Goods and services

56 Pins
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an image of a cartoon duck with many chicks
The Wise Little Hen
The Wise Little Hen- Goods and Services
the book cover for something good, with an image of two men running in front of him
First Grade - Social Studies
First Grade - Social Studies - FITC Finance and economics
the berenstain bears'trouble with money by stan and robin perenstain
First Grade - Social Studies
picture books about goods, services, wants, and needs
two children's books with the title roxaboxen
One of my favorite read alouds. It carries with it a beautiful sense of playful imagination, as well as being based on a true story, and a nice introduction into economics when you discuss with children what goods and services a town might provide.
the wall is decorated with paper houses and trees
A Gingerbread Town: A Study of Economics
Social Studies Lesson - this is genius! Teaches needs, wants, goods and services, and all about how a town works!
a child's drawing of a cityscape
Goods and Services Street As an assessment for Goods and Services mini unit, students draw a street where one side was businesses that sold Goods and the other side provided Services. Other good economics ideas on this page too.
a child's hand holding an open book that has drawings on it and the words hospital
Goods and Services Street. Students draw a street where one side was businesses that sold Goods and the other side provided Services.
an animated video showing how to use the apple as a football coach for sports teams
Goods and Services
Goods and Services | EconEdLink
two children's drawings depicting the differences between good and bad services
Needs, Wants, Goods and Services!
The Adventures of a First Grade Teacher: Needs, Wants, Goods and Services!
the berenstaian bears get the gimmies 1 - 2 video game
The Berenstain Bears Get The Gimmies (1-2)
▶ The Berenstain Bears Get The Gimmies (1-2) - YouTube Great story for teaching wants and needs. For more pins like this visit:
an image of good and service worksheet with people in the work area on it
Examples of Goods and Services | Worksheet |
Worksheets: Examples of Goods and Services
the worksheet for economic and business
Social Studies - Economics
goods and services - Google Search
two signs with words that say what things we don't really need but would like to have
Needs and Wants, Goods and Services sorting games - freebie