄

Hello Jonathan.

In front of you are two options related to your amazon package. One will delay it by 3 days. One will guarantee it's arrival in 1. One has a 50% chance of being a pipe bomb, delivered directly to you. Live or die, the choice is yours.

u/hfiti123 avatar

Why, when it gives me the option to have fewer boxes, does everything come separately anyway? Its like they use more packaging in spite of amazon saying its the "eco friendly" option.

The open secret: you're always gambling on it

u/shadowst17 avatar

Sometimes you have to roll the hard six.

Automatically defaults you to Friday 😂

The enshittification continues...

u/Sure_Fly_5332 avatar

There is a good chance it is two items in the order - and the thursday option is the 'fewer trips to your address' option.

u/Seconds_ avatar


Amazon is just shit.

u/invalidreddit avatar

If you win, do you get one week free of "Commercial Free Amazon Prime Video" or ...

I love it when ordering and I get the options of an earlier free delivery date and a paid later "expedited" delivery date. Not always on Amazon too.

The fun thing is, if you gamble, theres a cance to get it early

“DEFINITELY! Thursday” or “Maaaaaayybe good? maybe shit. i don’t know. “

u/ThePurpleKnightmare avatar

66% chance of getting it the same day or earlier and you can feel less guilty about what you are doing to the people that work there.

Sure if you write "Canada Post" on the top option and you write the name of a legitimate delivery company on the bottom one, that changes everything, 100/100 times, you pick the bottom option and save yourself from ever dealing with those worthless trash bags but if it's the same delivery company either way. The odds are in your favor.

u/Future_Kitsunekid16 avatar

I use to do that every once in a while to see if it would come faster. It usually doesn't