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Climate Change And Gross Domestic Product – Need For A Drastic Overhaul

Updated Feb 22, 2022, 07:30pm EST
This article is more than 3 years old.

Markets and society experience a state of increased incoherence and apprehension. They are concerned by the climate change challenges (and orange skies), the pandemic developments, the rising social injustice, and the inequality stats. Economic and market numbers only add to the consternation. Society and policymakers are eagerly looking for tools to mend the egregious state of affairs.

But this situation didn't arise overnight.

Even pre-COVID-19, there was a fiscal deficit of nearly $1 trillion, while experiencing the longest economic expansion since the end of WWII, with 128 months of successive economic expansion. Pre-COVID-19, in September 2019, the Federal Reserve Bank restarted printing money (Quantitative Easing) to keep the US Treasury Market repo market afloat, and this while the Fed had brought $6 trillion (net) of QE money in circulation between 2008 and that September month. Pre-COVID-19, intangibles (goodwill, future growth prospects,…) made up 84% of all enterprise value on the S&P 500, a massive increase from just 17% in 1975.

COVID-19 just catapulted numbers in the universe of disbelief, except for greenhouse gas emissions. The above financial numbers have one theme in common: they are all referenced to a Gross Domestic Product metric. The intrinsic health and capacity of budget deficits, Central Bank balance sheets, economic expansions, a country's debt level, and the universe of financial assets are all assessed against this metric of real economy activity.  

Let's look at how we measure production and change

To steer society and economy back on track, the same yardstick is used that lead markets and society astray in the first place. It was developed at a time when law enforcement ambushed Bonnie and Clyde in Louisiana. In 1934, Russian born Simon Kuznets concocted the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) benchmark for a Congress report. During the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, the concept would take shape when GDP was introduced as the primary gauge measuring a country's economic health. Kuznets would receive the 1971 Nobel Prize for his empirically founded interpretation of economic growth, including work on the Kuznets curve, detailing the interplay between economic growth and inequality.

Now, GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period. Numerically it can be represented as the sum of private consumption, government expenditure, corporate investments, and the balance of export and import trade. The GDP in the US stands currently at approximately $20 trillion and global GDP is valued at around $90 trillion (2019 numbers).

Per the methodology, GDP improves with increases in COVID-19 deaths. GDP gets a boost from waging foreign wars with domestically produced armaments and supplies. The GDP measure is positively correlated with both deaths from car accidents as well as opioid overdose. The more climate change triggered typhoons, hurricanes and wildfires (California, Oregon, Washington, Greece, Portugal, etc.) occur, the more GDP would stand to benefit from repairs and restructuring undertakings. The more prisons are built, the more massive the uptick in GDP. The metric doesn't distinguish at all between investment in fossil fuel, prison infrastructure or pre-schooling facilities. Or more succinctly put, it fails to discern between sustainable development and prudential care of our commons on the one hand and abusive market behavior and extraction activity triggering behavioral and environmental externalities on the other.

From a policy perspective, the GDP measure is as efficient as a blunt butcher knife in holographic laser brain surgery.

It was perplexing to hear former Bank of India governor, Raghuram Rajan, of fault lines fame, reviewing Indian GDP developments without reserve. In a recent podcast, "I'm here to cause some trouble – crisis economy, a critique, and a solution", Rajan remained very indulgent of the metric as if it were still a relevant, uncontested metric in the economic and monetary policy toolbox.  

What are some alternatives?

How could an alternative measure be designed to reallocate capital and redirect resources to the most fragile fault lines in this multi-headed crisis situation? Could conscientious consumption and investment be graded with a higher weighting to the new metric? How can we trigger a shift from the plenty we don't need to the wholesome we want more of (crime-less streets and harmonious communities, partnership efforts for improving the commons, child care, time with friends and family, public health, environmental regeneration,…)?

Rethinking Economics, an international network of students, academics, and professionals are addressing the shortfalls of contemporary economics education. It looks at relationships between policy decisions relating to the public pandemic, financial crisis, social injustice turmoil and climate change, and the impact on the general public's everyday lives. What does a 2% increase in GDP mean, if more than 12% (2017 numbers) of your population (including children as of age twelve) consumes antidepressants?

The OECD designed the Better Life Index. The United Nations computes a Human Development Index, which ranks countries based not only on GDP per capita but also on other factors, such as life expectancy, literacy, and school enrollment. Bhutan established the Gross National Happiness Index, centered around governance, sustainable and equitable development, environmental conservation, and cultural preservation. But they each have their shortcomings.

Under the stewardship of Dr. Riane Eisler, the Center for Partnership Studies (CPS) has been working on a new metric focusing not only on a better general life quality as an economic goal but also on changing economic thinking in ways appropriate for our post-industrial, climate change impacted and post-COVID 19 eras. This Social Wealth Index (SWI) is designed to provide business and government policymakers data highlighting the economic return from investing in caring for people and nature. It considers findings from neuroscience demonstrating that the "high-quality human capital" required for our new knowledge-service economy largely hinges on ensuring good care and education for children in their early years. In short, the SWI points to new ways of thinking about economic health in new ways. This new perspective recognizes value, and rewards the typically non-market areas such as "women's work," care work, and environmental regeneration, and it includes social and economic justice work as "productive work." 

So, how could a relevant new metric be developed along with those domains?

Regarding care, Canadian anthropologist Wade Davis reported recently that the average American father spends less than 20 minutes a day in direct communication with his child. By the time young people reach the age of 18, they will have spent two full years watching television or staring at a laptop screen, contributing to an obesity epidemic that the Joint Chiefs have called a national security crisis. When accurately accounted for, counter-intuitively, care emerges as both a prime mover of economic growth and a reliable indicator of a nation's current and future societal well-being, including economic vitality and disinclination towards criminal activity. Care offers a social fabric, an eco-system of connections, based on trust, reciprocity, and sharing. It avails a walk on the street without the risk of being mugged; it offers governance focused on the quality of life, ethical values, and decency; it provides society's back when encountering misfortune. 

Regarding environmental regeneration, last week, representatives from BP, Shell, Unilever UL , Nestlé and BlackRock BLK joined forces to establish a new Taskforce on Scaling Private Sector Voluntary Carbon Markets. As an increasing number of companies commit to reducing emissions. Investors demand clear, credible transition plans, and a well-functioning voluntary carbon market will be critical to reaching net-zero and net negative goals. To meet this growing demand, the current market will need to scale at least 15x, and potentially 160x.

Another example, Alipay, a Chinese payment platform, turned the power of its digital technology to promote climate action in August 2016. Since its launch, Alipay Ant Forest has attracted over 500 million users, planted 100 million real trees in Northwest China covering a total area of 112,000 hectares, and protected a total area of 12,000 hectares of conservation land.

The new GDP metric would gain in appeal if the reward for the regenerative effort was dynamically linked to the remaining carbon reserve of 1,170 GT Co2.  

The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement with an epic ambition to grow a 7,000 km agricultural and forest wonder world across the entire width of Africa. The $8 bn carbon sink project, sponsored by the World Bank and EU, was initiated in 2007 to impede climate change's environmental devastation, to alleviate the human depravity, and to mitigate the impetus to mass migration up north. In 2020, only 4% of progress has been achieved. Making the Great Green Wall an integral part of the carbon sink supply of the newly established Private Sector Voluntary Carbon Market initiative would provide new traction to vast agricultural land development, weaken the need for migration and generate increased financial resources. A modified GDP metric could capture these developments and contribute to the region’s token of increased eco-system stability and improved wellbeing.

Regarding repair and healing, President Jimmy Carter recently noted that in its 242-year history, America had enjoyed only 16 years of peace, making it, as he wrote, "the most warlike nation in the history of the world." Since 1979, China has been at war with anybody. To sustain this bellicose appetite, the US has budgeted $633 billion in military spending for the 2020 fiscal year, while only $72 billion and $106 billion have been earmarked for health and human services. The new metric could assign a low weighting to military spending while favoring expenditure on care and health. Even after honoring the (military) defense obligations of the USD reserve currency status (something which every empire in history has pursued), there could be a substantial re-allocation to address the multiple-headed crises' pain points.


Given the magnitude of the crises challenges, the time has come to re-imagine a new metric combining multi-disciplinary wisdom and data architecture expertise capturing and incentivizing human activity from the angle of creativity, innovation, care, healing, and regeneration.  

The new metric for Gross Domestic Product is only one novel building block. But it will be the cornerstone from which to capture value contribution and to redirect capital towards the healing of the broken market system, the caring of the lost soul, and regeneration of the poisoned eco-system.

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