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Challenge00 - Pre-requisites

The below lists the Installation Prerequisites technical and Knowledge References needed to complete all challenges.

Installation Prerequisites

  • NOTE: This version of the OpenHack assumes hackers are on a Windows client machine, but hints are included for *nix users.
  • Download this Github to your local drive.

Needs to be installed before starting Challenge01:

  • 1. Check if you have one of the below Azure Subscription
    • Your Work Internal Subscription
    • Visual Studio Subscription
    • Free

NOTE: If you going to use CloudShell to deploy Azure API for FHIR go to step 3. If you are going to use PowerShell complete below steps.

  • 2. (Optional) Microsoft Powershell:

    • 2.1. You will need powershell in order to run the operations in this document. The correct installation steps for your platform can be found here.

    • 2.2. Install prerequisite PowerShell modules: While there are other options, we recommend PowerShell scripts in Windows for challenges in this Github. Run PowerShell as Administrator.

      • NOTE: This section lists versions for Az and AzureAD modules. If you are having PowerShell issues in Challenge01, double-check all PowerShell Modules.

      • Get PowerShell module version: Make sure your version is 5.1. If not, install this version.

      • Get Azure PowerShell module versions: If your results show Az version 4.1.0 and AzureAd version, then proceed to login step. If not, get the right versions.

        Get-InstalledModule -Name Az -AllVersions
        Get-InstalledModule -Name AzureAd -AllVersions
      • If these aren't the versions you have installed, uninstall and re-install PowerShell modules: Uninstall Az and AzureAd modules and install the right version needed.

        Uninstall-Module -Name Az
        Uninstall-Module -Name AzureAD
        Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 4.1.0 -Force -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck
        Install-Module AzureAD -RequiredVersion

        NOTE: If you get an error that AzureRM Module is conflicting with Az Module, run the below

        Uninstall-Module -Name AzureRM
      • NOTE: If you are using a *nix platform (Mac or Linux), you will need to install the AzureAD.Standard.Preview module instead of AzureAD:

        # Step 1: If you already installed the AzureAD module, uninstall it
        Uninstall-Module AzureAD
        # Step 2: Add a package source for AzureAD.Standard.Preview module
        Register-PackageSource -Trusted -ProviderName 'PowerShellGet' -Name 'Posh Test Gallery' -Location
        # Step 3: Install and import AzureAD.Standard.Preview module
        Install-Module AzureAD.Standard.Preview
        Import-Module AzureAD.Standard.Preview
    • 2.3. Current Release of Azure CLI

    • 2.4. .NET Core 3.1 (SDK)

  • 3. Postman

  • 4. Optional Java 1.8 (JDK, not JRE install). Java JRE vs SE vs JDK.

Needs to be installed before starting Challenge02:

NOTE: If you going to use PaaS endpoint to convert HL7 to FHIR, skip this section. If you are going to use Open Source to convert HL7 to FHIR and load into FHIR server, complete below steps.

Knowledge References

The below services are used across all challenges. Familiarity of these services will not only help you complete but enhance your learning. It's recommended you right-click on the links below and open in new tab.

  • FHIR

    • Azure API for FHIR enables to easily create and deploy a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) service for health data solutions.
    • Azure API for FHIR Documentation is a managed, standards-based, compliant API for clinical health data that enables solutions for actionable analytics and machine learning.
    • HL7 FHIR FHIR is a standard for health care data exchange, published by HL7®.
    • MLLP Relay is a standardized transport mechanism to send HL7 v2 messages over a network using the HTTP protocol.
  • Synthea

    • Synthea is an open-source synthetic patient and associated health records generator that simulates the medical history of synthetic patients. Synthea generates HL7 FHIR records using the HAPI FHIR library to generate a FHIR Bundle
  • Azure Services

    • Azure Active Directory

    • Azure AD PowerShell

    • Azure Powershell Module

    • Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's object storage solution, optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data.

    • Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 is a set of capabilities dedicated to big data analytics, is the result of converging the capabilities of our two existing storage services, Azure Blob storage and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1.

    • Azure Storage Explorer is Azure storage management used to upload, download, and manage Azure blobs, files, queues, and tables, as well as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Data Lake Storage entities.

    • Azure Function is a serverless compute service that lets you run event-triggered code without having to explicitly provision or manage infrastructure.

    • Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus can decouple applications and services.

    • Azure Logic Apps is used to build automated scalable workflows, business processes, and enterprise orchestrations to integrate your apps and data across cloud services and on-premises systems.

    • Azure Web App enables you to build and host web apps, mobile back ends, and RESTful APIs in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure.

    • Azure Batch runs large-scale applications efficiently in the cloud. Schedule compute-intensive tasks and dynamically adjust resources for your solution without managing infrastructure.

    • Azure Data Factory is Azure's cloud ETL service for scale-out serverless data integration and data transformation.

    • Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform.

    • Azure SQL Database is a managed, secure, and intelligent product that use the SQL Server database engine in the Azure cloud.

  • Power Platform

    • Power Query is a data transformation and data preparation engine.
    • PowerBI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.
  • IoT

    • IoT Central helps create, customize, and manage healthcare IoT solutions using IoT Central application templates. Continuous patient monitoring is one application template in healthcare IoT space.


Go to Challenge01 - Azure API for FHIR: Generate, Ingest and Store synthetic data into Azure API for FHIR