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Male elf is hot

u/Pixel_Knight avatar

Always has been.


Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot. like. me?


Huh. TIL I’m gay.

It’s not gay if you don’t dip into his sunwell, bro

u/Dracidwastaken avatar

His sunwell got destroyed by a big dude

I hear he got stuck half way

u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar

MURU does sound like it could be the name of a rectal salve.

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Only gay if you push back...

I learned many years ago. I was making fun of my roommate for accidently being gay in another video game, and he said "I'm gay? Dude, type /flirt. "

I learned many things about myself, that day.

To be fair, you are only gay when crossing species essentially, you are gay when it comes to beastiality.

How you doin papi? 😏🍆💦

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Male troll is cute. The meme is inaccurate in that.

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I don't remember where I read it or if it was a reddit post, but I remember a description of a Dwarven society where gender was impossible to decipher even for dwarves, so most of their mating rituals centered around trying to determine the gender of who they wanted to be with.

u/Morvahna avatar

Sounds like Discworld to me

It’s 100% Discworld. GNU Sir Pterry.

u/Dull-Ad5739 avatar

Furry convention WoW style

u/GhostofJeffGoldblum avatar



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u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar


Gimli is quoted as pointing out that other races can't tell the difference between the two. It's partly to do with the fact that dwarves are portrayed as being exceedingly secretive in the private lives and affairs when it came to outsiders. For most of Middle Earth's history, it was a rarity to meet a dwarf unless you had stumbled your way inside a mountain. They didn't really go out for much and they strongly preferred nobody come in to poke their noses around.

Dwarves were so secretive that they kept their language as much of a secret as they could and held secret names for themselves that were used among kith and kin. Gimli isn't really named Gimli. Its just his walking-about alias for dealing with Men and Elves. They don't even keep their true names in documents like the Book of Mazarbul where Ori still refers to himself, the late Balin, and his comrades by their names in the tongue of Men. We can tell that from the fact he uses the same names that the dwarves used to introduce themselves to Bilbo Baggins (who is certainly not a dwarf).

The fact that we even get a few words of Khuzdul out of Gimli is mostly because the dude was on full tilt for all of Moria and was 1000% out of his gourd on grief and rage.

Getting back to the point, most races on Middle Earth seem to have a trend that women are less likely to adventure than men. The dwarves basically take it to eleven and it's was unheard of for a dwarven lady to hit the roads barring another mass exodus from home due to some fire-related hazards. So it was just the case that due to the lack of dramatic sexual dimorphism (compared to other races) between the genders the other races of Middle Earth were left scratching their heads.

But it's kind of absurd to think that this society that has been fucking since time immemorial hasn't managed to weed out a system of telling which end of the Luer-lock someone is. Even among a prudish and prideful people, that shit is important.

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Lmao it really exists. Sad it is a dead sub :(

It doesn’t have much to offer lol

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u/toomuchradiation avatar

In Pratchett's guard cycle there was a dwarf woman who wanted to do girly things like wearing dresses, using makeup and perfume and all of it was shunned in dwarven society. So she ran away in big city and let herself go wild. But she didn't abandon two things, her trusty axe and her beard cause it would've been too much even for her.

And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf-women, and that the dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground.

u/SkullDaisyGimp avatar

That's one sexy dwarf.


Indeed 👀

u/SikariZen avatar

Male or female?

u/Discomanco avatar


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I always laughed about the orcs, like the men are over here all hunched over like they have intense back pain and the ladies are over to the side going like "I told you to go see the chiropractor, now look at you, all hunched over, so stubborn".

I would take an effeminate male night elf over the abominations we currently have tbh

u/SuspiciousPeppermint avatar

The hunchback pains me

u/wetknot avatar

Not to mention the way they constantly sway left and right like they can't find their balance.

u/-timenotspace- avatar

That’s just what it’s like being tall

u/bromjunaar avatar

As a big and tall guy, I managed to constantly piss off my ex when we were walking next to each other because I kept swaying a bit as I walked.

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u/SilverCyclist avatar

This is why they can't be Druids.

The swaying animation is what kills it for me. I could get over the rest of their appearance but the animation is just horrid

u/BSSolo avatar

Yeah, it really sucked when they introduced that with the new WoD models.

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u/duckwithahat avatar

The Dorito torso kills them for me.

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u/Opechan avatar

OP, why is a female dwarf on the top row?


Hahaha ikr

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We need weight options.. I want to play a thinner orc.. not a peon

Me not that kind of orc!

That's my text ringtone

u/Iblisellis avatar

Mine is Work! Work! 👁

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I wanna play a fat goblin

u/G1m1NG-Sc1enT1st03 avatar

Like Gallywix?


u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar

I, too, desire to have the clubbed fingers and hyperthyroidism of the rich and powerful.

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...and more hair options, so I can finally make a Kul Tiran that looks like me.

I’m fat like G’huun since working from home with the pandemic

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u/Yipyiff avatar

I want twink orc now

a beta orc?

u/Kukie080 avatar

bring in beta female trolls

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Hahaha true


Same. I wish we had more variations

u/Agleza avatar



Absolute blasphemy.

You just want thicc goat mamas.

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Hey! I resent the dwarf representation 😄

u/bobofred avatar

Female dark iron are hot. Change my mind.

u/SilverCyclist avatar

When you love in a volcano, it's hard to argue.

u/ProfessorSpike avatar


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It's not their fault. They had to reuse that because nobody has any clue what a female dwarf looks like.

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u/KnightGabriel avatar

Female Tauren and Worgen: allow us to introduce ourselves

u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar

Female Tauren are like a beach volleyball recruiter's wet dream. Look at that fucking wingspan and those delts.


Also Undead, Goblins, and Gnomes

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Ben Crowshaw, probably better known as Yahtzee from the Zero Punctuation series, has a brilliant quote from his review of Cataclysm on this topic:

"I've always thought it a bit odd that the male orcs, trolls, and undead are all hunched, twisted monsters and the females are all basically just discoloured human hotties with bad dentistry. I mean, come on, trolls have tits? Do they breastfeed their kids while their tusks are coming out? They'd gouge out their fucking lungs!"

The lady trolls bother me the most. Why do they have such good posture?!?

u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar

I feel like I'm stepping into snitties territory here, but...

Humans breastfeed for a year on average. Most babies start getting teeth in around 6 to 8 months. If we can assume a similar sort of life history for trolls then you're dealing with probably not much more than 6 months of having teeth coming in while still breastfeeding.

So, it'd probably require some pretty explosive growth of the tusks to be able to, as they say, "gouge out their fucking lungs". Let's look at some creatures with tusks for a little bit of insight.

We'll start with pigs since their tusk dimorphism is sort of loosely similar to that of trolls - the males getting some fairly obvious and nasty dentition while the females are kind of just left with a mean underbite. It takes over 2 years for pigs to start getting appreciable tusk dentition based on the hormone driven-growth. For reference, they also only breast feed for about a month. So this is well beyond the pale of nicking mommy's nips.

Let's turn to everyone's favorite tusked animal! Elephants! By coincidence, they also generally start growing their ivory out at about 2 years old. They also completely stop nursing at this time. No risk of impalement to be found.

The general trend here is that things with pointy projections from their mouths tends not to get those things until after they stop breastfeeding. It'd be strange if trolls were so different as to be biologically suicidal.

Honestly, I don't mean to get sassy with the dead here, but... Ben, how do you think troll mothers sustain their babies? Do they regurgitate food like birds? Do they sweat out a sugar-rich psuedo-milk from their armpits like a platypus? Is that more likely than troll boobs? Really?

Animals do in fact not need permanent boobs for milk though. Not to say this wasn't an incredibly interesting read, cause it was.

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u/gemitarius avatar

I hate to be that person but at least in folklore trolls are much more variated than fantasy works have acostumed us to believe. They can live in large family units, including babies and children, and the female trolls can have large boobs too because of all the babies. You could argue that wow trolls are different because of the tusks and "how far removed they are from folklore trolls" but they are based in that creature and their original design and concept carries those origins. And finally, we have seen troll babies in the game (jungle trolls) and they have barely any tusks, they develop them as they grow older like any other mammalian with tusks.

What i would like to see more than trolls with "good posture" is for the females to be more monstruos.

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Clearly this chart shows a disturbing lack of massive chested thick dwarf woman. You can't tell me with how much breast milk they steal blizzard isn't aware of this.

u/SilverCyclist avatar

It's more of a milkstout

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Honestly, WoW does a fairly good job of not going overboard with this. The females have far more varied body types here than in most MMOs. Its not like in FF14 where the races are basically the same model but with different height ranges and head accessories.

Female Dwarves are cute, this is a dumb meme.

Pretty clear this is dnd meme with some lazy edits.

Lazy WoW meme turned lazy dnd meme turned lazy wow meme.

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u/Pesime avatar

We thinking of the same fem orcs cuz idk about this one

If you don't have a female dwarf paladin what are you even doing.

I've never seen a dwarf woman and neither have you. They don't exist and you cant prove it

Alpha female trolls were awesome. Female orcs and trolls now just make me angry. If I want to be "pretty" I'll play an elf.

u/Vandosz avatar

Tbf this isnt really applicable to warcraft. Theres always been varied female models

u/FrosthawkSDK avatar

Draenei and trolls are kinda the main offenders. Trolls mostly just their posture. But for like orcs, yeah. Orc women are fuckin' jacked, especially after the model revamp.


What about the furry races, they got dimorphism pretty bad as well. Even after the revamp, m worgen are far more beastly looking than uwu fem worgen.

Imo, the revamp actually made it way worse, and I play 90% fem worgen. I contemplate coming back on a regular basis, but I'm pretty sure i've now quit for good with anime worgen.

Honestly I really like the new models, 100x better than whatever the fuck those ugly ass chihuahua things were.d

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worgen... 😬

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I'm ok with this.

u/Lo-Kel avatar

Thanks to bro culture/dude club in the industry this has just been the standard for years. Not saying OMG-sexy-chicks-bad, I'm just not sure how Warcraft doing this, is any different than than Final Fantasy, etc.

u/Kazper661 avatar

Probably because people don't want to play weird gross monsters? If you want it the option is there on the male side I guess they could flip it and make males pretty and females ugly? Don't really see a point. There's a reason blood elves despite being added after vanilla for horde and humans + night elves for alliance are the most played races by a mile.

u/flyingboarofbeifong avatar

Probably because people don't want to play weird gross monsters?

Counterpoint: every undead rogue that doesn't have a lower jawbone

I fucking love that option lol

Counterpoint: Tongue physics make that option so funny that you can’t not use it.

Counterpoint: Blizzard stated numerous times that players are less likely to play ugly races & the pretty races are by far the most popular ones.

Back in beta female trolls were fucking hideous, but they changed it because of player feedback.

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Yeah but variety. What's the point of a zillion races if they all try to fulfill the same niche in a different colour?

u/SaltLich avatar

Mostly because the popular niches are so popular that variety within those fields appeals to more people than catering to niches outside of it. So from a cost/benefit analysis, you get more out of cranking out another variety of sexy humanoid than making playable Ogres or Naga. Personally, variety is good (I'd love to get playable Dryads/Keepers some day, though the mount issue makes that unlikely) but I can see why the smaller niches get left out in the cold.

Also, people also like to lose their minds when a new race is introduced that they don't want to play because they dislike the look of it on a personal level (dracthyr, mechagnomes, kt females), so that's another factor working against more variety in playable races.

u/AutoModerator avatar

Sowwy >w<
But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ
Good thing I was here to help ^w^
I hope you're having a great day :3

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u/Kazper661 avatar

But there is? You can still make your male orc, tauren, undead, goblin, troll or whatever else. The people who complain that there are no super super ugly females are the people who wouldn't even play them to begin with. Having the females be pretty is a way for them to allow people to play a race that they like the lore of but not the stereotypical ugly look of. Like I said they could make the males pretty and females ugly but that changes absolutely nothing about the situation other than appeasing the anti-sexualized women squad (which they aren't anyways).

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I don't doubt many gravitate to playing the pretty races but on the BE point I'm sure a big part of that also had to do with BE being the only option for paladin for a long time and also having a really good racial that I think was only nerfed fairly recently.

u/Kazper661 avatar

If that were true it would have shrunk overtime but it hasn't. People want to play on the horde side because it's the most popular and play a race where they could be either male or female and not have their eyes explode. Humans and night elves are similarly popular on alliance because dwarfs gnomes worgen and space goats are similarly just not satisfying to spend hours of your life looking at.

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That is why I have a reflection Kul Tarin, looks like a real women.

Auto correc

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Girls don’t want to play as an ugly girl


That's not true for everyone tho


Not sure if that's very different for guys. Belves are still massively the most popular Horde race.

I absolutely do want to play as an ugly badass monster. Which is one reason I freaking love Charr from GW2.

I want to play as a cool strong beastial woman just as much as you want to play as a cool strong beastial man.

True. When I want a big heroic character then I create a male.

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Thanks to bro culture/dude club in the industry this has just been the standard for years.

I know that some people for w/e reason believe that people want to play as ugly ass looking races and they only look like hot babes because of "dude bros", but it's just not true. People don't enjoy playing ugly races, there's a reason why the prettiest ones are by far the most popular ones.

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u/Ok_Moose7738 avatar

That’s why the imp mother is best waifu



Literally the reason why I kinda really love female dwarfs tbh

I dont think youve seen female orcs and trolls ingame

Or male trolls

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This is completely inaccurate! Elves are blue.

Not Belfs

I was joking.

Sorry. I struggle with interpreting online sarcasm

No worries, mate!

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And so are Zandalaris

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Elf guy's waist isn't thin enough.


Hahha the hourglass guy

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u/ColCyclone avatar

Yeah, that's why I laugh at the horde still making faction jokes.

Horde for 16 years and I just can't stand the armor looking like shit anymore on my deformed character.

Night elf master race

u/DFN_Shigetora avatar

So what? This way is fine.

Orc women are pretty burly with a six pack and dwarf women don’t have beards.

This also doesn’t seem very WoW related.


I’ve tried to roll a femal dawrf but even as a joke I get a couple levels in and just everything about them is bad. If they had beards it would be better.

The fact that the female dwarfs in wow can't have beards should be a federal offense.

jokes aside I agree, they LOOK good specially the dark irons, but their animations are SO stiff it just feels weird playing them.

Why are you downvoted? I'm pretty sure I read that it's Warcraft canon for dwarf women to frequently have beards.

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u/Isnifffingernails avatar

But they renamed Finkle's Lava Dredger, because it made some people feel unsafe.

u/PoshDiggory avatar



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Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkle!

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Is think you got the troll one backwards.

Beards for dwarf women like in lotr would be awesome :D

The accuracy!

u/HolypenguinHere avatar

Stay away from those crooked elves /
They look like women and they smell like hell /
So if you would take my sound advice /
Keep a distance of at least ten feet /

fuck generic human recolors none of my homies wank to video game models

u/Full-Peak avatar

Sexual dimorphism is real


One of the gags I play on my Orc warrior is to always refer to elf players as female.

Ha, the horde wish it was like that. THey wouldn't be so frustrated.

I don’t see the problem.

Lmao make elf spot on, although the Nightborn can be different

Are all the females of races except dwarf supposed to be fruits? Why are the male elf’s fruits ?

u/Bwgmon avatar

And here I thought people moved on from the fruit jokes like 6 months ago.

Jokes are never too old to be dug out of the grave just look at troll face


Sorry if a meme hurt you! 👌🏻💁🏻‍♂️

The meme didn’t hurt me lol I was just making a joke, I’m sorry that my silly joke hurt you and the redditard’s feelings

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This is why we play dwarves lassies!


That shade on female dwarves tho... Lmao!

u/Atomic_stoic avatar

Good luck finding a female elf.

Love this lol


Haha thanks

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this chart can also double as blizz releasing new classes

top half: all the og classes playable in a variety of races

bottom half: all new classes only playable as elf





I beg to differ on the demon… I run around with my demon slave boy incubus all day 🥵

On Lineage 2 Dwarf females are lolis which by itself is weird but when you pair them up with their male counterparts, who actually look like old farts the implication is just plain fucking gross.

I know its Korean but come on, guys. Theres limits.

u/Moreski avatar

I would love to have beard on female dwarf , or even better , let us the possibility to have a female dwarf with the same model as male with subtle change ( trimmed beard , different hair )

I assume Kul tiran is the same as the dwarves

Imp Mother would like to know your location