Dance Teacher

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the dance teacher lesson plan book is shown with purple flowers and black writing on it
Ballet Teacher's Lesson Plan Free Printable
To download, sign up for the email list, and you'll get access to an exclusive page full of freebies!
the weekly stretching chart is shown in this image
Super Stretch - Just Dance AZ
a pair of ballet shoes sitting on top of a colorful striped background with the words tap dance and ballet
Danielle Knight
Tap Dance and Ballet: Dance Notes, Rubric, Terms, Quizzes,
a drawing of a ballerina in a frame with flowers and vines around it, that says tendu a la seconde
Reproducible Ballet Coloring Sheets (Digital)
ballet color page
the silhouettes of ballet dancers are shown in black and white, with text that reads what not to do in ballet
What not to do in ballet Part One. Click on photo to find out more information…
Vaganova Ballet Academy. Stretching and flexibility exercises. - YouTube Yoga, Gym, Ballet Class
Vaganova Ballet Academy. Stretching and flexibility exercises. - YouTube
a drawing of a man doing yoga in front of a white background with the words,'a ballet education notes on piroutes '
The Ballet Directory
Notes on Pirouettes a Ballet Education
a group of young children standing on top of yoga mats
Inspiring “Dance to Learn!” Curriculum- For Preschoolers
dance for preschoolers. The pizza is a great idea!! To keep in my 'babies' board so if I have a daughter who goes to dance and I can maybe give them this great idea! :)
young ballerinas sitting on the floor with text overlay how to keep class interesting
How to Keep Class Interesting
a group of young people walking across a dance floor with a piano in the background
Learn Hip Hop Dance Moves Step By Step
Learn Hip Hop Dance Moves Step By Step
a woman in purple pants and grey shirt doing a yoga pose with her hands behind her head
Ballet Bulletin: Barre Vocabulary
Ballet Bulletin: Barre Vocabulary
two women doing ballet moves in front of a mirror with the number 5 on it
Barre Body - Get a Dancer's Body for body+soul
At-home barre workout
two women doing yoga on purple mats in a gym
Core de ballet | Ballet News
core de ballet: Tone up with Scottish Ballet’s Core De Ballet, a specialised introduction to core-based ballet exercises. Join Gyrotonics Instructor Kate Menzies and dancers Luciana Ravizzi and Luke Ahmet for a 15-minute exercise routine designed to stretch, tone and energise.
two pictures of a woman in different colored leotards with her hands on her hips
Nice article on the most common ballet technique errors