Cute jokes!

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a black and white photo with the words i will be posting telepathically today so if you think of something funny, that was me
You're welcome.
Wal-Mart Cake haha!
Home - SodaHead
Wal-Mart Cake haha!
a minion is standing next to a woman in front of a sign that says, daughter what is marriage?
So true:)
a man in a suit standing next to a woman with a speech bubble above her head
35 Funny Pictures
a black and white photo with the words, my life is 50 % wondering if it's too late to drink coffee and 60 % wondering if it's too early to drink alcohol
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
But Really Though
an image of jesus holding his hand to his face with the caption, i gave them hemp, the most useful plant they made it illegal
a cartoon drawing of a musical instrument with two speech bubbles above it that say,
20 Jokes Only Musicians Will Understand
a baby looking at the camera with an ad in front of it that says, if plan
a cartoon depicting a man laying on the ground with his feet up and talking to another man
Short on time? Here’s a quick burner for you
I don't know Why but this makes me laugh so hard Lol
a black and white photo with the words stalking is when two people go for a long romantic walk together, but only one of them knows about it
The Internet's Most Asked Questions