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Amazon Milk Frog

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It looks like a robot frog that's not quite right.

u/littlemegzz avatar

Bleep bloop errr ribbit


u/swim08 avatar


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u/Matti_Matti_Matti avatar
u/Doktor_Vem avatar
‱ ‱ Edited

I would've been very, very surprised and so extremely delighted if that had been a real thing

Edit: I am officially extremely delighted

I saw your comment, and STILL clicked on the link, and was still disappointed that it doesn't exist 😱

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u/TheVentiLebowski avatar

That's what I thought. A robot frog for sale on

u/sob_Van_Owen avatar

Before the image loaded I imagined it was a frog-shaped milk dispenser available through Amazon.

u/UshankaBear avatar

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Came here to see if someone else thought the same.

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Yeah, I honestly saw it and thought, “That doesn’t look like a real animal,” but lo and behold
 it does look a bit like a robot though.

Plot twist: It's not from the Amazon forest, but from Amazon the company.

Jeff made these

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u/NessieMonster avatar

That frog ain't right.

u/msvideos234 avatar

Capitalism made me read the title and think it was a robot/toy frog bought from amazon so I wasn't as surprised when it was weird.

I was thinking it looked like something from Borderlands.

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u/Spanish_peanuts avatar

Kinda cute. Bet it's deadly as fuck

Not as dangerous as dart frogs. The milky substance would be bad news if it touched you, could make you seriously sick though.

Edit: luckily they mostly produce it when they feel threatened by a potential predator.

Dart frogs don’t make their own toxins, the accumulate the toxins of their native prey. Captive dart frogs are generally not toxic.

So what happens if it starts using twitter?

They accumulate the toxins of their native prey. They probably haven’t evolved a defense for Twitter toxicity so I expect that a portion of the young, impressionable dart frogs and even some older frogs fall into an echo chamber and become full blown lunatics. It sort of depends on their frog-social issues and whether or not frogs have a sense of smell that detects bullshit.

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That's true with lots of animals that are poisonous. It's the venomous ones that usually make their own. But even that isn't a hard rule iirc.

Even if not a hard rule that’s cool information to share.

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i just learned about this a few days ago!! im in a simulation

u/sqdnleader avatar

Means you are about to encounter a Dart Frog. You better have learned how to brew the antidote

u/Shane_Inyourdreams avatar

This is called Cunningham's Law

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Still, which toxin is deadlier when used?

Dart frogs, their poison is extraordinarily powerful.

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u/YeahlDid avatar

A potential predator like a human?

I mean, when you’re a frog the size of a leaf, yeah kinda.

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u/Fellhuhn avatar

But licking them should be good, right? Or dipping them in your coffee?


I don’t think you’re supposed to dunk them straight into hot coffee. IIRC, you’re supposed to slowly heat the coffee up instead.

u/Fellhuhn avatar

Before or after the sugar?

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I mean, go for it I guess. Not like I can stop you, but I legally can’t say I recommend it and you were warned.

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Good thing I have no desire to pet one! Dies for completely unrelated reasons

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Think poisonous frogs are not in captivity because their diet isn't the same. Could be wrong don't test it.


Why wouldn't their diet be the same or similar in a zoo setting?


Because you don’t feed them things that they use to make their poison


It’s the ants they eat in nature. Specific to the region they exist in naturally. One could still feed them the right stuff but that isn’t what happens. Again to my limited understanding.

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u/akhorahil187 avatar

Dart frogs' poison comes from some certain toxic plants in their natural habitat. They don't eat the plant direct, but get it what they need from eating ants, termites and beetles.

In captivity they arn't eating insects that eat those plants. They are almost certainly fed mealworms and small crickets in captivity.

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u/gorbok avatar

Only if you’re lactose intolerant.

That was my initial thought. Oh, frog in the rainforest? Bet it has some wicked defenses. Kept reading, yup, it's dangerous. Not as much as the Dart frog but nonetheless, not something you want to be holding against bare skin.

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Probably an amphibian that shouldn’t be in the pet trade. Good luck homie

u/bacondota avatar

The amount of animals trafficked from Amazon forest is no joke.

It’s much too common. Thankfully this species is widespread in several SA countries :) according to google


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Maybe just maybe Brazil will be able to oust their version of Trump and can put in the wildly popular left winger who's been locked up for years because he almost won the election. He plans to stop lots of the absurd deforestation. Tho he won't be able to do it all alone.

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A quick Google search shows they fall in the lowest class of concern as a threatened species and one of the more common species kept in captivity

u/Budget_Inevitable721 avatar

Hey, hey! Hey. Stop. Get out of here now. Let's just work with probably and guesses. We're gonna get outraged at the things we think of in our heads, NOT what the damn Google says is good for us.

u/danielspoa avatar

my pitchfork just dropped in value :|

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See my reply

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u/anecdotal_yokel avatar

I thought this was the r/aws sub and thought Amazon was releasing a new service.

Not to be confused with Amazon Frog Milk, coming soon.

They call it frog milk but really it's just a frog purée. Ain't nobody taking the time to individually yank froggy udders just to get a drop of milk. Almonds are already hard enough.

u/CreaminFreeman avatar

I read this in the voice of Dinesh from Silicon Valley.

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Not to sound like a huge hippie or anything, but I actually kind of hate how Amazon has totally hijacked the name of one of the greatest marvels of our planet.


I was like there is no way he bought that on Amazon. Ohhhhh

I was thinking, damn that's why they acquired roomba. Won't be long until we have Amazon robots in our house.

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Sir, that is clearly a pokemon.



u/lolbuttlol avatar

The homie

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Water/steel type maybe?

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That does not look real!

u/improbable_humanoid avatar

If I lick it, will I die, get high, or just feel silly?

Well, the frog produces a milky substance through its skin. It normally does this when threatened. It can make you seriously sick.

You might get sick. Salmonella probably.

‱ ‱ Edited

It’s a frog, not a fish

ITT, people not getting the salmon joke

Frogs and salamanders are major carriers for salmonella..

u/-Dargs avatar


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It’s a shame nobody understood your joke. A+ from me


Thank you

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Chickens aren't fish, either, and yet they're major carriers of it.

Just because it has the word 'salmon' in it, doesn't mean it's a fish-only bacteria, genius.


Who’s smarter? The bridge troll, or the one who actually pays it?

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There’s a great web comic
or Reddit post (?) about “what happens when you lick the science” that your comment made me think of. I think in this case, yeah, ya might get sick. Pretty sure they’re poisonous. If I remember correctly, the prettier a frog, the deadlier it probably is.

u/MahLilThrowaway avatar

Depends, are you lactose intolerant?

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I can’t believe this little frog ships all my stuff in 2 days.

u/brain_slut avatar

Just your milk not everything


this little frog ships all my stuff

You know you spent too much time on tumblr when you read a completely different meaning into this sentence

u/CerebralSlurry avatar

No stupid, obviously he meant you can order this frog on Amazon and get it in 2 days.

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Nature is wild. It’s crazy that for 100s of millions of years there was so much cool stuff on Earth and we’ll never really know exactly what it all was or what it all looked like.

u/Sgt_Pengoo avatar

There's still countless undiscovered species in the Amazon it's just so massive

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How poisonous is that thing?



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u/hiamandag avatar

Gorgeous frog!!!

u/wadubois avatar

All hail the hypno-toad!!!


There it is! I thought I was out living memes there for a second. Shew

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Halo Frog

Now the frogs wanna sell me prime subscription

u/adamdoesmusic avatar

Can you post a link? I searched Amazon and can’t find it.


That Frog is Beautiful

u/kevstang avatar

I have never seen a more aptly named creature. Love the name and it looks so neat

Unlockable skin

Looks just like out of Ben10

u/zhuoyang1130 avatar

Ok but what Pokémon is that


nope your wrong that's a Pokémon


Mf got the battlepass skin

I’m such a dumdum I thought this was a hyper realistic robotic toy available on Amazon. Literally said out loud “oooh the original Amazon Amazon” when it dawned on me.

Not gonna lie, I thought robot toy too.

I’m glad I’m not the only one but I felt dumb ah

Why, ive been around 50 years and have never seen this in my life.

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Damn, looking at this video really drives home just how closely Porsche modeled the Taycan on frogs like this

Amazon has nothing to do with this... That is obviously a Tesla CyberFrog.


Looks toxic.

Anazon sells frogs now???

u/_btw_arch avatar

Waiting for someone to post the link so I can order mine.

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I want to lick him

Not recommended. You probably wouldn’t die. Just become seriously sick. Maybe you would die if you were weak.

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That’s not the best camoufla
 oooh, there are two.

It looks chonky

He is so fucking cute. 😡

Milking karma aren't we.

u/risingstanding avatar

Wow that's cool

u/DiscipleOfYeshua avatar

ŚŽNo photos. No photos. Hey! I said no photos.”


Looks like a Lucio skin from Overwatch.

u/tewnewt avatar

I hope its under 25$.


Could this please be posted another 12,000 times before Monday noon, please?


lol just found that gif the other dsy

u/Saintmikey avatar

Ha ha that is wicked it looks like a frog ha

u/JiggaSam avatar

*Luke Skywalker has entered the chat. *

u/Buck_Thorn avatar

Where are its nipples?

idk why but i hate this haha. Is it like uncanny valley but for a frog? Idk lol


....and belongs in the Amazon wild not in an aquarium.

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Sadly there will be no Amazon in the coming years


They look like Transformers

Omg it’s a real life PokĂ©mon.

u/Collegekid556 avatar

Looks deadly


Looks like a Pokémon

u/Comdr_Bill_Norton avatar

Lego frog, really!

It looks like it's made of candy


Omg. He looks fake yet real at the same time. So cute

I thought it was a robot


Blue Milk


Gotta catch ‘em all!

This guy looks like if I tried to make a sugar cookie regular frog but fucked up the royal icing.

In 25 years on the web, this is first time seeing it 😊

Seems tiring to be so shiny.


Part robot, part balloon animal

u/AlfredBird avatar

Pokémon IRL.

What in the anime

What will Jeff Bezos come up with next?

Apparently you can buy anything on Amazon


I thought it was made out of lego before it started moving. That's super cool looking


Crap, I thought it was a picture of a Pokémon until it stated to move.

Pokemon escaped.

 Amazon sells Frog now ?!?


Which Pokemon is that? Experts answer please! Thank you!

u/M2g3Tramp avatar

Looks like a bulbasaur to me.

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u/LakersRebuild avatar

Amphibious option logged
. Theater matching in progress
. Defense contract initiated

u/Mistake-of-a-Man avatar

The blue toes look like little gummies.

are they for real ?!?! wow they look sooo cool 😎 thanx for sharing


wow! milky!

It looks like a Lego


Looking like a delicious milk gummy.


Poisonous frog, death can be cute sometimes.

Aww it's adorable. It's going to kill me isn't it?

Looks like a Zbrush sculpt come to life.

You can get frogs on Amazon?! What's the link?

That thing looks delicious. If it were a gummy I would consume it.


Is this where milk steak comes from?

[[Star Wars cantina music Intensifies]]




Didn't know Amazon made live animals. All probably get shipped prime. Can't imagine 3 or 4 plus days being healthy for the frog thing.

Looks like it’s fake or made of plastic. Weird.

How is that thing made of bath suds?

Looking like a 3D printed robot.

u/Merithrax avatar

Neat a frog ! Starts chainsaw.

Amazing too


Is that a yoshi?

Papa Smurf


I'm been looking on amazon Can't see these frogs anywhere. Maybe ebay?


All hail hypnotoad

u/themoistimportance avatar

So where does the milk come out?

Im glad we have footage of this for the day when none of these species exist anymore

Is this available with prime?

These aliens, wheres Agent K when you need'em, would ask for Smith but.


Is it made from Amazon Milk or does it make Amazon Milk?


Does it have nipples? Can you milk it?

u/Anthraxious avatar

Cool af but why isn't it in the amazon where it belongs?

Ooooooohhhh it has low poly graphics

u/justuselotion avatar

And here I was expecting some milk dispenser, shaped like a frog, that I could buy off Amazon.

I too am grossed out at myself.

Lactoad, The Milk Frog Pokemon

It's Milk is said to be as nutritious as it is poisonous.


Major Jojo stands revealed.


Spicy milk boi