Gourmet Recipes

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three chocolate brownies stacked on top of each other with crumbs all over them
Fondant super moelleux au chocolat et spéculoos
four pieces of chocolate sitting on top of a white plate next to an orange and yellow napkin
Cubes Moelleux aux Amandes, glaçage rocher praliné
two pastries sitting in a muffin tin
Les madeleines à la vanille de Philippe Conticini et leurs secrets enfin dévoilés.
Madeleines vanille philippe conticini trois
there are many different types of cakes on the table with slices cut out and ready to be eaten
Trio de Cakes Marbrés
the number ten is made out of food
Number Cake à la Framboise {Défi Gourmand CuisineAddict} - Chocociframboise | Le blog
Number Cake à la Framboise {Défi Gourmand CuisineAddict} - Chocociframboise | Le blog
two pieces of bread with chocolate spread on top and one piece cut in half to show the inside
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Cake Honey banana – Gallymini_patisse
some cookies and a glass of milk on a table
Homemade Fig Bars - Weelicious
Homemade Fig Bars from weelicious.com I think I could totally play with the fillings on this, strawberries, blueberry, ect
a piece of chocolate pie on a white plate
Gâteau au chocolat et crumble de poires
1h 0m
a loaf of cake sitting on top of a white plate
Recette Quatre-quarts au chocolat : le rendez-vous des gourmands - 750g.com
Quatre-quarts aux pépites de chocolat
an image of christmas pastries being made in the shape of snowflakes
this would be fun!
several pieces of cake sitting on a glass plate with crumbs all over it
Crumb cake à la rhubarbe - L'Heure du Cream
Pour mon crumb cake à la rhubarbe, j'ai fini par jeter mon dévolu sur la recette de base d'Eva (auteur du livre du livre Crumb Cakes) . Pour la recette de la
a loaf of bread sitting on top of a cutting board next to some pears
Crumble cake poires & chocolat
Crumble cake poires & chocolat facile, crumble à la poudre de noisettes
a loaf of chocolate swirl bread on a cutting board with a candy cane in the background
Marbré sans oeuf sans lait (vegan) - Perle en sucre
Marbré sans oeuf sans lait (vegan)
there are many different types of cakes on the table
Perfect Petit Fours Recipe (with Tutorial)
How to Make Perfect Petit Fours - This post includes a picture tutorials and all the recipes you'll need for perfect, delicious petit fours!
3h 45m
a cake with chocolate icing and raspberries on it sitting on a plate
Recette Pièce montée de Madeleines - 750g.com
Sur un cône en polystyrène, piquer les madeleines KER CADELAC© à l’aide de piques en bois, en les plaçant en quinconce, et en alternant de manière aléatoire les Madeleines Marbrées Chocolat et les Madeleines Chocolat et Banane. Disposer des frambo...